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Principles NOT Parties Peace, Representative Governance & Liberty. Oppose Permanent War, NeoFeudalism & the Security State To whom will you run for help? C.S. Rob Baker

Woe to those who make unjust laws,
to those who issue oppressive decrees,
to deprive the poor of their rights
and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people...What will you do on the day of reckoning,
when disaster comes from afar? Where will you leave your riches? Nothing will remain but to cringe among the captives
or fall among the slain. Isaiah 10:1-5 NIV

"For what a p

erson sees and hears depends a good deal on where one is standing; it also depends on what sort of person you are." Lewis

"Wherever the law is, crime can be found." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to & you have found out the exact measure of injustice & wrong which will be imposed upon them, & these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” Frederick Douglas

"They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin

"The Ends do not justify the Means." Immanuel Kant

"A permanent war abroad means permanent anger against the United States by those countries and people that will be devastated by US military actions. Hate will increase, not lessen, and the terrible consequences of that hate will be used, in turn, as justification for more restrictions on civil liberties in the United States." Michael Ratner

"Partisanship, tribalism, fake news, & deceptive labels such as "Left" or "Right" trick people into not seeing what is in plain sight: Financing political campaigns, party organizations, front groups, media & think tanks by Corporate Lobbyists & Billionaires has overthrown our Republic. Corruption is legal & endemic thanks to the Supreme Court's "Citizens United" ruling. Mergers between competitors & the destruction of Unions has turned our markets into rackets. Permanent War & Wall Street have taken most of our nation's wealth, impoverished us & created a Police State. Feudalism, the dominant economic & political system throughout human history, is the agenda of the Elite."

It's not complicated.Israel has always had the power to have peace and security.Human & democratic rights for allOrAllow...

It's not complicated.

Israel has always had the power to have peace and security.

Human & democratic rights for all


Allow the West Bank and Gaza to become a fully independent country.

Christian, Muslim and Jewish Palestinians lived together peacefully for centuries until Zionists emigrated there.

Jewish Voice for Peace

Miko Peled

Essential defense of free speech.We have already lost Press Freedom. Now they want to criminalize dissent.Elise Stefanik...

Essential defense of free speech.

We have already lost Press Freedom. Now they want to criminalize dissent.

Elise Stefanik equates criticism of Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing and the slaughter of Christians and Muslims in Gaza with anti-Semitism. In reality she's one of the most anti-Jewish members of Congress.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

University of Pennsylvania

Harvard University

Jewish Voice for Peace


B'Tselem בצלם

Breaking the Silence

If Americans Knew

This is a clip from our show SYSTEM UPDATE, now airing every weeknight at 7pm ET on Rumble. You can watch the full episode for FREE here:

Gen*cide Joe Biden & the U.S. Department of State defend the slaughter of two million unarmed Christians and Muslims in ...

Gen*cide Joe Biden & the U.S. Department of State defend the slaughter of two million unarmed Christians and Muslims in Gaza. They cheer the destruction of homes, hospitals, schools, churches, mosques & refugee camps. They finance Apartheid & ethnic cleansing. They laugh at the lack clean water, food and medical care.

They oppose democracy & human rights. Censorship, Mass Surveillance & Rule by Oligarchs is their agenda.

Donald J. Trump is not the only threat to our freedom.

NeoFeudalism = Permanent War + Endless Debt.

It's no mystery why refugees flood our borders. Our wars, sanctions, Coups & Drug War created them.Twelve million Ukrain...

It's no mystery why refugees flood our borders. Our wars, sanctions, Coups & Drug War created them.

Twelve million Ukrainians fled. Haitians, Cubans, Venezuelans, Mexicans, Nicaraguans, Iraqis, Syrians, Afghans, etc.

Why did millions flee Ireland? England invaded, stole the land & starved the people. Jewish people fled from Hi**er; just like Christians & Muslims have fled the Apartheid Regime...

The phony drug war financed huge criminal organizations that are as powerful as governments while doing nothing to prevent, reduce or heal addiction.

President Joe Biden, like Donald J. Trump, serves the Ruling Elite. They don't care about immigrants one way or the other, as long as their power and wealth increases & ours is taken away...

While censoring & shadow banning opposition to the proxy war with Russia, the origin of Covid-19, U.S. wars, Coups and s...

While censoring & shadow banning opposition to the proxy war with Russia, the origin of Covid-19, U.S. wars, Coups and sanctions, Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and the slaughter of civilians by Z**nists...

"Meta announced that they have begun rolling out default end-to-end encryption for one-to-one messages and voice calls on Messenger and Facebook. While there remain some privacy concerns around backups and metadata, we applaud this decision. It will bring strong encryption to over one billion people, protecting them from dragnet surveillance of the contents of their Facebook messages.

Governments are continuing to attack encryption with laws designed to weaken it. With authoritarianism on the rise around the world, encryption is more important with each passing day. Strong default encryption, sooner, might have prevented a woman in Nebraska from being prosecuted for an abortion based primarily on evidence from her Facebook messages. This update couldn’t have come at a more important time. This introduction of end-to-end encryption on Messenger means that the two most popular messaging platforms in the world, both owned by Meta, will now include strong encryption by default.

For now this change will only apply to one-to-one chats and voice calls, and will be rolled out to all users over the next few months, with default encryption of group messages and Instagram messages to come later. Regardless, this rollout is a huge win for user privacy across the world. Users will also have many more options for messaging security and privacy, including how to back-up their encrypted messages safely, turning off “read receipts,” and enabling “disappearing” messages. Choosing between these options is important for your privacy and security model, and we encourage users to think about what they expect from their secure messenger.

Backing up securely: the devil is in the (Labyrinthian) details
The technology behind Messenger’s end-to-end encryption will continue to be a slightly modified version of the Signal protocol (the same as Whatsapp). When it comes to building secure messengers, or in this case, porting a billion users onto secure messaging, the details are the most important part. In this case, the encrypted backup options provided by Meta are the biggest detail: in addressing backups, how do they balance security with usability and availability?

Backups are important for users who expect to log into their account from any device and retrieve their message history by default. From an encryption standpoint, how backups are handled can break certain guarantees of end-to-end encryption. WhatsApp, Meta’s other messaging service, only provided the option for end-to-end encrypted backups just a few years ago. Meta is also rolling out an end-to-end encrypted backup system for Messenger, which they call Labyrinth.

Encrypted backups means your backed-up messages will be encrypted on Facebook servers, and won’t be readable without your private key. Enabling encrypted backups (necessarily) breaks forward secrecy, in exchange for usability. If an app is forward-secret, then you could delete all your messages and hand someone else your phone and they would not be able to recover them. Deciding between this tradeoff is another factor you should weigh when choosing how to use secure messengers that give you the option.

If you elect to use encrypted backups, you can set a 6-digit PIN to secure your private key, or back up your private keys up to cloud storage such as iCloud or Google Cloud. If you back up keys to a third-party, those keys are available to that service provider and could be retrieved by law enforcement with a warrant, unless that cloud account is also encrypted. The 6-digit PIN provides a bit more security than the cloud back-up option, but also at the cost of usability for users who might not be able to remember a pin.

Choosing the right secure messenger for your use case
There are still significant concerns about metadata in Messenger. By design, Meta has access to a lot of unencrypted metadata, such as who sends messages to whom, when those messages were sent, and data about you, your account, and your social contacts. None of that will change with the introduction of default encryption. For that reason we recommend that anyone concerned with their privacy or security consider their options carefully when choosing a secure messenger."

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Wishing all our blessed brothers and sisters who celebrate, a joyous and festive  . May the miracle of light inspire and...

Wishing all our blessed brothers and sisters who celebrate, a joyous and festive . May the miracle of light inspire and inform all of our acts such that we collectively uproot the darkness so that all may travel on the pathway to justice & peace. Tzedek Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof.

Zionism is anti-Semitic.

Jewish Voice for Peace

Israel murdered acclaimed Palestinian academic and activist Refaat Alareer, along with his brother, his sister and her f...

Israel murdered acclaimed Palestinian academic and activist Refaat Alareer, along with his brother, his sister and her four children. Alareer was just 44 years old. For more than 16 years, he worked as a professor of English literature at the The Islamic University of Gaza الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة and authored dozens of stories and poems about life under Israeli occupation in Gaza. “Whether it is my kids or any Palestinian kid or any Palestinian, no one is safe. No place is safe. Israel is bombing everywhere...

Israel murdered acclaimed Palestinian academic and activist Refaat Alareer, along with his brother, his sister and her f...

Israel murdered acclaimed Palestinian academic and activist Refaat Alareer, along with his brother, his sister and her four children. Alareer was just 44 years old. For more than 16 years, he worked as a professor of English literature at The Islamic University of Gaza الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة and authored dozens of stories and poems about life under Israeli occupation in Gaza. “Whether it is my kids or any Palestinian kid or any Palestinian, no one is safe. No place is safe. Israel is bombing everywhere...

Why is war permanent and debt endless?Oligarchs & Multinational businesses finance political campaigns, Party organizati...

Why is war permanent and debt endless?

Oligarchs & Multinational businesses finance political campaigns, Party organizations and dark money. They own & advertise on Corporate/State/Social Media. They finance foundations, think tanks, front groups & cultural organizations. They pay one-quarter the taxes they paid during the 1950s & 60s.

Why are working people financially precarious, unable to afford healthcare, college or trade schools, or homeless in the world's richest country?

Ukrainians have paid a fearsome price for the U.S. engineered Maidan Coup, the threat of NATO expansion into Ukraine & U...

Ukrainians have paid a fearsome price for the U.S. engineered Maidan Coup, the threat of NATO expansion into Ukraine & U.S. desire to prolong it's proxy war with Russia.

We pray for peace and justice. For Christian, Muslim, Jewish & nonreligious people in Palestine.Jewish Voice for Peace

We pray for peace and justice. For Christian, Muslim, Jewish & nonreligious people in Palestine.

Jewish Voice for Peace

Congress defines criticism of Apartheid Israel as anti-Semitism while one of the world's most powerful militaries attack...

Congress defines criticism of Apartheid Israel as anti-Semitism while one of the world's most powerful militaries attacks two million unarmed people & denies them clean water, food, medical care and shelter...

Dropping more bombs on its own people in the Gaza Prison Camp than the allies dropped on Dresden during World War II.

Jewish Voice for Peace

How do they justify using one of the world's most powerful militaries to attack an unarmed civilian population?Denying c...

How do they justify using one of the world's most powerful militaries to attack an unarmed civilian population?

Denying clean water, food, medical care & shelter to two million Christians and Muslims?

Erase a seventy-five year history of violent ethnic cleansing, & denial of basic human & democratic rights to five million Christians and Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank?

"Founded by a serial ra**st known as the “Haredi Jeffrey Epstein,” Israeli ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to “mass r**e” to a fetus cut from its mother.

Secretary of State Tony Blinken and President Joseph Biden have each echoed demonstrably false ZAKA testimonies about Hamas atrocities.

Marred by allegations of financial fraud, ZAKA is leveraging October 7 publicity to raise unprecedented sums of cash.

Its rival, United Hatzalah, has spun out bogus tales of babies baked in ovens as it closes in on a $50 million fundraising goal.

During an October 31 Senate hearing on Israel’s war in Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered his rationale for rejecting a ceasefire. Summoning as much emotion as a dour Democratic Party operative could muster, Blinken conjured up a gruesome scene intended to illustrate the savagery of Hamas, and the impossibility of negotiations with such an organization: “A young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents around the breakfast table,” Blinken intoned. “The father’s eye gouged out in front of his kids. The mother’s breast cut off, the girl’s foot amputated, the boy’s fingers cut off before they were executed.”

The Secretary of State concluded, “That is what this [Israeli] society is dealing with.”

Though Blinken did not state the source of his disturbing claim – and was not prompted to do so by any senator – it matched testimony delivered by Yossi Landau, the head of operations for the southern Israel region of a religious “disaster victim identification” organization called ZAKA. Indeed, Landau has rehashed various forms of the story Blinken referenced since October 12, detailing how Hamas militants viciously mutilated and killed a 6 and 8 year-old child and their parents in Kibbutz Beeri before dining in their home.

Despite the presence of multiple potential witnesses inside Beeri before ZAKA arrived to collect dead bodies, independent testimony corroborating Landau’s claim has yet to surface. Further, there are no recorded deaths of siblings around the age of 6 to 8 in Beeri on October 7. Any record of a young child killed in the manner Landau described is similarly nonexistent, as are photos of the murdered family he described. In fact, the only siblings anywhere close to this age range who died in the community on that day—12-year-old twins Liel and Yanai Hetrzroni—were killed by Israeli tank shelling.

Landau’s story – and by extension, Blinken’s testimony before the Senate – therefore appears to have been spun out of whole cloth; a cynical fabrication intended to dramatize the supposed barbarism of Hamas in order to widen the political space for Israel’s rampage in the Gaza Strip. As this investigation will demonstrate, Landau’s tale was merely one of many tall tales concocted by a small circle of dubious characters who have managed to shape the official narrative of October 7 in Western media.

Though Israeli officials played a central role in Tel Aviv’s misinformation campaign surrounding the events of October 7— falsely claiming, for instance, that the bodies of dead Jewish babies were found dangling from a laundry line in one kibbutz—the most inflammatory allegations have emerged from a collection of ultra-Orthodox volunteer organizations such as ZAKA. Though ZAKA specializes “in body collection and disposal,” the group has no coronary credentials and is staffed by droves of poorly trained volunteers.

From “confirming” the fraudulent story of beheaded babies found in a kibbutz to blatantly inventing others about Hamas fighters cutting fetuses out of pregnant women’s bodies, severing a little girl’s arm, and baking a baby in an oven, ZAKA and rival groups have demonstrated a remarkable gift for seeding the media with depraved tales of alleged Hamas brutality. In doing so, they have armed Western leaders like Blinken and President Joe Biden with the narrative they would weaponize in order to block ceasefire proposals and rearm a military that has killed over 15,000 civilians in Gaza in less than two months.

ZAKA now sits at the center of the Tel Aviv’s campaign to convince the world that Hamas not only r***d Israeli women on October 7, but has continued to abuse female hostages ever since. Indeed, Israel’s newly-unveiled, factually challenged “Civil Commission on Oct. 7th Crimes by Hamas against Women and Children” is heavily dependent on graphic second-hand claims provided by ZAKA. Yet it has been unable to produce a single firsthand testimony or video proving allegations of mass r**e.

Legacy media outlets have since repeated the group’s dubious allegations, with the UK’s Sunday Times, for example, dutifully quoting a senior ZAKA staffer who claimed: “it was clear they were trying to spread as much horror as they could — to kill, to burn alive, to r**e.”

ZAKA’s presence at the heart of a high-level r**e investigation, however, is fraught with irony. Until recently, Israeli media coverage of the organization largely focused on gruesome s*x crimes committed by its founder, ultra-Orthodox bigwig Yehuda Meshi-Zahav. Known among Jerusalem’s Orthodox community as “the Haredi Jeffrey Epstein” due to his well-documented penchant for ra**ng young people of both s*xes, Meshi-Zahav’s decades-long rampage of s*xual abuse was undoubtedly known to ZAKA staffers—and only came to an end following his su***de.

In addition to being a serial ra**st, ZAKA’s longtime leader was a profligate hustler, financing a lavish lifestyle with millions of dollars illegally pocketed from his organization. Brad Pearce, an independent scholar who published an extensive profile of ZAKA’s corruption in October 2023, described the group as “the most opaque and suspicious non-governmental organization I have ever investigated.”

Since its volunteers first emerged on the streets of Israel on their trademark motorbikes during the 1990s, ZAKA has engaged in a publicity war with rival ultra-Orthodox rescue groups such as United Hatzalah in a bid for millions from wealthy Jewish donors abroad. The competition between these organizations appears to be driving the stream of fake atrocity stories pouring in from both volunteer groups. The more promotion each outfit generates from the media and Western leaders, the more likely they are to smash their own fundraising goals.

The shock of October 7 has indeed proven a fundraising bonanza for these notoriously unscrupulous religious organizations, enabling them to transform the Israeli government, Western media outlets such as CNN, and the Biden administration into free publicity agents."

The Grayzone

Jewish Voice for Peace

If Americans Knew


Breaking the Silence

B'Tselem בצלם

Miko Peled

Norman Finkelstein

CODEPINK: Women For Peace

The Katie Halper Show: Livestream & Podcast

Marc Lamont Hill

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement

Jews for Palestinian Right of Return

Principles NOT Parties


The Nayirah testimony was false testimony given before the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990, by a 15-year-old girl who was publicly identified at the time by her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized and was cited numerous times by U.S. senators....


The police are free to ask questions, and the public is free to remain silent. Silence is your friend my friend.

1. Ask why you were pulled over; never answer that question. Don't respond to or argue with their answer. Keep your hands visible at all times. S**U

2. When asked questions say I am not discussing my day. S**U

3. Hand over your license, registration and insurance. Keep them handy. Sign the ticket. S**U

4. If they keep asking you questions, ask am I being detained or am I free to go? If free to go drive away gently, using your turn signal to merge.

5. Never consent to any search, but don't physically resist. State: I do not consent to any search. If they search anyway, your attorney may be able to have the search thrown out of court. S**U

6. If asked to step out of the car, comply, but lock the doors & roll the windows up. If asked why it's my property. Then S**U. Don't respond or argue.

7. If you are arrested say (specifically) I invoke my fifth amendment right to remain silent. S**U

8. If they keep asking you questions say I don't want to be questioned unless my attorney is present. S**U

9. If you are put in jail don't discuss your case with anyone but your attorney. S**U.

Anything you say will be used against you. Be polite. No attitude is needed. Don't claim to know your rights or engage in any argument. Show you know your rights by remaining silent. Silence protects you. It is your right to remain silent.

Pot Brothers at Law

Flex Your Rights

Police Accountability Report

Please share this with others for their benefit.

Principles NOT Parties

The chief duty of Police is to defend our rights. Many police don't understand that.

Miko Peled Jewish Voice for Peace Oppose tribalism, Apartheid & ethnic cleansing.Love your neighbor as yourself.

Miko Peled

Jewish Voice for Peace

Oppose tribalism, Apartheid & ethnic cleansing.

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו, despite the willingness of Hamas, delayed exchanging hostages for more than a month....

Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו, despite the willingness of Hamas, delayed exchanging hostages for more than a month. Hostages were, for his government, a useful pretext for a huge bombing campaign & ground invasion of the Gaza Prison Camp. A once in a generation opportunity for large-scale ethnic cleansing.

Not only were Israelis left unprotected on October 7th in the face of numerous warnings Hamas would attack, Israeli Defense Forces fired upon Israeli civilians and bombed structures where they were held.

Now Israel plans to flood tunnels in Gaza where the hostages are being held...

The irony is Israel could have had peace and security anytime it chose by withdrawing from its Gaza Gulag & the West Bank, allowing a fully independent nation, or extended human & democratic rights to all. Instead they chose to help establish Hamas in 1987, brought them to power in 2006 as it's prison gang ruling Gaza, kept them in power, & through it's Treasury financed them.

Jewish Voice for Peace

U.S. spends more subsidizing the merchants of death than China. Then our ultra-low tax rates on big businesses force exe...

U.S. spends more subsidizing the merchants of death than China. Then our ultra-low tax rates on big businesses force executives to outsource our jobs & factories to foreign owned factories. Despite record corporate profits year after year, more than 90% of business income is spent on share buybacks and dividends. Very little is left to spend on business development.

The analysis of official military spending figures, taking into account purchasing power and the full range of China’s military-related activities, estimates China’s spending was between $292 - $476 billion in 2022.

"Inasmuch as you did it to the least of these, you did it to me." Matthew 25Jewish Voice for Peace

"Inasmuch as you did it to the least of these, you did it to me."

Matthew 25

Jewish Voice for Peace


Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): The official story is that on October 7, 2023, thousands of evil Hamas terrorists broke out of their walled-in enclave and killed approximately 1,200 Israelis for no reason other than because they were evil and wanted to kill Jews. Nothing....

Governor Josh Shapiro & President Joe Biden weep with sympathy for a restaurant subject to a fifteen minute protest. The...

Governor Josh Shapiro & President Joe Biden weep with sympathy for a restaurant subject to a fifteen minute protest. The restaurant raised money for a charity that benefits Israeli Defense Forces and fired workers who expressed sympathy for people being slaughtered in Gaza.

Shapiro & Biden lied about the reason for the protest. Then they demanded elite universities shutdown free speech for those who voice support for human & democratic rights in Israel/Palestine because it makes rich kids uncomfortable...

They said nothing about 75 years of Apartheid & ethnic cleansing.

They are silent about 439 Palestinians from the university community killed and 11 higher education buildings completely or partially damaged since the start of Israel's attack on their own people in Gaza. Higher education has been severely disrupted.

The 439 people killed include 427 students and 12 academics or employees, 85% of them in the Gaza Strip. Nine of the 11 higher education buildings damaged are in Gaza and two in the West Bank.

The entire educational process was disrupted in 19 higher education institutions in the Gaza Prison Camp, which has led to 88,000 students being deprived of an education. Face-to-face education has been disrupted in all 34 higher education institutions in the West Bank, affecting 138,800 students.

555 Christian and Muslim students from the Gaza Gulag who earned scholarships abroad were unable to leave to matriculate.

Jewish Voice for Peace


If Americans Knew

Breaking the Silence

B'Tselem בצלם

Jews for Palestinian Right of Return

Miko Peled

Norman Finkelstein

Jewish Voice for Peace IfNotNow If Americans Knew B'Tselem בצלם Breaking the Silence Jews for Palestinian Right of Retur...

Jewish Voice for Peace


If Americans Knew

B'Tselem בצלם

Breaking the Silence

Jews for Palestinian Right of Return

Cheerleading the slaughter of civilians; financing Apartheid & ethnic cleansing?Or love your neighbor as yourself; human...

Cheerleading the slaughter of civilians; financing Apartheid & ethnic cleansing?

Or love your neighbor as yourself; human & democratic rights for all?

The United States Government has been the world's largest purveyor of violence/ke*ler since 1963. Nothing's changed...

Opposing the policies of the government of Israel and Netanyahu’s extremism is not antisemitic. Speaking up for human rights and a ceasefire to save lives should never be condemned.

They voted against H. Res. 894.

Congressman Thomas Massie

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib

Jewish Voice for Peace

CODEPINK: Women For Peace

"There is nothing you can say to me that will cause me to cease opposing the murder of thousands of children in Gaza. There is no name you can call me, no accusation you can scream at me, no talking point you can regurgitate at me that will ever make me shut up and accept this.

The unexamined premise behind the frenetic push to reignite outrage over October 7 using r**e allegations is that if Hamas fighters did s*xually assault any Israeli women during the attack, then everyone has to shut up and let Israel keep murdering children by the thousands. This is self-evidently stupid.

Western and Israeli propagandists are going to keep trying to find new reasons for you to reignite your outrage over October 7, because October 7 is their side’s only justification for a months-long mass atrocity that is far, far worse than anything that happened on October 7.

The US House of Representatives just passed a resolution saying that Judaism is synonymous with a colonialist ideology which routinely murders children.

It’s not anti-semitic to criticize Israel’s murderous actions in Gaza. Murdering children is not an aspect of the Jewish faith; saying otherwise actually has a very ugly history.

The only way to have more sympathy for the 1200 Israelis killed on October 7 than the 16,000+ Christians & Muslims who’ve been killed in Gaza since is to believe Palestinians are subhumans whose lives are worth a tiny fraction of what Israeli lives are worth. That’s the one and only way."

Caitlin Johnstone

“If you want a political democracy, you really, in the end, have no choice but to advocate for an economic one. Because ...

“If you want a political democracy, you really, in the end, have no choice but to advocate for an economic one. Because without that, you'll never get a political democracy either."

Richard D. Wolff

NeoFeudalism has become our economic and political system.


Visit the post for more.

Prepare for an onslaught of disinformation, censorship and shadow-banning by Corporate State Media. Anti-Jewish organiza...

Prepare for an onslaught of disinformation, censorship and shadow-banning by Corporate State Media. Anti-Jewish organizations; including AIPAC are part of it. They also finance election deniers...

Israel had the plans for the October 7th attack more than a year in advance. They watched Hamas, who they helped establish in 1987, kept in power as their jailer in Gaza, & were financed through Israel's Treasury, drill for the attack. They were warned three days in advance of the attack. IDF army units enforcing the siege of Gaza were moved to the West Bank prior to the prison outbreak.

But two million unarmed Christians & Muslims in Gaza, many of them children, are responsible for the attack?

What do you call bombing your own people, denying them clean water, food and medical care?

Israeli survivors of the October 7th attack testified that the IDF fired upon them and bombed structures where Israelis were.

It took widespread demonstrations by Israeli families of hostages to force Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו to accept a deal that been offered weeks earlier.

The way to defeat Hamas is by extending human & democratic rights to everyone. The same thing that led to peace in Northern Ireland.

Jewish Voice for Peace

If Americans Knew


B'Tselem בצלם

Breaking the Silence

Council on American Islamic Relations

CODEPINK: Women For Peace

Prophets, truth tellers, are always hated by the powerful.Craig Mokhiber

Prophets, truth tellers, are always hated by the powerful.

Craig Mokhiber


: I don't know how Jews, with our history, can watch this video—of a people forced out of their land with the little that's left of their lives on their backs—with anything but horror and revulsion....…

The history of anti-Zionism in the U.S. Jewish community is as long as the history of Apartheid Israel itself. Today, an...

The history of anti-Zionism in the U.S. Jewish community is as long as the history of Apartheid Israel itself. Today, anti-Zionist Jews are standing up against anti-Jewish institutions in our community, especially AIPAC & the ADL that support the slaughter of Christians & Muslims in Gaza.

Jewish Voice for Peace

If Americans Knew


Breaking the Silence

B'Tselem בצלם

Miko Peled

Norman Finkelstein

If Israel wanted peace and security they would dismantle Apartheid, stop ethnic cleansing and extend human & democratic ...

If Israel wanted peace and security they would dismantle Apartheid, stop ethnic cleansing and extend human & democratic rights to Christians and Muslims, or allow the West Bank & Gaza to become a fully independent nation. They have had the power to do this since they attacked their neighbors in 1967 and conquered Gaza & the West Bank. But instead they are doing what they have done since 1948: slaughtering civilians and taking their homes, cities and villages. 80% of the two million Christians and Muslims in the Gaza prison camp were refugees who had their homes taken from them elsewhere in Israel & were driven into Gaza by force.

Please call & email your Senators, Representative and the White House & demand that the slaughter be stopped.

50 people were killed on Monday in an Israeli air strike that hit two schools sheltering displaced people in the north of the Gaza Strip.

The reported attack took place as Israeli bombs also rained down on southern areas of the enclave and Israeli troops and tanks pressed a ground campaign against civilians in that sector.

The strike hit the Daraj neighbourhood in Gaza City. At least 15,899 Palestinians, 70% of them women or children under 18, are known to have been killed in Israeli air and artillery strikes on the Gulag since Oct. 7. Thousands more are missing and buried in rubble.

Earlier on Monday, Israel ordered Christians & Muslims to leave parts of Gaza's main southern city, Khan Younis. But residents said that areas which they had been told to go to were also coming under fire.

Israeli militants posted a map on social media platform X on Monday morning with around a quarter of Khan Younis marked off in yellow as territory that must be evacuated at once.

Three arrows pointed south and west, telling people to head towards the Mediterranean coast and towards Rafah, a major town near the Egyptian border.

Desperate Gazans in Khan Younis packed their belongings and headed towards Rafah. Most were on foot, walking past ruined buildings in a solemn and silent procession.

But the head of the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees in Gaza (UNWRA), Thomas White, said people in Rafah were themselves being forced to flee.

"People are pleading for advice on where to find safety. We have nothing to tell them," he said on X.

Jewish Voice for Peace

If Americans Knew


B'Tselem בצלם

Breaking the Silence

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement




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