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Written by TOBY
The palace guards went to the palace and inform the king about it.He was so angry and told them,They will go and look for Kamsi the next day.Kamsi came home and her mother told her everything about it,Kamsi replied “ mom I already know,Someone told me on my way home "

The next day, the guards came again and Kamsi was sweeping the compound.They told Kamsi “ she is needed at the palace immediately. Kamsi stop what she was doing and followed them,When they arrive at the palace,the king told the Colosi who was the second in command to go and call the native doctor so he could kill Kamsi.

Kamsi already knew what was happening but the king treated her nice and he said “ this girl is about to die, so why can't she see the danger coming towards her"
kamsi looked him with a bad eye and the king was scared.

Immediately after that, the guards arrived with the native doctor,the native doctor took his spiritual knife to murder Kamsi but something unusual happened
The whole place was covered with dark and the streams were dry and lighting thunder trike at the palace.

The native doctor heard a voice saying “ If Kamsi should die, Evil is gonna befall him and the villagers ".
He quickly drop the knife and ran away.Immediately after the scene, everything came back to normal. The king told Kamsi to get away from the palace and called her evil girl.

To be continued.....
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by toby



😹😹Jokes After Jokes 🤣🤣🤣🤣

1. I Saw a Science Student Cryiñg
Me: What's The Mātter☹️
Her: Mātter is Anything That Occupies space and Has Mass
🚶I just left

A baby was born laughing
With 4 Abōrtiön pïlls in his hands

3.Married men will be watching football at a bar with their side chiçk and💁 still scrêåming that the referee is chëâting

4.I hātē talking to Indian's, especially those with Red dot on their forehead😂I think they are recording

5.When relātionship is new 🤣
Boys will be like "babe have you eaten tomorrow"

6.Being an African man is so cool. You refúse to give your relatives money they blāme your wife

7.I hātē people who make jokes about short pple🤧Do you know that short people can sweep the floor without bending

8.My roommate stōle my girlfrieñd's contact from my phone🤧the idiøt is sending love messages to his own sister

10Na you rüsh go prømise your papa fïrst cläss & 8 A’s 🙄...
* Me I ønly prømise dem say “I NO GO JOÏN ÇULT * 😂

11.Guys be carefül out therë if your gïrlfriend tëlls you to go with her thät her parënts wänt to meët you‚ no greë oo na bag of rice you wan go büy likë thät 😒😂

12.Biology teaçher: Whät cän be føund in a çell ?
Baçk bençhers: Prisonërs
Teaçher: Gët out of my cläss. 😂😂

13.Withøut lashës møst of y’all loøk likë thïs: “🌝” 😂

14.Imaginë livïng aløñe‚ At nïght you were bathïng withøut light and your soäp fälls to the grøund‚ you triëd to piçk it üp but becausë of darknëss you couldn’t fïnd it‚ jüst then...a händ tappëd you and handëd you the soäp. Whät wïll you do ?
Faintïng is alløwed... 😂

15. You are trying to go without reaçting 🙄 heaven is far from you 😏🤦‍♂️

Follow me up for more jokes 🙏🙏🙏 👉 Stories by toby


🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️ JOKES 😂😂😂

A little boy was ordered to pray🙏 by his parents before they all go to sleep*🛌🏿

Boy👶: I don’t know how to pray....!
Dad: Just pray about everything you know about the family ☺and our Neighbors.
Boy👶:Mummy please tell Daddy I can’t pray😖.

Mummy: Shūt up😤if you don’t pray 🙏🏿You’ll not eat food in this house😡🙄
Boy: Dad, tell sister to pray please😭😖
Dad: My son pray before I släp 👋🏻you härd now!😤😡

Boy👶: “Dear lord”...“he started”....! “Thank you Oh God😊for our visitors and their children 💔who always come here😖to eat our food😋, don’t let them finish all our food😢for we shall be hüngry, from today Father 😫Any boy who bëats🤜🏻👊🏻or släp me👋🏻in school help me to släp them back! Forgive our driver who I always see nakëd 😲 with my sister wrestling on the bëd 🍆🍑🔥!help my sister to fight back
Before the driver can make her grow round 🤰🏿, forgive my elder brother who doesn’t sleep at home regularly! Please, provide clothes to all nakëd ladies in my Dad’s phone and don’t let them drain my fathers salary!😶, Give my daddy courage 😌to buy for us good😋things as he always do to Aunty our house girl!😔Again lord don’t let our house girl😫put her mouth in my Daddy’s mouth👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨, Again please provide shelter for all man who sleeps in mom’s room🛌🏿 anytime dad travels. Forgive me wherever I have asked wrongly 😌may God answer my prayer....!”💔😂

Nobody said amen!! Everybody regretted 😒for ever forçing him to pray💔😂

I know you laughed 😂😂

If you've not followed me yet that means you've missed alot of my jokes and interesting love stories 🥰

Just tap and follow me here 👉 STORIES BY TOBY



“ Kamsi the water god "
Written by stories by toby
One day in the village of Damado, a lady called Benita was pregnant for over 15 months,
She was so confused and said why is this happening to her.

Benita didn't have a husband,
The baby was put by their gods in their land called Obama.

Days later, Benita had a dream how Obama told her to come to the river and put to birth.
Benita did as follows,

Later on, she gave birth to Kamsi,
Kamsi could breath air and water.
Only Benita knew about that and she kept it by herself.

From that day, Kamsi could see danger ahead and she always warn the people.

The king found about it and wanted to kill Kamsi because, the native doctor told him that,
He will no more be the king again unless he kill the chosen one.

The native doctor came to the palace and said, he saw the chosen one yesterday and it is a girl.
And she helps people and give them the right direction.

The king was so angry and he told the guide to go bring Kamsi.
The guide when but the didn't found Kamsi, instead the saw Benita and she told them to come later that Kamsi isn't around.

So they went back to the palace.
Kamsi had already known that, the king had told the guide to come look for her.

To be continued.......

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1..the benefits of marrying short girl is dat u can put your phone on top of the cupboard without password ??😂😂

2..u dey inside bus🚍
And the driver begin dey scratch Em hand for head dey spead up dey say.. "This world don tire me"!!
🙆‍♂️u get time dey reply am with.. " As in eehn😏😂😂

3..after eating your BREAD alone in the bus 😏
U are turning to ask.. "What's the time??
😡it is 48:76pm..nonsense🥺🥺

4.. Men beware!!
Never date a lady with a screen cracked phone..
😏if she can break her own phone and feel normal, what about your heart?? 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️😂😂

5..on my wedding day, if u cannot explain how water enter inside coconut🥥..
No food for you 😂😂

6.. Boldness is when you enter a football viewing centre, switch off the tv and shout.. "I want to preach the word of God😂😂

7..AMERICAN: "OH, he's gone!! 🥺
AFRICAN: "when I saw him licking oranges and groundnuts yesterday.. I didn't know he was saying goodbye🙁🙁 😂😂

8.. U will stand one place and drink 2 sachets water, or when you buy bottle water, u will carry it from the market to my house.. Why?? 🙆‍♂️😂😂

9..thats how some pastors will quote a verse in the Bible.. Baaam, u will search the whole Bible but couldn't find it 🙆‍♂️😂😂

10..Everything is not Village people, how will u go for job interview and be fighting over sockets to charge your phone?? 🙆‍♂️😂😂

11..we can't find our secondary school friends on Facebook again, because .."Joseph blessing" Is now.. "La candy La crush" 😂😂

12..the pain of having grandmother that' doesn't do witch craft..😩😩people will take your post for granted.. Knowing fully well that you don't have back up😏

Are you liking the post 🙄or I should call my grandmother?? 😡😂😂

Follow me up for more interesting jokes and stories👉Stories by toby


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Since I was a baby, I've always been attracted to water and have always been drawn to it. My mum would tell me how I would get excited whenever I saw water. In the eyes of my neighbors, I was a strange child since they simply could not comprehend my love of water. They were right though but not in the way they would ever imagine.

I was born after my parents had been barr£n for 10 years before they conceived me. Due to the mounting pressure on my mother, she decided to seek help outside of the medical community. In my village, we had a shaman who my mum visited for help. On the riverbank of the only river we had in our village, she performed some rituals for my mother. This river served the entire village as it was our only source of water.

After I was conceived, I was dedicated to Oshun, the goddess of water and fertility. It was a joyous day for my parents. Finally, they had a child.

When I was 10 years old, like we usually did, we headed to the river to wash our clothes. We left very early so as to avoid the morning rush. When we got to the river, there was no one there. We got the water we needed to wash and moved a distance away from the river as no one was allowed to do laundry close to the river.

The water appeared welcoming on this particular day. It flickered like glitter on the surface. The water beckoned me to take a dip and enjoy its glitz. As a result, I dived into the water and began swimming on my own, leaving my mother to do the laundry by herself.

After a few minutes of swimming, I heard a soothing voice singing. Having no idea where the voice was emanating from, I stood in the water steadiing myself in order to determine where it was coming from. The song continued and it was so sweet that I wanted to know whose voice it was so I swam in the direction of the voice. I didn't know I had swam far away into the big river until the song stopped and I glanced around me. As I glanced around, my gaze caught on a figure in the water.



1) Me as a Tailor : Madam, nóthing do the cloth, it's just that you no get nyánsh 💥😒😒😂😂😂

2) Me as a Lawyer: "My Lórd, I know that Emeka is gúilty for the Góat he stóle, but you need to táste the Góat Pépper sóup that Mama Emeka cóoked" 😳😳😳😭😂😂😂

3) Me as a Sailor: I hope you all sabi swim, because my bóyfriend just serve me bréakup 😭😭😂😂😂

4) Me as a Pílot: Hope, they taught Una;: HIGH JÚMP for school, so in case the pláne crásh, because this is my first time ooo 🙄😒😒😒😂

5) Me as a Máke up Artiste: Madam, I have máke up, finîsh on your body, yet, you no fîne, It's like you're Only Destined to have Inner béauty 💥😳😳😭😂😂😂

6) Me as A Chef/Food Seller: "Emeka!!, quickly Vómit the Food you're just éating now!!;..I ádded Sníper, thinking it's Groúndnut oil!!" 😭😭😭😭💔

7) Me as a Súrgeon: "Waitoo!!, Oga!!, is like I have cút óff Your Oésophagus;
Bréathe First, Make I cónfirm am oo" 😳😳😭😭😭😂😂😂

8) Me as a Doctór: Madam, I místakenly forgét my scíssors in your stomach, so, please don't twéck or dance for your húsband so that the scíssors will not shíft 🙄😋😂😂😂😂

9) Me as a Seller : Woo, Oga, I no get nylon oo, is like you'll carry the Garrí and sugar in your hands, I will mix it together💥😂😂😂😂

10) Me as a Méchanic: Oga, I fórgot to put bráke in your car, So as you about to reach your déstination, Quickly júmp out of your car😦😦😳😳😂😂😂😂

I know you laughed 😂😂

If you've not followed me yet that means you've missed alot of my jokes and interesting love stories 🥰 Don't miss them 🙅‍♀️

Just tap and follow me here STORIES BY TOBY



20 years back in a faraway land there live a young teenager named Veronica . Veronica has been a girl of dignity having only a mother meaning her mother was single mum.But her future got ruined the day she stepped into the University.

After her WAEC exam which she passed,she began to prepare for her registration into the University.On a sunny afternoon that was on the 25 of January which was the day she had to move into her rented apartment around the school premises.

One fateful day when she went for lecture she met a guy named Frank.Frank was an handsome guy around his early 20's.He was the class captain and was considered one of the cool and handsome boy in the school

To cut the long story short Veronica was crushing on Frank but she was not bold to tell him about it.After some display they both became closer which made her express her feelings.

To be continued .
How they become close will be discuss1ed in chapter 2




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