Sunday Pre-order / Pre-save Alert!
Sandy's Groove & Discotron have been back in the studio cooking up the goods for Tasty Recordings, this time they deliver a slice of pure disco heaven with their release A New Day.
This drops next Friday exclusively to buy on Beatport but you can pre-order it right now here
If streaming is more your thing you can pre-save it at Spotify, Apple Music, and Deezer here
Pre-ordering and pre-saving does make a difference so if you like it please get on it early!
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #SandysGroove #Discotron #A New Day #TastyRecordings #Beatport #PreOrder #NewRelease #NewMusic #NewMusicFriday
Monday Pre-Order Alert!
Rising Swedish producers Jungstedt & Sticky Decks join forces again on Tasty Recordings with their latest release Want You So.
This glittering nu disco release gives a huge nod to Siedah Garretts 1985 dance classic Do You Want It Right Now.
This drops on Friday exclusively on Beatport but you can pre-order it right now here
Pre-ordering makes a massive difference in whether a release charts or not so if you like it please get on it early!
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #Jungstedt #StickyDecks #WantYouSo #TastyRecordings #Beatport #PreOrder #NewRelease #NewMusic #NewMusicFriday
Ken At Work is back on Tasty Recordings with his new single To Be Free Again! A tasty slice of nu disco that utilizes a familiar groove and vocal to full effect!
You can buy it exclusively at Beatport here
Alternatively, you can stream at Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Deezer, Amazon Music, TIDAL, and all other good streaming services here
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #KenAtWork #ToBeFreeAgain #TastyRecordings #Beatport #NewRelease #NewMusic #OutNow
HP Vince & Discotron - I Will Survive (Nu Disco Mix)
HP Vince & Discotron team up again on Tasty Recordings and deliver an amazing Nu Disco rework of I Will Survive.
You can buy it exclusively at Beatport here
Alternatively, you can stream at Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Deezer, Amazon Music, Tidal, and all other good streaming services here
An incredibly catchy nu-disco rework of a classic!
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #HPVince #Discotron #GloriaGaynor #IWillSurvive #TastyRecordings #Beatport #NewRelease #NewMusic #OutNow
Sunday Pre-Order Alert!
Ken At Work is back on Tasty Recordings with his new single To Be Free Again! A tasty slice of nu disco that utilizes a familiar groove and vocal to full effect!
This drops next Friday exclusively on Beatport but you can pre-order it right now here
Pre-ordering makes a massive difference in whether a release charts or not so if you like it please get on it early!
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #KenAtWork #ToBeFreeAgain #TastyRecordings #Beatport #PreOrder #NewRelease #NewMusic #NewMusicFriday
#NewMusicFriday @followers!
HP Vince & Discotron team up again on Tasty Recordings and deliver an amazing legal Nu Disco rework of the 1970s Gloria Gaynor classic I Will Survive.
This anthem will have you singing out loud and get everyone throwing their hands up in the air, whether that be in the club or the kitchen, it has an instantly recognizable vocal that will get any party started in an instant.
You can buy it exclusively at Beatport here
Alternatively, you can stream at Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Deezer, Amazon Music, Tidal, and all other good streaming services here
An incredibly catchy nu-disco rework of a classic!
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #HPVince #Discotron #GloriaGaynor #IWillSurvive #TastyRecordings #Beatport #NewRelease #NewMusic #OutNow
Sunday Pre-Order Alert!
HP Vince & Discotron team up again on Tasty Recordings and deliver an amazing Nu Disco rework of the 1970s Gloria Gaynor classic I Will Survive.
This drops next Friday exclusively on Beatport but you can pre-order it right now here
Pre-ordering makes a massive difference in whether a release charts or not so if you like it please get on it early!
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #HPVince #Discotron #IWillSurvive #TastyRecordings #Beatport #PreOrder #NewRelease #NewMusic #NewMusicFriday
Sunday Pre-Order Vibes!
Duke Dulwich makes a welcomed return to Tasty Recordings, this time he teams up with EROZ and delivers the fantastic Non Stop for your listening pleasure.
This drops next Friday exclusively on Beatport but you can pre-order it right now here
Pre-ordering makes a massive difference in whether a release charts or not so if you like it please get on it early!
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #DukeDulwich #Eroz #NonStop #TastyRecordings #Beatport #PreOrder #NewRelease #NewMusic #NewMusicFriday
Sunday Pre-Order Vibes!
Discotron is back on Tasty Recordings and delivers an amazing fully legal rework of the Dennis Edwards & Seidah Garrett 80s classic Dont Look Any Further.
This drops next Friday exclusively on Beatport but you can pre-order it right now here
The Beatport Black Friday sale is on so grab it right now for less!
Pre-ordering makes a massive difference in whether a release charts or not so if you like it please get on it early!
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #Discotron #DennisEdwards #SeidahGarrett #DontLookAnyFurther #TastyRecordings #Beatport #PreOrder #NewRelease #NewMusic
Check out the new House Punkz (HP Vince) release Pag Bag Ritmo on Tasty Recordings!
You can buy it exclusively at Beatport here
Alternatively, you can stream at Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music and all other good streaming services here
If you like it please add it to your charts and playlists!
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #HousePunkz #HPVince #PigBagRitmo #TastyRecordings #Beatport ##NewRelease #NewMusic #OutNow
Sunday Pre-Order Vibes
Tasty Recordings regular HP Vince joins forces with vocalist Bart on his latest release, this time they deliver an amazing legal Nu Disco revision of the Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes classic Don't Leave Me This Way.
This drops next Friday exclusively on Beatport but you can pre-order it right now here
Pre-ordering makes a massive difference in whether a release charts or not so if you like it please get on it early!
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #HPVince #Bart #Don'tLeaveMeThisWay #HaroldMelvinAndTheBlueNotes #TastyRecordings #Beatport #PreOrder #NewRelease #NewMusic #NewMusicFriday
Sunday Pre-Order Vibes!
HP Vince & Discotron team up again on Tasty Recordings and deliver an amazing legal Italo Disco revision of the 1970s Gloria Gaynor classic I Will Survive.
This drops next Friday at Beatport but you can pre-order it here
As you all know pre-ordering makes a huge difference in whether a release charts or not so if you like it please get on it early!
#NuDisco #Disco #House #DiscoHouse #FunkyHouse #Dance #FilterHouse #DiscoEdit #DiscoRemix #DiscoRework #DiscoPop #HPVince #Discotron #IWillSurvive #GloriaGaynor #TastyRecordings #Beatport #PreOrder #NewRelease #NewMusic #NewMusicFriday