Let's discuss obstacles for a second. I share this with you from my bed. (I thought my traps looked great, don't you? 😂)
For me, chronic low back pain is one I've had to deal with for a long time now. I try to train safely, and listen really carefully when it's time to lower the intensity a bit. Though I have not found any long term solutions, I am normally able to function properly on a day to day basis. This Wednesday, I tweaked my low back and it messed me up real good. Since it was only a little pinch that morning, I decided to still train back that day, and then shoulders on Thursday... My hard headedness wasn't thinking ahead. It felt fine while I was training, but I should have known the worst was yet to come...
Another obstacle is getting sick. Luckily, I don't get sick very often, but I developed a flu or chest cold this week, the day after I tweaked my low back... And let me tell you, the combination of both at the same time is truly debilitating. My lungs are on fire, my whole body aches, and even just walking around is a struggle.
I have been resting since yesterday, and I don't have enough energy or desire to eat my 2800 calories, but I am also not indulging in crap foods either.
I am going to control the things I can control, and I will accept the things that I cannot, and just stay consistent. The results are just a matter of time.
This first week of training daily with my coach didn't go exactly as planned, but here are my results:
- 4 out of 5 days of training every morning at 5AM.
- 4 out of 5 days precision nutrition (yesterday I barely ate anything)
- 5 out of 5 days of great sleep
- 4lbs lost on the scale
Much love and be good.