Radio Reversal - 4zzz

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Radio Reversal - 4zzz Social Critique and Crass Language. Thursday mornings 9am - 10am, on 4zzz 102.1 fm. ( It's fun!

Radio Reversal is a show that subjects aspects of everyday life to historico-political, theoretical, cheeky, irreverent, high brow, low brow, eye brow, warm-hearted analysis. Our aim is to see the world more clearly, think about what we'd like it to become, and how we can make that happen. We think that discussing these sorts of ideas is one way to ease the lessen the alienation that affects many

of us trying to make sense of a world that so often makes no sense of us. We also play loads of awesome music (sometimes thematic!) with great enthusiasm for requests and an emphasis on supporting local artists. Tune in on 102.1 fm, stream online from, or listen to our podcasts:

You can also listen to our more recent shows via 4zzz's on demand page:

Email us! radio.reversal(at)


Hi zedheads! Join Nat and Marissa in the studio for part two of Radio Reversal interview with Huda Fadlelmawla - aka Huda the Goddess. (You can listen back to part one at Huda and our very own Anna continue their incisive conversation on global anti-Blackness, european colonialism and imperialism, racial capitalism, and the need to challenge our own complicity in systems and structures of oppression (hello, white settlers among us!). In this moment, it’s crucial to think across struggles against genocide, violence and colonialism to build global solidarities. This conversation gives insights into the deeper patterns and connections that interrupt our individual and collective capacities to work together towards justice. You can follow Huda’s work ( on instagram). Keep an eye out for events and opportunities to show your support for Sudan.

Also a reminder that Brisbane Free University is hosting a webinar on Challenging Colonial Copaganda today (Thursday, 25 July) at 12.30pm. You can register via the link in the Facebook event - It’s a powerhouse line up of four First Nations writers, educators and nerds-on-the-frontline, Ronnie Gorrie, Dr Amy McQuire, Associate Professor Amanda Porter and Professor Chelsea Watego. Don’t worry if you can’t make it, we’ll be bringing you the recordings soon!

Tune in for a special episode of Radio Reversal from the road, as Anna shares a special pre-recorded episode on the curr...

Tune in for a special episode of Radio Reversal from the road, as Anna shares a special pre-recorded episode on the current "complex war" in Sudan, and the deep links between European colonialism, racial capitalism, and the current crisis. We're joined this week by the incredible community worker, artist, educator and performer Huda Fadlelmawla - aka Huda the Goddess. Huda reflects on the "complex war" in Sudan that has seen over 8.6 million people displaced since April 2023, with close to two million people now sheltering in neighbouring countries such as Chad, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Ethiopia and Egypt. As MSF report, the war in Sudan "has exposed most of the country to ongoing violence, including intense urban warfare, gunfire, shelling, and airstrikes. The health system, already fragile before the conflict started, is struggling to cope with existing and emerging medical needs while facing overwhelming pressure from the destruction and looting of health facilities, acute shortages of utilities and medical supplies, and under-resourced health staff who are overworked without pay."

This crisis, Huda points out, is entirely manufactured and cannot be disentangled from the long history of European colonialism, racial capitalism, and global anti-Blackness. Over the course of the show, Huda talks about why it's urgent that communities across so-called australia start unpacking anti-Blackness and working towards solidarity with Sudan. She also shares details about the fundraiser she's organising THIS SATURDAY 20th JULY from 5pm - 10pm. You can find tickets online or buy them at the venue on the night.

We'll be playing more of this incredible conversation with Huda on the show next week, as well as some recordings from the All Eyes on Sudan fundraiser. Not to be missed! And as always - we'd love to hear your thoughts and reflections on the show, questions, and suggestions for future discussions. You can get in touch with us here, or email me (Anna) directly with your proposals for Radio Reversal - on the road - anna (dot) carlson 26 (at) gmail (dot) com.


Join us Friday 12th of July at 6pm at Musgrave Park to protest the Prime Minster Anthony Albanese coming to Brisbane for the "True Believers" Dinner with Premier Steven Miles. Join us to protest the Australian Government's support for Israel's Genocide in Palestine. We demand the Australian Government ends its support and complicity in the Gaza Genocide and immediately sanctions Apartheid Israel.

Queensland Muslims Inc. Mums for Palestine Magan-djin Unionists for Palestine Queensland Students For Palestine QLD APAN - Australia Palestine Advocacy Network Shutdown Free Palestine - Australia Wage Peace - Disrupt War BDS Australia

Sorry for the late post Zedheads! Today on the show Nat and Marissa are in the studio talking about the crackdowns on st...

Sorry for the late post Zedheads! Today on the show Nat and Marissa are in the studio talking about the crackdowns on student organising at universities across so-called australia. Students have been demanding their universities disclose their ties with weapons manufacturers and other institutions complicit in the genocidal attacks on Palestine and Palestinians and the ongoing Israeli settler-colonial regime - this staunch work has resulted in some important gains, and universities have also escalated the punitive measures imposed on student organisers.

In this episode, we chat with Zara, one of the students involved in University of Melbourne 4 Palestine who has been surveilled and is facing penalties, and with Kurt Iveson, an academic and unionist at University of Sydney, about that uni's new "campus access policy" that seeks to curtail organising activities on campus.

We'll also be talking about some of the events and actions coming up over the next couple of days, for Palestine and for NAIDOC week, and playing lots of new and local music by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists. Tune in from 9-10am on 4ZZZ or catch up later on demand!

Good morning zedliest ones! Tune in this morning for another jam-packed episode of Radio Reversal as Anna tugs on some o...

Good morning zedliest ones! Tune in this morning for another jam-packed episode of Radio Reversal as Anna tugs on some of the fraying threads that are holding together colonial regimes across the globe, and the work people are doing to tug them loose.

We're kicking off this morning with a refresher on the permanent crisis conditions of colonialism: the way that colonial and postcolonial states across the world tend constantly towards crisis, and are endlessly having to find new ways to justify their own existence. We're focusing on these processes across a few different contexts, and shining some light on the ways that organisers here in so-called Brisbane are challenging these violent colonial justifications by any means necessary.

First up, we’re heading further south to Bundjalung country to get an update on the campaign to save sacred ancestor trees near Wallum from destruction. Then, we’re crossing over to catch up on the struggle taking shape in Kanaky at the moment, and how First Nations organisers here are working to support the Kanak people in their struggle for justice. After that, I’m catching up with dear friend of Radio Reversal, Remah Naji, to talk a bit about this Sunday’s Justice for Palestine rally, and why it’s so vital that we challenge the dehumanising strategies of colonisation in whatever form they take. And then, lucky last, we’re crossing to the inimitable Huda the Goddess to get a bit of an update on the struggle taking shape in Sudan at the moment, and the work she’s doing to raise awareness, funds, and consciousness about the relationship between the crisis in Sudan and the growing global struggle against colonialism, imperialism, and heteropatriarchal racial capitalism, in all its violent forms.

As always - a HUGE SHOW! Listen in live from 9am - 10am at 102.1fm, online, or listen back on demand at ! And send us your thoughts, song requests, or reflections right here!

Good morning Zedly ones! On this bright and cool Thursday morning, tune in from 9-10 to 4ZZZ on 102.1FM to catch recordi...

Good morning Zedly ones! On this bright and cool Thursday morning, tune in from 9-10 to 4ZZZ on 102.1FM to catch recordings from the Global Solidarity Rally held in so-called brisbane last weekend.

One of the many things we have learned from the months and decades of Palestinian resistance is the interconnectedness of struggle. Structures of settler-colonialism, militarism, extractivism, displacement, racism, and apartheid are linked, they co-constitute, sustain, and reflect each other. Resistance, then, must also be connected, in both our understanding and in our practices of organising, resistance, and solidarity.

In today's show we'll hear from activists including Jamshid from Kashmir, Rollo from Chile, Helen from the Freedom Flotilla, Akmal Saleh, and Quandamooka poet Ethan Enoch, on how oppressed peoples across the globe are standing in solidarity with Palestinians, and on shared dreams of justice and liberation.

Tune in from 9-10 on 4ZZZ 102.1FM or catch up on demand, and check out the events happening over the next few days (image below). It's chilly out, but solidarity keeps us warm.

Good morning zedfriends! Today we’re digging in to the second episode in our little series on ecological harm, resistanc...

Good morning zedfriends! Today we’re digging in to the second episode in our little series on ecological harm, resistance, justice and care! At the heart of our show last week was the reminder that environmental violence and ecological harm isn’t merely a consequence of colonisation, but rather a pre-condition for colonisation: in other words, that colonisation is inherently ecocidal, and therefore that the response to ecological injustice isn’t “green colonialism”, but LAND BACK. Today, we’re incredibly privileged to be broadcasting some more amazing content from Dr. Aunty Mary Graham, speaking at the Palestine Network Workshops on 2 June this year, which provides us all with an opportunity to think through the invasion and attempted decimation of complex ecologies of care, kinship, law and story in this place, so-called australia. We are so excited to share more from our dear friends, Palestinian organisers and scholars Malaak Saleem and Dr Jamal Nabulsi, reflecting on colonial extraction and expansionism, and the culture of environmental resistence in Palestine both preceding and and enduring this mode of violence. We’ll also be sharing stories of lands, seas, skies and solidarity from Yessie Moseby and Ricki Dank. A jam-packed show, as always! Tune in 102.1fm 9-10 on 4ZZZ or listen back on demand. And, as always, we love to hear from you – send us in your thoughts, questions, song requests and critical reflections.

Image via NDN Collective in Turtle Island

Morning Zedstars! Tune in right now (9–10am) on 4ZZZ 102.1FM for another jam-packed show. We're kicking off with a solid...

Morning Zedstars! Tune in right now (9–10am) on 4ZZZ 102.1FM for another jam-packed show. We're kicking off with a solidarity update coming to you from organisers Boe & Stacey, who caught up with a comrade from Kanaky (under settler-colonial occupation by France as "New Caledonia"), and then bringing you an extraordinary discussion from last Sunday's Palestine Network Solidarity Day, between Gamilaroi broadcaster and activist Boe Spearim and Kombumerri & Wakka Wakka Aunty Dr Mary Graham. This full day of events taking place at the now ended UQ Gaza Solidarity Encampment was a joint effort between Institute for Collaborative Race Research, Justice for Palestine Magan-djin, Brisbane Free University, and Meanjin Solidarity Fund, and more!

Boe and Aunty Dr Mary Graham's discussion is a reminder that all of this organising, theorising & agitating around justice for Palestine is happening in the context of continuing colonisation on this continent. We recognise the rightful owners and custodians of the lands on which we live and work, and we honour the unceded and omnipresent sovereignty, presence, and power of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the continent. We know that colonialism is a global system that must be defeated everywhere if it is to be truly transformed.

This means that we aim to ensure that all of the work we do to struggle against colonial violence in Palestine is grounded in our commitment to anti-colonial, Indigenist struggle here. Sunday's workshop was part of the ongoing work of learning how to do this. We aim to learn from and respect the radical traditions of anti-colonial, anti-racist, feminist, q***r and anti-capitalist resistance that have been led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on this continent. We invite all listeners to reckon with and attend to their own relationships to these Lands, and the responsibilities and obligations that flow from them.

Good morning zedfriends! Today on the show we’ll be kicking off the first in a series of shows with our BRAND NEW EXCITI...

Good morning zedfriends! Today on the show we’ll be kicking off the first in a series of shows with our BRAND NEW EXCITING CO-HOST EVE, unpacking the relationships between colonialism, racial capitalism and environmental destruction, and the ways they rely on one another as co-constituting modes of violence and occupation. BIG TOPICS!

But luckily, we're not alone in thinking through these tough topics, and as usual, we’re very excited to be sharing some of the thinking that's happening here in so-called brisbane within movements in solidarity with Palestine. We'll be sharing a short segment from Palestinian environmental scientist Professor Mazin Quimsiyeh, and situating this in conversation with our dear friend Dr Jamal Nabulsi from community event ‘Weaving Our Stories’ in Magan-djin earlier this year. We’ll also be broadcasting a recording from local poet, musician and community organiser Jonathan Sriranganathan, a short clip from Uncle Lionel Fogarty, and some thinking from radical historian and long-time activist Jeff Rickertts, talking about a peculiar eucalypt forest overlooking Haifa in Palestine, a direct reminder of the Australian Labor party’s complicity in the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Tune in from 9-10 on 4ZZZ or listen back on demand ! And of course, send us through your thoughts, song requests, and critical reflections!

Hi Zed-delights! This morning of Radio Reversal, we are extremely excited to bring you an interview with the extraordina...

Hi Zed-delights! This morning of Radio Reversal, we are extremely excited to bring you an interview with the extraordinary Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah about colonial-settler media complicity with the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza (and, increasingly, throughout occupied Palestine). Dr Abdel-Fattah is a prominent Palestinian Egyptian Muslim author, academic, human rights advocate, former lawyer and mother of four children. She is currently a Future Fellow in the School of Social Sciences at Macquarie University. Randa is the award-winning author of eleven novels, published and translated in over 20 countries, has written across a wide range of genres and actively seeks to translate her academic work into creative interventions which reshape dominant narratives around race, human rights, multiculturalism and identity in popular culture.

Randa is well known for her commentary as a public intellectual, her media appearances and her essay and op-ed writing across a wide range of genres. This kind of media presence comes with a heavy price, and she has also been subjected to vicious and targeted attacks from Zionists and the Murdoch Press. Her strength in the face of these racist attacks has been truly admirable and we stand in solidarity with Randa in all of her work, across the realms of academia, media, and the arts.

Catch us from 9–10am this morning on 102.1FM on 4ZZZ, or on-demand via This interview will also feature in an upcoming episode of our Radio Reversal x Justice for Palestine Magan-djin podcast, available via our substack ( and on all the usual streaming platforms.

Tune into 102.1FM this morning from 9am as Jonathan Sriranganathan & Anna Carlson bring a heavy and important show, comm...

Tune into 102.1FM this morning from 9am as Jonathan Sriranganathan & Anna Carlson bring a heavy and important show, commemorating two horrific genocidal projects and the survival and resistance of the communities they targeted.

Wednesday 15th May marked the 76th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, which saw widespread massacres and the ethnic cleansing of over half the Palestinian population by zionist militias (and later by the Israeli Occupation Forces).

This Saturday 18th May is Mullivaikkal Remembrance Day - where Tamils commemorate the 2009 genocide of tens of thousands of Eelam Tamil civilians in the final months of the Sri Lankan civil war.

What do these two genocidal projects have in common? What arguments have been used to justify these atrocities and what can we learn from the aftermath?

Plus, we’ll be bringing you an interview with Jeff Rickert about the repression of peaceful protesters at the May Day rally.

You can also listen back online later. Link via the comments!

Morning Zednerds! Quick note to note that you oughtta tune in now (9–10am) on 102.1FM 4ZZZ (or where...

Morning Zednerds! Quick note to note that you oughtta tune in now (9–10am) on 102.1FM 4ZZZ (or where you can also catch up later via on-demand) for a wonderful conversation between Anna and Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh – a Palestinian scientist, author, and founder and director of the Palestine Museum of Natural History and the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability.

For the latest updates of actions in solidarity with Gaza and with Palestine, follow Justice for Palestine Magan-djin.

Good morning zedheads! Today on the show we’re bringing you another round-up of radical solidarity organising from acros...

Good morning zedheads! Today on the show we’re bringing you another round-up of radical solidarity organising from across the city, as protest encampments continue to grow on university campuses across the globe.

We’re focusing on two key sites of struggle in the lead up to Labour Day - student occupations at universities across the world, and worker organising, pickets, and blockades of factories and institutions complicit in genocide. This week, we’ll be digging into some of the incredible organising happening on campuses right here in so-called brisbane, and sharing some recordings and reflections from the rally at the University of Queensland on Monday 29 April that saw hundreds of students gather and march to the headquarters of the Boeing centre at the university of Queensland to demand that UQ cut all ties with weapons manufacturers complicit in the genocide in Palestine.

We’ll be sharing a range of content on today’s show, including a bunch of field recordings from speeches at rallies and protests across the city, as well as excerpts from a much longer interview with the extraordinary Palestinian biologist, human rights activist and writer, Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, plus an interview with one of the health workers involved with the picket planned for the Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists this weekend.

Tune in from 9-10 on 4ZZZ - lots of new and local music in the mix this morning as well - or catch up later on demand via the 4ZZZ website.

Photo via Justice for Palestine Magan-djin - if you're not following them what are you even doing??

Tune in this morning from 9am - 10am as Radio Reversers Anna & Roshan reverse the radio on ANZAC day, mythologies of war...

Tune in this morning from 9am - 10am as Radio Reversers Anna & Roshan reverse the radio on ANZAC day, mythologies of war, and the global war industry.

We'll be digging into the partial histories of the "ANZACS" that dominate mainstream education and media in this country, and the laundering work they do to obscure the violent origins of this colony, the wars fought by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over this continent, and the global system of war and war-mongering that is creating mass death from West Papua, to the Sudan, the Congo, and Palestine.

To help us see these connections more clearly, we'll be sharing some recordings from the recent Shut Down Ferra blockade outside Ferra engineering in Tingalpa, as well as some recordings from last weeks Justice for Palestine Magan-djin protest in King George Square, and some excerpts from an older interview with long-term peace activist Margie, talking about the military industrial complex and australia's long investment in the global arms trade.

All in all, another huge episode of Radio Reversal! Send us your thoughts and song requests right here, or give us a call in the studio on 3252 1555, text us on 0420 626 733, or find us on the interwebs!

AND a crucial reminder that it's APRIL ATONEMENT ! So get yourselves over to the website and SUBSCRIBE!

Images: the deeply dystopian AI ANZAC created by the State Library of Queensland & the incredible Sam Wallman's "Lest we forget over it" work.

Good morning, Zedheads! Tune in from 9am today as we catch up with West Papuan community organiser & diplomat Amatus to ...

Good morning, Zedheads! Tune in from 9am today as we catch up with West Papuan community organiser & diplomat Amatus to understand the ongoing resistance in West Papua, as well as catching up on some of the recent Justice for Palestine events here in so-called brisbane. We’re continuing the work we’ve been doing over the past six months here on Radio Reversal, trying to understand the West Papuan struggle in relation to the ongoing genocide in Palestine, and the long-standing solidarities between First Nations peoples globally. In our interview with Amatus, recording alongside the brilliant Ruby Wharton, host of Let's Talk Black Power on Triple A Murri Country, we’ll be learning about the centuries of colonisation, extraction, and occupation that West Papuans have endured, and their ongoing and hard-fought struggle for freedom.

We'll also be talking about how the term ‘genocide’ emerged, as well as exploring some of the reasons why this term has been applied to some contexts but not others. As we think through the fundamental links between genocide and settler colonialism, we identify how pervasive and interconnected these structures are in our world. We'll wrap up the show with Palestinian organisers and scholars Dr. Jamal Nabulsi & Sara, speaking at the Justice for Palestine Magan-djin rally on Sunday 7th April this year.

We'll also be talking about some of the incredible events coming up here in so-called brisbane, including the West Papua Film Festival on this Sunday 14th April, and the upcoming Justice for Palestine events. So get yourself a cuppa, and prepare for a heavy and vital show on the global operation of genocide, and the necessity of struggling against genocidal violence wherever it takes root.

A big content warning on this show - we will be speaking about the history of genocide across the world, as well as hearing from West Papuan and Palestinian organisers and scholars who are struggling against genocide right now. If anything we talk about today triggers tough feelings for you, we strongly encourage you to reach out to friends and family, to talk through what’s coming up, and to contact Lifeline for free counselling support on 13 11 14.

Good morning Zedheads! This morning we are picking up right where we left off last week, listening to excerpts from this...

Good morning Zedheads! This morning we are picking up right where we left off last week, listening to excerpts from this beautiful event organised by Meanjin , Australia, Conscious Mic & Our Islands, Our Home, hosted at Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre (BEMAC). Today we'll be listening to the panel discussion, which featured Bo Spearim, Meleika Gesa-Fatafehi (aka Vika Mana) and Dr Jamal Nabulsi.

Grab a cuppa (maybe something iced? given it seems to be summer again?) and settle in - remember you can catch up on last week's show on demand by heading to the 4ZZZ website, and while you're there, consider subscribing! It's April Atonement, our mini subscriber drive - lots of cool prizes on offer, but whether you score one or not, you'll still get that beautiful warm inner glow that only supporting local, community-based, independent media can provide

Good morning Zedheads!! We are so delighted to be bringing you part of a recording from a glorious event hosted at Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre (BEMAC) a few weeks ago by Australia Meanjin Conscious Mic and Our Islands, Our Home - 'Weaving Our Stories' Climate Justice in Conversation.

Today we're bringing you the beautiful and powerful stories woven by Yessie Mosby and by Rikki Dank, that together help us think about resistance, about climate justice, about solidarity, and the interconnectedness of struggle.

Yessie's bio: "Yessie is a Traditional Owner living in the Kulkalgal tribe area in the Central Torres Strait Islands. He is an artist, father, craftsman and a Torres Strait 8 claimant in the landmark human rights complaint to the United Nations over climate change. In 2022, the Torres Strait 8 made international legal history after the United Nations Human Rights Committee found that the Australian Government is violating its human rights obligations to Torres Strait Islanders by failing to act on climate change. Yessie’s art has been featured at the Sydney Biennale, Institute of Modern art and Australia Fashion Week. Using storytelling, Yessie continues to advocate to transition his island home of Masig to renewable energy."

Rikki's bio: "Rikki is a Traditional Owner from the Gudanji and Wakaya Nations in the Northern Territory of Australia. Her family continues to care for Country, using traditional land management methods that have been practised for millennia. She and her family have been fighting to protect her Country from the damaging effects of mining and overgrazing for many decades and now face the imminent threat of fracking. In December 2023, after a decade of resistance and campaigning from Beetaloo Traditional Owners - rallies, marches, parliamentary enquiries, MP lobbying and actions, songs and petitions - resulted in stronger water protections from fracking projection. This is a win that will make it harder for carbon bombs like the Beetaloo basin to go ahead."

Tune in to 4ZZZ from 9-10 for this along with some great new music - and make sure you're following the orgs listed above and supporting the incredible work they're doing. Huge thanks to them for letting us amplify some of it!

Artwork by Dylan Mooney


Join us on the Gold Coast this Saturday 30th of March at 4pm at Surfers Paradise Esplanade. If you are coming from Brisbane and can offer a ride to anyone, please comment below:
Free Palestine - Australia


Join us Friday at 6pm at Zooroona Ramadan Night Market in partnership with TAQWA to raise money for Palestinian Refugees arriving in Brisbane. Donate now:

Good morning Zedheads!! We are so delighted to be bringing you part of a recording from a glorious event hosted at Brisb...

Good morning Zedheads!! We are so delighted to be bringing you part of a recording from a glorious event hosted at Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre (BEMAC) a few weeks ago by Australia Meanjin Conscious Mic and Our Islands, Our Home - 'Weaving Our Stories' Climate Justice in Conversation.

Today we're bringing you the beautiful and powerful stories woven by Yessie Mosby and by Rikki Dank, that together help us think about resistance, about climate justice, about solidarity, and the interconnectedness of struggle.

Yessie's bio: "Yessie is a Traditional Owner living in the Kulkalgal tribe area in the Central Torres Strait Islands. He is an artist, father, craftsman and a Torres Strait 8 claimant in the landmark human rights complaint to the United Nations over climate change. In 2022, the Torres Strait 8 made international legal history after the United Nations Human Rights Committee found that the Australian Government is violating its human rights obligations to Torres Strait Islanders by failing to act on climate change. Yessie’s art has been featured at the Sydney Biennale, Institute of Modern art and Australia Fashion Week. Using storytelling, Yessie continues to advocate to transition his island home of Masig to renewable energy."

Rikki's bio: "Rikki is a Traditional Owner from the Gudanji and Wakaya Nations in the Northern Territory of Australia. Her family continues to care for Country, using traditional land management methods that have been practised for millennia. She and her family have been fighting to protect her Country from the damaging effects of mining and overgrazing for many decades and now face the imminent threat of fracking. In December 2023, after a decade of resistance and campaigning from Beetaloo Traditional Owners - rallies, marches, parliamentary enquiries, MP lobbying and actions, songs and petitions - resulted in stronger water protections from fracking projection. This is a win that will make it harder for carbon bombs like the Beetaloo basin to go ahead."

Tune in to 4ZZZ from 9-10 for this along with some great new music - and make sure you're following the orgs listed above and supporting the incredible work they're doing. Huge thanks to them for letting us amplify some of it!

Artwork by Dylan Mooney

Zedly ones! Tune into 102.1fm this morning from 9am - 10am as Anna & Jonno reverse the radio on the local council electi...

Zedly ones! Tune into 102.1fm this morning from 9am - 10am as Anna & Jonno reverse the radio on the local council elections, the increasing hollowness of the political centre, and the limits of electoralism as a strategy for collective liberation. We dig into the recent local council elections across queensland, and particularly here in so-called brisbane. As usual on Radio Reversal, we're trying to make sense of what these electoral results can tell us about the current conjuncture, and the struggle ahead. We're thinking about the crisis conditions of the present - genocide committed against the Palestinian people in Gaza, climate collapse on every horizon, housing precarity at record levels, and an intensifying moral panic about youth crime being used to distract us from the reality of the real crises. There's big questions to join us as we start to dig in!

As usual, if you've got questions, reflections, or insights you want to share, or songs you think reflect this political moment, send us a message or give us a call on 3252 1555, or just get in touch right here. And if you miss the show and you want to listen back, head to the 4zzz website and listen back online.


Upcoming up events this week:

Good morning Zedheads! As we barrel into the local government elections on the weekend, we are reflecting on the role of...

Good morning Zedheads! As we barrel into the local government elections on the weekend, we are reflecting on the role of goverment - at all scales - in supporting Israel's genocidal attacks on Gaza and across Palestine, and in the maintenance of oppressive, extractive, settler-colonial regimes here and globally.

On this show we'll be playing through some excerpts from field recordings from some of the several thousand events that happened around so-called brisbane last week (seriously - what a huge week it was!!) with this emphasis on the complicity of governments to help us think critically about how - those of us who can vote - use that vote this weekend.

Voting alone doesn't win the struggle, doesn't bring justice, doesn't bring about emancipatory transformation. But there are contour lines that can connect the blockades to the ballot boxes, and tracing some of those lines is what we're up to this morning from 9-10am on 4ZZZ. Tune in live on 102.1FM, or listen back on demand at the 4ZZZ website.

If you want to catch up with any of our coverage of the local movements that stand in solidarity with Palestine and Palestinians, and some of the vibrant protest pedagogies growing in this place, check out the first 3 eps of our new podcast season - check out our substack or search up 'radio reversal podcast' on your favourite podcast app or spotify. You should find the first 3 introductory season episodes released in September last year, and the first 3 (of about 12 - more to come!) episodes of this podcast collaboration with Justice for Palestine Magan-djin



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