I'll be celebrating my 45th birthday next week (holy crap!), and all I want this year is for all of you to show Pomonok Entertainment LLC some love and help me tell the stories I want to tell! ❤
Check out my spruced-up website, subscribe to our FREE newsletter, and if you want to support my projects more substantially, check out our subscription tiers (starting at $2/mo) that allow you to direct your support right to the projects/mediums that interest you most. OR if you sign up for the "Pomonok Premium" subscription, you'll get access to EVERYTHING, and your subscription fee will be divided evenly across all of our projects.
EVEN BETTER - if you subscribe at the "Pomonok Premium" tier by or before my birthday - JULY 11 - you'll be able to lock in the lower rate of $5/month (it'll go up to $10/month after that!). You'll be hearing more specifics about all this over the next couple of days!
I've got several projects in the works that I'm hoping to deliver in the second half of 2024, I'd love to share them with you! Thank you for helping me tell the stories I want to tell.
Welcome to Pomonok Entertainment -- Saving the world one story at a time.