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Roman lamp with an erotic scene at The British Museum. Dated to around DCCL###III-DCCCXXIII AUC.

Roman lamp with an erotic scene at The British Museum. Dated to around DCCL###III-DCCCXXIII AUC.

Pompeii - Roman baths

Pompeii - Roman baths

Herodium is a major archaeological site, home to an impressive palace dating to the time of King Herod. Located about 10...

Herodium is a major archaeological site, home to an impressive palace dating to the time of King Herod. Located about 10km south of Jerusalem, the site was also the burial location of Herod, hence the tumulus shape of the hill. Herodium is known as “Mountain of Franks” or “Jabal al-Fourdis” the “Mountain of Paradise”.

The cave Di Cusa situated in Sicily is the Mediterraneans best kept secret from the ancient past because this particular...

The cave Di Cusa situated in Sicily is the Mediterraneans best kept secret from the ancient past because this particular megalithic site shows clear signs of advanced machining on its gigantic cylindrical pillar sides. While archaeologists state that there are and I quote "Pick markings from various stone tools" visible as to how these massive pillars were cut from the existing resistant limestone, yet the evidence of a consistent rotating cutting tool coincidentally aren"t mentioned, a cutting tool may I add to suggest obvious boring techniques to get the job done. Anyone with an ounce of common sense or basic understanding of engineering would see evidence of advanced technology within this ancient site which is unbelievably ascribed to the preposterous notion of primitive stone tools. It"s also suggested that the construction job was quickly abandoned in 409 BC due to the arrival of Carthaginian invader Hannibal Mago which I"m highly opposed to.
I am opposed to this notion because I think this site is far older than what is currently proposed and I"m also going to go on record to suggest that this site was abandoned by a possible earth catastrophe which also put a stop to many other inexplicable megalithic sites such as the unfinished Monolith in Aswan,Egypt and the 1200 ton stone of the pregnant woman at Baalbek in Lebanon to name just a few. I am also strongly inclined to believe as I"ve said before that this global network of advanced mega builders who I personally believe were responsible for many of these feats were also either wiped out much like their handiwork or they departed knowing of the incoming catastrophe we see referenced in more or less every ancient text and scribe within all cultures worldwide.

The oculus of the Pantheon, Rome

The oculus of the Pantheon, Rome


Roman tombstone that was discovered in 1829, during work on a road at Harraby Hill (Gallows Hill) in the city of Carlisle in Cumberland/Cumbria, England. It is the tombstone of a woman named Aurelia Aureliana and dates to the 3rd century AD.
There were two forts in what is now Carlisle: Luguvalium and Uxelodunum. There were also several cemeteries nearby, including one at Harraby Hill.
The buff sandstone tombstone depicts a female figure holding poppies symbolizing the sleep of death. The inscription reads:
"D(is) M(anibus) Aur(elia) Aurelia(na) vixsit
annos ###XI Ulpius
Apolinaris coniugi carissime
"To the spirits of the departed; Aurelia Aureliana lived 41 years. Ulpius Apolinaris set this up to his very beloved wife."
Below is a short extract from The Gentleman"s Magazine 1829 part 2 p.357 "ROMAN ANTIQUITIES NEAR CARLISLE," which describes the discovery and tombstone:
"As the cutting down of Gallow-hill, near Carlisle proceeds, many interesting remains of former ages are brought to light; but especially memorials of the dominion of the Romans, whose chief northern stations, as is well known, were in this district. A discovery was made lately, of a well-executed and neatly designed Roman tomb, in fine preservation, five feet four inches long, and two feet nine inches and a half wide. It contained a female figure, in alto relievo, three feet in length, holding in her left hand a rudely sculptured flower; in her right a scarf, or some emblematical ornament, which is thrown over the shoulder. Underneath is the inscription: "D. M. Avr. aurelia vixit annos ###xi: mil. Pius Apolinaris coniugi carissime posuit." Probably:- Diis Manibus Aureliae. Aurelia vixit annos 41: Memoriae loco Pius Apolinaris conjugi carissimaae posuit." Near the stone was also discovered a roughly executed capital of a Corinthian column, 24 inches by 10, in red free-stone; also six Roman urns, of various dimensions, (one of them full of ashes), a lachrymatory, and three jet rings; the largest three inches in diameter, and in an extraordinary perfect state."
The tombstone is on display in the Great North Museum: Hancock, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England.


I posted this not long ago but with the Ides upon us here is another drawing of Caesar on ArtStation, the detail is truly remarkable. I think Ciaran Hinds from HBO"s ROME was definitely the inspiration for this amazing image.
Image: Winn Gan.


Bronze Phrygian Helmet, Greek, Late Classical to Early Hellenistic, c. 350-300.


One of Legio XXI Rapax"s famous photos. Here were we see from left to right: The Aquilifier, the man honoured with the sacred role of holding the golden Aquila aloft, the Optio with his 5ft ball tipped staff and a legionary. This is a display of extraordinary panoply out in the sunlight, Armour gleaming.
Photo: Andrzej Stasiukiewicz


Close up of Lincoln Head at Mount Rushmore under construction, South Dakota, 1937.

A Roman conchylia cup decorated with a combination of fish and shellfish. The glass cup is dated to the 4th century CE, ...

A Roman conchylia cup decorated with a combination of fish and shellfish. The glass cup is dated to the 4th century CE, and is now housed at the Roman-Germanic Museum in Cologne, Germany
See more:

"🦅HORUS  The Protector of kings📷 Photo by Ahmed Sameh♦️ © All Rights Reserved ♦️"

The Protector of kings

📷 Photo by Ahmed Sameh
♦️ © All Rights Reserved ♦️"

🔵 An ancient bust of Aphrodite and the   model Andri Karantoni. Aphrodite is an ancient   goddess associated with love, ...

🔵 An ancient bust of Aphrodite and the model Andri Karantoni. Aphrodite is an ancient goddess associated with love, beauty, pleasure, passion and procreation. She was syncretized with the Roman goddess Venus. !!

"The coffin of Nedjemankh is a gilded ancient Egyptian coffin from the late Ptolemaic Period. 150–50 BC It once encased ...

"The coffin of Nedjemankh is a gilded ancient Egyptian coffin from the late Ptolemaic Period. 150–50 BC It once encased the mummy of Nedjemankh, a priest of the ram-god Heryshaf.

Material: Cartonnage (linen, glue, and gesso), gesso, paint, gold, silver, resin, glass, wood, leaded bronze"

"Egyptian Model of a woman making beer Old KingdomFirenze, Museo Archaeologico Nazionale"

"Egyptian Model of a woman making beer
Old Kingdom

Firenze, Museo Archaeologico Nazionale"

"𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐥, 𝐋𝐮𝐱𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭the Temple of Ramses II! It""s such an incredible ancient Egyptian monument. Di...

"𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐥, 𝐋𝐮𝐱𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭

the Temple of Ramses II! It""s such an incredible ancient Egyptian monument. Did you know that it""s located in Abu Simbel? The temple complex was built by Ramses II to showcase his power and commemorate his victory at the Battle of Kadesh. The colossal statues of Ramses II at the entrance are truly awe-inspiring!"

The ruins of Sanquhar Castle just outside the village of Sanquhar in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland—then and now.Unfort...

The ruins of Sanquhar Castle just outside the village of Sanquhar in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland—then and now.
Unfortunately, I don"t know the date of the old photo. It is probably early 1900s.
Sanquhar Castle was first built in either the 13th or 14th century and fell into ruin after the 17th century. Restoration work was undertaken by John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, 3rd Marquess of Bute, but with his death in 1900 work stopped.
Today, it is in a ruinous state and unsafe. A fence blocks public access to the ruins.

"𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭Egyptian wall paintings and relief art AmenhotepIll Representation at Karnak Temple Complex,Luxor The e...

"𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭
Egyptian wall paintings and relief art Amenhotep
Ill Representation at Karnak Temple Complex,
Luxor The extent to which the ancient history of
Egypt was recorded by their artists is remarkable.
Ancient Egyptian art displays a vivid"

Egyptian art tell stories that transcend time.

Egyptian art tell stories that transcend time.

Scale Armor | Subeixi or Scythian | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Scale Armor | Subeixi or Scythian | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

1,100-year-old Viking sword pulled from English river by magnet fisherTrevor Penny, a magnet fisherman, pulled a corrode...

1,100-year-old Viking sword pulled from English river by magnet fisher
Trevor Penny, a magnet fisherman, pulled a corroded Viking sword dating back to as early as CE 850 from the River Cherwell in Oxfordshire.
The sword, authenticated as Viking and estimated to be over 1,200 years old, represents a period of conflict and cultural exchange between the Anglo-Saxons and the invading Danish Vikings. It hails from a time when England was divided, and skirmishes between the two factions were common....

"2000-year-old marble thrones at the ancient theatre of Amphiareion of Oropos, Greece.The Amphiareion at Oropos, sanctua...

"2000-year-old marble thrones at the ancient theatre of Amphiareion of Oropos, Greece.
The Amphiareion at Oropos, sanctuary of the hero Amphiaraos, was greatly famed and frequented by pilgrims who went to seek oracular responses and healing.
The largest building in the sanctuary is a stoa (mid-4th century BC) which served as the enkoimeterion for the patients.
The sanctuary also contained a theatre. The theatre is dated to the 2nd century BCE by inscriptions and the seating area was likely composed of wooden seats on stone supports.
Five marble prohedria (seat of honor at the front of the seating area) were discovered placed around the orchestra."

Luxur temple, Egypt ✨

Luxur temple, Egypt ✨

Good morning from Egypt 🇪🇬❤️

Good morning from Egypt 🇪🇬❤️

"Odeon of Herodes Atticus, on southwest slopes of Acropolis, Athens 🇬🇷.Built by Herodes Atticus, a rich Greek aristocrat...

"Odeon of Herodes Atticus, on southwest slopes of Acropolis, Athens 🇬🇷.
Built by Herodes Atticus, a rich Greek aristocrat and Roman senator, in 161 AD, in memory of his wife, Aspasia Anni Regilla. The Theatre was destroyed in 267 AD by Herules, Germanic barbarians of 3rd Century AD.
The Odeon of Herodes Atticus - or simply the “Herodeon” as it is more commonly known - is one of the most prominent ancient sites of Athens. And that says a lot, given that Athens brims with all kinds of archaeological attractions and architectural wonders of a glorious past.
Part of the open-air theater’s present fame stems from the fact that it’s nowadays used as a stage for concerts, plays, and all kinds of performances.
The Odeon of Herodes Atticus is one of the oldest and most prestigious theatres in the world. In the times of ancient Greece, the amphitheaters called Odeons were used for hosting plays and musical performances as well as gathering places for locals – and the “Herodeon” was the most famous among them.
(Quote from Ghitza Pop)"

"A photo from outside Tutankhamun""s hall. 📸 Egypt With Ahmed‏♦️  All Rights Reserved ©♦️"

"A photo from outside Tutankhamun""s hall.

📸 Egypt With Ahmed
‏♦️ All Rights Reserved ©♦️"

"One of the most beautiful, surprising and brilliant masterpieces of Egypt""s righteous son, warrior king and architect,...

"One of the most beautiful, surprising and brilliant masterpieces of Egypt""s righteous son, warrior king and architect, King Ramesses II.

This amazing statue was made of black diorite, the same stone from which the statue of King Hafar was made, as well as Rosetta, which is of extremely hard fiery stone, and the third is a bright to classic color.

This statue represents a masterpiece of Egyptian sculpture. It represents him in a different image from the official royal establishment that was familiar before. It shows the king sitting on the throne, with his back clearly on a column with inscriptions on it, wearing loose Egyptian clothing, and it was not the blue crown, or the khabarish crown. . (Helmet of combat and war), and he holds the scepter of Haqqa (authority) in his hand, while wearing on his feet the strappy shoes (sandals) with which he desecrates the enemies of Egypt surrounding it, represented in the form of nine arches, confirming the king’s absolute dominance over Egypt and foreign countries..

To the right of the king, next to the witch, is a small statue of his old wife, Nefertari, with the words “Beloved by the Theban Goddess” written underneath, and on the left side is a small statue of his son, Amun Harkhepshef.

The statue was made early in the period of Wisdom of Intelligence (1279 - 1213 BC), in the era of the nineteenth modern Egyptian dynasty, from the Kingdom. This statue is the most famous historical piece in the Turin Museum, Italy, as the statue of Ramses represents this museum’s pride."

parliament in vienna, austria. with the statue of pallas athena of the greek goddess of wisdom.

parliament in vienna, austria. with the statue of pallas athena of the greek goddess of wisdom.

Sekhmet: An Ode to Feminine Power

Sekhmet: An Ode to Feminine Power

Ka Statue of King Hor. Middle Kingdom, 13th Dynasty, ca. 1777-1775 BC. in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo

Ka Statue of King Hor. Middle Kingdom, 13th Dynasty, ca. 1777-1775 BC. in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo




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