The Book of Job Gets God Way Wrong
The Book of Job does presents a different God than the one we are shown in the #NewTestament. Why does the god of Job #gaslight and avoid questions? #Jesus #Christ #Bible #NewYearsEve #NewYear #2025 #newyears
Arm Teachers, Save Students
Our culture should not be afraid of teachers protecting their children by any means necessary. #rights #schools #parents #gunrights #jesus #newyear #newyear2025 #bible #christians #biblestudy #defense
Why are women forbidden to preach but not from wearing jewelry?
If women aren't allowed to preach because the #biblesaysso, why are women allowed to wearing costly clothing, jewelry, gold, or even braid their hair?
#BibleStudy #WomenInFaith #Modesty #GenderRoles #Jesus #Christ #womensrights
Satan would be proud!
Satan would be proud! #Satanism #christian #christianity #bible #christiansoftiktok #jesus #christ #jesuschrist #bible #statues
Elf on the Shelf Meets Art the Clown
#ElfOnTheShelf #ArtTheClown #HolidayTraditions #ChristmasHumor #Christmas #Christmas2024 #Terrifier #horror #movie #Nostalgia
9/11 Is The Key To Understading What is Going On
9/11 Is The Key To Understading What is Going On #911Theories #WorldTradeCenter7 #Conspiracy #ConspiracyDiscussion #911Truth #SteelStructure #ArchitecturalMysteries #CriticalThinking #architects #engineers #truth #biblical #justice #Jesus #Christ #JesusChrist
Hold Climate Cover-Up Culprits Accountable Now!
Join us in this powerful call for accountability as we delve into the pressing issue of climate engineering. In this compelling chapter, our main character passionately advocates for justice against those complicit in the climate crisis. It's time to raise our voices and demand change! #ClimateAccountability #JusticeForThePlanet #ClimateEngineering #Activism #SustainableFuture #EnvironmentalJustice #EcoWarriors #ClimateCrisis #CallToAction #Accountability #climatechange #manmadeclimatechange #christians
Why Doesn't God Stop Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia?
#SexTrafficking #MoralDilemmas #SocialIssues #DivineIntervention #CommunityAwareness #Ministries #Empowerment #HumanRights #SpeakOut #SupportSurvivors
Wake Up! Governments' Secret Experiment Exposed: Taking Action
Discover how governments have conducted secret experiments without consent. Join the movement to hold those responsible accountable. Unveil the interconnectedness behind media cover-ups and climate engineering. Together, we demand justice. #GovernmentExperiment #SecretExposure #HoldAccountable #MediaCoverup #ClimateEngineering #DemandJustice #WakeUpCall #GlobalMovement #TakingAction #HiddenAgenda
Chemtrails Exposed: The Truth Behind the Conspiracy Theory
Discover the truth behind the conspiracy theory surrounding chemtrails and why they are not just condensation trails. Watch as we provide evidence of sprayed particulate dispersion and debunk the belief that these trails are harmless. Stay informed and uncover the hidden agenda! #ChemtrailsExposed #ConspiracyTheoryDebunked #SprayedParticulateDispersion #HiddenAgenda #StayInformed #ChemtrailTruth #DebunkingMyths #ConspiracyExposure #ChemtrailAwareness #EyeOpeningTruths
Shocking Truths About Power and Destruction Revealed! 🌍💥
Explore the disturbing reality of how those in power recklessly jeopardize the world for their own gain. Discover the dire consequences of their actions and the impact on all living beings! #PowerDynamics #DestructionRevealed #PlanetImpact #Consequences #PowerCorrupts #EnvironmentalCrisis #NuclearContamination #SocietyUnderThreat #MentalHealthAwareness #WakeUpCall