HENLO EVERYBIRDIE!!!!! 😀🐥🤗 DID U MISS ME YESTERDAY!¿¡ My mommy had 2 much goin on 2 let me borrow her thumbz 2 post 4 ~SEXII SATURDAY~ ((((lame 🙄)))) sO…..WE R MAKING 2DAY ~SEXII SUNDAY~ BIRD LEAF EDITION 🔥 #110#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
I. AM. ACROBIRB. 🎪 #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot——————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#TalkingParrot#TalkingParakeet#TalkingBird#TwinkietheIRN#PeekABooParrot#GiveMeAKiss#Parrots#Birds #580#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
TWINKIE (mE) VS. DA EVIL UNDERFLUFFY ⚔️ Did I WiN!! #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#TalkingParrot#TalkingParakeet#TalkingBird#TwinkietheIRN#PeekAB #527#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
Me 2 myself KNOCK KNOCK WHO IZ DAT HANDSOME BIRDIE IN DA MIRROR!¿¡ 🤔😏😉 #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#TalkingParrot#TalkingParakeet#TalkingBir #365#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
Watch till da end 4 a surprize...😏 #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#TalkingParrot#TalkingParakeet#TalkingBird#TwinkietheIRN#PeekABooParrot#GiveMeA #524#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
U GUYZ,, WAT SHOULD I B 4 HALLOWEENIE!¿¡ 🎃👻😈💀 HELP ME OUT EVERYBIRDIE…🤔 ((((Will pin my 3 FAVE costume idea commentz,, so make them REAL goOd ok thx)))) 😎 #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot —————————— #169#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
Guess my mommy @laurenlilac didn’t get da memo dat 2day iz SHARING SUNDAY…👀🍗👅 #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot—————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#TalkingParrot#TalkingParakeet#Ta #265#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
HOW 2 HAVE DA BESTEST FRIYAY START UR MORNING OFF WIT THESE 3 THINGZ…1. WAT R U DOING 🤔2. HEY TWINKIE 😎3. (((((SQUEESH))))) 🤗#TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot —————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingInd #63#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
MERRY CHRISTMAS TEAM TWINKIE!!!! ❤️🐥💚 Me && my mommy @laurenlilac hope u have da mOsT magical day filled with LOTZ of yummy foodz, prezziez, gamez, && time wit ur best frens & family!!! 🥹 OK NOW BRB OPENING M #30#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
oK but LiKe I need 2 knO,, wuz anybirdie else DIS eggcited 2 eat 2day 4 Thanksgiving!¿¡ 🦃🍽👅 (YeS my mommy wuz laughing so hard she cried 😏) I hope u all had an xtra BOOTIFUL day wit ur lubed onez my frens!!! #327#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
LIKE DIS VIDEO 2 GIVE ME ANOTHER (((((squeeeeeesh))))) #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#TalkingParrot#TalkingParakeet#TalkingBird#TwinkietheIRN#Pee #385#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
My FaVoRiTe place 2 take a lil nap is on my mommy’s shoulder...comfiest spot EVER (& I even get kissies!!!) 🥰😴 #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#T #478#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
I can SEE the Cheez It, I can SMELL the Cheez It, so y can’t I TASTE THE CHEEZ IT!!!! 😩 #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#TalkingParrot#TalkingPara #541#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
Just mommy using me as a StReSS BaLL after werk as usual….🙄😒😅 ((((WAIT 4 DA END 2 HEAR MY NEW SOUND THO oK)))) #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot —————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IR #262#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
OoOoOoOo DA TONGUE iz on FULL DISPLAY 4 2dayz edition of everybirdie’s FaVoRiTe ~SEXII SATURDAY~ 😏👅🔥🌶🥵☕️ #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot —————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#Ta #206#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
FEELIN RLY RLY ((((THICC)))) && RLY RLY ((((SLICC)))) 😗😏😎 #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#TalkingParrot#TalkingParakeet#TalkingBird#TwinkietheI #200#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!!! (Wait 4 the end...😏) #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#TalkingParrot#TalkingParakeet#TalkingBird#TwinkietheIRN#PeekABo #561#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
OK LIKE IDK ABOUT U GUYZ,, BUT I’M FEELIN 2022…((((see wat I did there¿)))) 😎 Already got my fancy hat ON && am all ready 2 give out some extra SEXII KISSEZ @ MiDNiGhT 🎩😏💋🍾 HAPPY NEW YEAR TEAM TWINKIE!!! 💛 #312#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
No wordz mOm,, just vibez 😎💦 #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot —————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRingneck#IRN#TalkingParrot#TalkingParakeet#TalkingBird#TwinkietheIRN#PeekABooParrot#GiveMeAKis #170#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful
STARTING OFF HUMP DAY DA ✨RITE WAY✨ WIT LOTZ OF BOOPZ && REMINDING MY MOMMY DAT I’M A GOOD BOI 😇 1010 WOULD RECOMMEND 💯 #TeamTwinkie #CeleBIRDY #PamperedParrot —————————————————#IndianRingneck#TalkingIndianRin #69#parrot #Cocktiels #cutebirds #birds #cockatoos #prettybird #reelsinstagram #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelstrending #shorts #shortsvideos #shortreels
#animals #animalsofinstagram #animalshelter #cute #beauty #beach #beautiful