I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to start Alchemica Media.
I am launching this project, in order to explore the creative processes of my self and the artists who surround me. To see what I’ve been up to, browse my site, learn about my passions, and explore what excites and interests you as well.
Alchemy, is a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation or combination . . .
I welcome you in ... into my underground world, my version of the truth , and truth within the music. We are at the dawn of a new industrial era, the new electronic age, where technology is fusing with creativity and the drive for self expression in an ever growing global conciousness.
We are children of the stars created and united within the cosmos and art is the answer to the global revolution shaping our society today, in a world where artificial intelligence is eliminating the need for skilled work, we as humanity are left with only our ability to create, and share ourselves with the world.
My story begins when I was a small child so confused by a world within which I did not feel I belonged, and throughout my childhood I would look to the music as my companion, and later experimenting with punk rock ... forever dreaming of the chance at freedom through being able create that which I thought would remain trapped within my soul.
My real exploration into the creative and music process however ensues only a few years ago, when I fell deeply in love with electronic music, more specifically Techno and the feeling of unity it generates within this drastically divided world. I am an artist, music producer, philosopher, scientist, and mystic who enjoys experimenting with electronics and finding interesting new ways to grow, adapt and develop my creative process. I find my influences amongst the stars, and enjoy using my passions for cosmology and the sciences as fuel for my self expression. We are here on this planet, even if this is not your home planet!, to inspire and uplift each other wherever possible as the music and creative arts industries propel us ever forward into the new age of Aquarius.
This is an adventure story and invitation into my crazy fu***ng life and love for Music, Technology, Alchemy and Art . . .
Alchemica media will be visiting interesting places of inspiration, writing about events aimed at enhancing the creative elevation of the dance floor and the under appreciated sound emanating from the streets of Cape Town. There is a powerful talent radiating form within our city and this blog aimed at enlightening listeners on the creative processes of underground producers and performers by providing a platform that contributes to the showcasing of artistic depth. Alchemica media has the goal of assisting in the transmutation of Artists in the local and international electronic movement, and offers artistic and creative management services to those in line with the Alchemica ethos.
I am excited to finally be sharing my self and creative expressions with the world, the beings on earth, my bothers and sisters united in the eternal vibration of the universes! I am what some would deem "a touch of crazy", but I am here to embrace that and share it with who ever is interested and is wanting to listen, I do not intend on censoring any of the content, so for those who are uncomfortable with a little "profanity" here and there please feel free to unsubscribe or unfollow.
Alchemica Media will be covering stories and spending some time with some of the local underground talent from all genres and walks of life, sharing and discussing the inner working lives of the artist their creative processes and how it influences them and their music.
This blog will also include whatever I feel fits my ideas of blog and news worthy in relation to the musical context, we will be discussing general news or art stories that relate to my local community with the goal of uplifting the local artist, finding those stones with the rough edges and transmuting the DIY underground understanding and experience for all.
I will be "vlogging"on the linked youtube channel about my life as an artist, the production of music, how I seek out inspiration and talking to others about what they believe is relevant to artistic growth.
I have a story to tell the world and have chosen music, sound science and cymatics as my medium, believing fully in the capability of the welding of these to heal and cultivate a golden self within the artistic climate.
It is also just a music blog about s**t I enjoy talking about, like discussing tech and gear news & reviews along with posts on the latest upcoming album launches and labels in the local and international Market I believe should be mentioned.
Alchemica media has the focus of enlightening the global and local South African music community with frequent artistic collaborators, muso friends and guests contributing to the content.
I welcome all those who decide to embark on this journey with me, I would appreciate feedback and would love to hear from anyone who has something they wish to voice in relation to the posts.