Today's quiz
Qu No1. Favour is deceitful,and beauty is --- but a woman that feareth the Lord she shall be ---. A, lasting, mocked. B,vain, praised. C, wonderful, watched. D, clean,holy.
Qu No2. Who was given a wise and discerning mind that none like him had been before or be again. A, David. B, Moses. C, Solomon. D, Samuel.
Qu No3. The demon possessed man from the gadarenes say his name was ---. A, Lucifer. B,Enan. C, legion. D,bezeble.
Qu No4. Keep your tongue from --- and your lips from ---. A, speaking, lipstick. B, evil, speaking deceit. C, prophecy,lair. D, mouth, silent.
Qu No5. Depart from --- and do good ,seek --- and pursue it. A, house,holy. B,faith, money. C,evil,peace. D,road, train.
Fast fingers let's go. Pls no Expo oooh