Eco-Logical Thinking
1 - Long Term (economic & political) strategy. having the intellectual and emotional maturity to be able tot balance today's wants and wishes against our ability to meet tomorrow's needs.
2 - Care for Community - recognising that we are part of a human & non-human community and that our individual well being and survival is dependent on the well being of the community.
- Appreciation of non material assets - Maturing beyond a purely materialising perspective, to value and appreciate other human assets including: knowledge, intellect, cultural refinement, spiritual & emotional wisdom. With less focus on materiality one can then 'live more simply so that others can simply live'
4 - Holistic - looking at the 'bigger picture', seeing the inter-connectedness of all things and taking into consideration the potential (positive and negative) knock-on effects of our actions.
5 - Open Mindedness and Innovation - Recognising that we live in a rapidly changing world and being willing to adapt accordingly and recognise the advantage and opportunity that change and innovation can bring.
6 - Reconnection with Nature - resulting in physical and emotional harmonisation with Nature and the material advantages of Biomimicry + 'Blue Economy' thinking.
7 - Quality and Ethical Consumer choices - recognising the advantages of quality over quantity in terms of products effectiveness for purpose, durability and natural resources used. by choosing quality instead of quantity, we will use less resources.