A global software initiative about recognising Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia's Constitution. This page is operated and maintained by Gerard Prokop BA LLB (Hons) GDLP - Director and Australian Lawyer at UNILEX Pty. develops and distributes innovative software solutions for Apple iOS and Google Android operating systems. This page has been setup to facilitate a public disc
ussion about the issues and implications that may arise as a result of amending Australia's Constitution to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In an effort to promote public awareness on the above issue, UNILEX® has created a free, non-commercial mobile app called "Constitution of Australia" which you can download from the iTunes^ App Store^ or Google Play app stores via links provided on this page:
Apple iTunes
Google Play
You may also like to follow us on the micro blogging website Twitter: www.twitter.com/UNILEXmedia for additional information. ATTENTION - PLEASE READ
UNILEX® advises that this forum may contain images/content and sounds that are culturally sensitive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Users of this page should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Racist, vexatious, offensive or abusive content will not be tolerated and is a contravention of the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities associated with this pages terms of use. If you are found to be posting content that is contrary to this Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, your inappropriate content will be removed without notice, and you may be banned from further participation on this page. The activities undertaken by UNILEX® are not sponsored or endorsed by the Australian Government, or any political organisation, nor do we subscribe to a particular view. There are a range of views in the Australian and international community, and the purpose of this forum is to learn more about these views before a future referendum is held. UNILEX® welcomes people from all over the world to participate in our national discussion. NO LEGAL ADVICE
The information contained on this page is provided for informational purposes only. Nothing on this page constitutes, or is intended to constitute, legal advice and should not be treated as such. You are responsible for making your own assessment of the information contained on this page and you should independently verify that information with a legal adviser before relying on any such information. DISCLAIMER
UNILEX® does not purport to be affiliated with the Australian Government. The Australian Government does not endorse or sponsor any content services or software products supplied by, or associated with, UNILEX®. Any content posted on this page by individual users does not necessarily reflect the views of UNILEX® or indicate a commitment to a particular course of action. CONTACT
If you have any questions about this page, or would like to report issues concerning this page, then please contact Gerard Prokop by sending a direct message via Facebook.