(Please scroll down for English)
【世界地球日】今年「世界地球日」嘅主題係「投資我們的星球 (Invest in Our Planet)」,鼓勵人類積極改變對待環境的方式,並且運用創新思維,為我哋環境作出一分力。
大自然同地球息息相關。喺香港,近在咫尺嘅郊野正好俾大家有機會認識、親近同享受大自然,值得我哋好好保護。小編就希望大家喺享用我哋郊野嘅同時,亦要記住盡力減低對郊區環境嘅影響,等大家以至下一代,都能夠同享呢片「綠洲」。不如大家就由今日開始,透過 #身體力行愛郊野,作為我哋對守護地球未來嘅投資啦!
P.S. 較早前,我哋邀請大家參與有關港人疫下參與郊外活動嘅習慣嘅問卷調查。再次多謝各位支持同參與。小編正整理緊調查結果,並喺稍後同大家公佈。請密切留意PLAN For Nature專頁!
【Earth Day】This year's theme for Earth Day is "Invest in Our Planet". It calls upon everyone of us to change the way we treat the environment, and to make use of innovative ways in protecting the Earth.
Our mother nature is closely related to the Earth. In Hong Kong, our precious countryside is so close, which offers everyone of us an opportunity to learn, enjoy and connect with nature, and it deserves our protection. So, when you visit the countryside, do remember to try your best to minimize our environmental footprints, so that everyone of us as well as our next generation can enjoy this piece of "oasis". Let's invest in the future of the Earth, by cherishing and protecting our countryside together!
P.S. Several months ago, we invited you to participate in a questionnaire survey on Hong Kong people's opinions towards the countryside management issues. Thank you for your support and participation. The results are now being compiled and we will announce the results once they're ready. Stay tuned for any updates on our PLAN For Nature page!
#世界地球日 #投資我們的星球 #山野無痕 #自己垃圾自己帶走 #永續發展 #郊野公園 #大自然
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