A romantic woodland retreat spirals into a terrifying ordeal as newlyweds Trent and Mia fall prey to a pagan religious order. Spooky moment with Jared Rivet, Tracy Clifton, Steve Mize and Mary Murphy! #audiodrama #horrorfiction #fictionpodcast #voiceover #voiceacting #31daysofhalloween
Chill out around the campfire with top-tier performances by Melissa Medina and Karim Kronfli, Voice Artist! Tune in to WEST PALM READERS on your favorite podcast app! #audiodrama #podbean #podbeanpodcast #horrorfiction #fictionpodcast #scarystories #spotifypodcast #horror #voiceover #voiceacting
He watches you… all the time.” Released exactly four years ago! One of my personal favs! Always fun to revisit this impressive tour de force performance by Jessica McEvoy as both young and older “Skeeter”, a child with remarkable paranormal abilities! Also featuring the terrific talents of Blythe Haynes and Julie Hoverson as a hilarious pair of truck stop waitresses and Owen Bevan as Skeeter’s concerned father! #audiodrama #horrorfiction #fictionpodcast #horrorpodcast #throwbackthursday
If you’re on an abandoned midnight road and arrive at a bar called Last Resort… then, you’re traveling the wrong road, my friend. #AudioDrama #horrorpodcast #fictionpodcast
Haunting a set of earbuds near you! #audiodrama #horrorpodcast #voiceover #voiceacting #fictionpodcast
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
“What terror lies below the depths…”
Your daily recommended dose of horror is only a smart phone tap or two away! Our nautical thriller THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA is streaming/screaming now on your fav podcast app! #audiodrama #audiodramapodcast #HorrorFiction #horroraudiodrama #podcastrecommendation #voiceover #voiceacting