As I'm reflecting on the last year, I'm so incredibly grateful that a) we made it through in one piece and b) for all the amazing opportunities that presented themselves this year.
If I'm being honest, the last 6-9 months have been incredibly hard around here, and not for any one particular reason. I've watched, almost on the sidelines of myself, as I became a less organized, less punctual, more forgetful, more stressed, and more frazzled person. It has been hard. It's like learning how to manage things all over again when you are almost a different person with different strengths and weaknesses. Our sweet kids are 2.5yo and 1yo, and it is so joyful and so hard at the same time. And I think it's worth clarifying, especially for those that don't have children - being a mom is the easy part, actually. Showing up and loving your kids is easy. It's everything else you have to do that makes it hard, like meal plan, grocery shop, work, remember birthdays, etc.
I feel like a person holding onto a million balloon strings, and trying to "do everything" is like trying to pick out the balloon string from your balled up fist for a very specific balloon. And then again. And again. All day. I miss texts, I forget tasks. I'm not as present as a friend as I'd like to be.
Anyway, I say all that not to bring on the pity party (my life is a cut above perfect, I would say), but to just say - I never expected this year to go as it did. My husband has been amazing and supportive of me trying to juggle too many things (maybe too supportive - sometimes I need someone to tell me, "stop, sit, and rest!"). (CONT. in comments)