On March 12th, 2011 Host November Hanson "Signs Off" after 4 and a half years as host of "Voice of the People Radio™" on the Paranormal Radio Network. Don't miss the Show on 02/26/2011 with Guest, Author Mike Bara, as November talks with him about his book, "The Choice, Using Conscious Thought and Physics of the Mind to Reshape the World". Join us as it has been some time since November has had Da
vid on the show, and the world has changed in amazing ways since then. See what these changes look like from an Esoteric point-of-view! Again, on March 12th, 2011 Host November Hanson "Signs Off" after 4 and a half years as host of "Voice of the People Radio". Join November and Guest, Author Gerard Aartsen, "George Adamski, A Herald for the Space Brothers". Gerard Aartsen has been a student of the Ageless Wisdom teaching for over 30 years. His research into the teachings of the Masters of Wisdom resulted in a comprehensive catalogue which he has published online at: http://www.biblioteca-ga.info. Gerard is a long-standing co-worker of Share International, a worldwide network of groups affiliated with British Esotericist Benjamin Creme, as the main source of information about the return of the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom now, at the dawn of a new cosmic cycle. Gerard Aartsen (1957) has a Master of Education degree from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, where he has held a teaching position in the department of secondary education since 2001. In the second hour of the March 12th, 2011 broadcast, Host November Hanson will be doing a "Sign Off". This will be her last program, and she will take the opportunity to reflect over the last four and a half years with "Voice of the People Radio". She will share with everyone what she will be doing, and why it is time for her to give up her hosting the radio program.