This week’s purpose is that of Gotham Greens, the Brooklyn based fresh food company farming with the future in mind. 🛰
The company builds and operates sustainable greenhouses in cities across America, where they grow year-round supply of local produce. 🌱
“Reimagining how and where fresh food is grown” is their purpose. 💯
Gotham Greens is a Certified B Corporation that meets the highest possible standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability. 🔝
The “B” stands for benefit. As a company, Gotham Greens balances profit and purpose, prioritizing positive impact for #employees, #communities and the #environment.
✅Employees are farmers that live in apartments and do see #green fields where others see gray. They fuel blooming #communities where others fear urban decay.
✅Environment: Indoor farming facilities are sun (and wind) powered, and climate controlled for a year-round growing season.
✅Communities: The company provides clean, #sustainable and quality food to #local communities. Any time, anywhere. And they’re committed to creating #jobs for local residents.
Gotham Greens’ produce isn’t the best because of how they grow it, it’s the best because of who grows it.
The company is built upon the collective values, talents and energy of diverse team that truly lives the purpose “reimagining how and where fresh food is grown”.
#renewables #renewableenergies #farming #future #agritech #food #plantbased #environment #nocruelty #noplanetb #culturaltransformation #creativity #business #leadership #innovation #entrepreneurship #drivenbypurpose #Purpose #PurposeDrivenAcademy #PurposeDesign #purposedrivenframework #BestPurpose
La natura come metafora della vita
La natura come metafora della vita.
Con @drjacopoquerci abbiamo deciso che il luogo ideale per svolgere il percorso olistico delle quattro consapevolezze fosse la natura incontaminata delle Colline Livornesi, a poca distanza dal mare, un luogo rustico per proporre una chiave di lettura ancestrale sulle nostre potenzialità e ricollegare la nostra fisiologia con l'ambiente.
Il bosco è il luogo dove scatenare la creatività e tracciare nuovi sentieri, dove riflettere su ciò che ci circonda e sulle risorse da gestire, su come superare o aggirare gli ostacoli. L'acqua invece ci impone la consapevolezza del respiro, ci insegna e aiuta a controllarlo.
La natura si rivela la palestra ideale per prepararci ad affrontare le sfide quotidiane, a restare concentrati sugli obiettivi prioritari, a potenziare le prestazioni fisiche e mentali.
#purposedriven #healthandfitness #business #strategia #nutrizione #saluteebenessere #purposedrivenbusiness #imprenditoria #leadership #creatività #innovazione #webinar