The Missing, The Murdered, And The Afraid
Alexa Blyan is a 17-year-old international activist, mentor and motivational speaker from Saskatchewan, Canada. She advocates for issues such as mental health, va**ng and to***co reduction among youth, addictions awareness, as well as Indigenous rights issues such as Missing and Murdered Indigenous women, and Intergenerational trauma. She has spoken at events such as Pecha Kucha, various Sister in Spirit Vigils, The Western Canadian To***co Reduction Forum, and more. She has been featured on PTL News Lloydminster, City News Edmonton, The Edmonton Journal and CBC News. Some of her international work include appearances on Fishbowl Radio in Texas, Authors On The Air in Florida, and with VS Holmes in New Hampshire. She has done work with YLL My Home, and the Lloydminster youth council, and has spoken for and been published by The Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women,. She is also an active facilitator of the KAIROS blanket activity. For business or personal inquiries she can be contacted at [email protected] or through her representative at [email protected].