Encryption make your data unreadable while in transit to keep it private. Encryption is the process through which legible data (plaintext) is made illegible (ciphertext) with the goal of ensuring the plaintext is only accessible by parties authorized by the owner of the data. The algorithms used in the encryption process are public, but the key required for decrypting the ciphertext is private. Encryption in transit often uses asymmetric key exchange, such as elliptic-curve-based Diffie-Hellman, to establish a shared symmetric key that is used for data encryption.
Encryption in transit: protects your data if communications are intercepted while data moves between your site and the cloud provider or between two services. This protection is achieved by encrypting the data before transmission; authenticating the endpoints; and, on arrival, decrypting and verifying that the data was not modified. For example, Transport Layer Security (TLS) is often used to encrypt data in transit for transport security, and Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) is used often for email message encryption.