Love Street Breezes

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Love Street Breezes A quarterly magazine dedicated to Avatar Meher Baba, providing a sense of community among all His lo How to subscribe? All help gratefully received.

Love Street Breezes is an international quarterly magazine dedicated to sharing in the remembrance of Avatar Meher Baba through articles, excerpts from Baba's words, art, photos, and other goodies. Managed and edited by Dina Snow Gibson, it continues in the tradition of the earlier publication, Love Street LampPost, that she produced for many years, bringing joy to Baba-lovers all over the world.

Easy - write me at [email protected] & let me know if you would prefer to receive a hard copy or are happy to jsut read it on our website: If the former we would need a subscription/donation of $25 - which will - I hope - cover printing & mailing for a year for domestic readers. For mailing the magazine overseas, postage being so expensive, we would need $35. We would appreciate a donation to help production costs if you choose to just read it on line, but not absolutely necessary. We just want to spread Baba's message of love & truth to 'infinity and beyond' & bring happiness into His lover's hearts. In His love, Dina Snow Gibson


Baba Family Notice
Our beloved Tony Foley, husband, father, and friend to us all, passed away this morning [3/9/23?] while working on a job in Buderim. Tony has been such a bright spark in our lives; a loving, sensitive, enthusiastic, eccentric companion on the path to His Feet. We will all miss him and his joyful companionship on this shared journey.

With much love in our Lord Avatar Meher Baba,

The Foley Family

Memorial details will be shared when arranged.


“Keep me close with you – I am always there.”
Meher Baba


An announcement from Laurent Weichberger, dated 15 November 2022:
My Dear Friends and Family,
I am thrilled to announce the availability of our new book:
An Almost Perfect Balance: The Authorized Biography of Don E. Stevens, by Laurent the To & Companions (Asheville: OmPoint Press, 2022).

Our new book press release online:

Details of our book:

This publication was funded by a grant from Beads on One String Foundation (, an organization created by Don Stevens before his passing in 2011. Don was a preeminent “Western” disciple of the Persian spiritual master Avatar Meher Baba (b. 1894 in Pune, India, d. 1969 in Meherazad, India).

Avatar Meher Baba said: “Don has an almost perfect balance of head and heart.”

Don lived his life from 1945 until 2011 under the guidance of Avatar Meher Baba, first in a Sufi order directed by Murshida Rabia Martin, and then later in Sufism Reoriented, under Meher Baba's direct guidance, and then finally he was released from his role in Sufism, and worked directly with and for Meher Baba.

One of the many remarkable qualities of Don Stevens is that he was a Vice President at Chevron Oil (formerly Standard Oil of California) for the entire period of his discipleship with Meher Baba. This put him in a unique position to serve both an “Eastern” spiritual master, and a Western “Big Oil” firm. Furthermore, as a Sufi, his simultaneous knowledge of both business and mysticism was unparalleled in the 20th century. This is part of the story of balancing the head and heart. Another aspect of his journey is that he was bisexual, at a time when he was not permitted by society to “come out.”

Don Stevens embraced his life mission fully and with exuberance. It fueled not only his actions but it propelled many connected to Don to take up the mission of love and truth which Don found with Meher Baba. Don explored the nature of consciousness according to Meher Baba, through connection to others on the spiritual path, including fellow aspirants and devotees of Meher Baba. His life was about finding that light and truth which lives in all our hearts, and distilling practical ways of pursuing, implementing, and imparting that truth to those who came into his fold.

This book covers Don’s entire life, including 90 chapters by Laurent and his many contributing authors, with dozens of images, and seminal correspondence with Avatar Meher Baba:

Introduction, by Cynthia and Richard Griffin

Part I: 1919 – 1929

Part II: 1930 – 1939

Part III: 1940 – 1949

Part IV: 1950 – 1959

Part V: 1960 – 1969

Don Stevens, by Rick Chapman

Chapter: Image Archive (29 photos)

Part VI: 1970 – 1979

Don’s Work with Groups, by David Lee

Don and France, by Françoise and Daniel Lemétais

Don and Intuition, by Kathryn Harris

Part VII: 1980 – 1989

Memories of Don, by Debbie Sanchez

Part VIII: 1990 – 1999

Don and Groups, by Cynthia and Richard Griffin

Jill Davis Talks with Don Stevens

Part VIII (Continued):

Wise Counsel, Intuition and The Sweetness, The Don in Central Australia, by Craig San Roque

A Posthumous Truing Conversation with Don E. Stevens, by Neale Lundgren

Part IX: 2000 – 2009

Don’s Last Book, by Wayne Smith

Part X: 2010 – 2014

Don Stevens, by Charles Haynes

Don’s Story for Laurent, by Jan Baker

In His Service, by Irma Sheppard and Karl Moeller

Appendix A:

Francis Brabazon writes to Don

Appendix B:

Exploring Don’s Natal Chart, by Marlena Applebaum

The Last Word, by Vanessa Weichberger

The Book Is Now Available From Fine Book Sellers:

Sheriar Books:

Barnes & Noble:

Amazon will have it soon (they are fixing their listing for it right now).

For wholesale orders please email OmPoint Press: [email protected]

I would like to personally thank here all the amazing contributing authors who made this project multi-dimensional in its treatment of Don's extraordinary life.
May beloved Baba, and Don, be pleased.

Avatar Meher Baba ki !Jai!

Laurent Weichberger
OmPoint Press
(910) 398-7177 mobile

The soul of Java is innovation, and we communicate that through all of our client work as well as our research and development of original software.

SILENCE DAY 2022 NOTIFICATION from Tavern TalkDue to the waning of the pandemic, the Chairman and the Trustees of Avatar...


Due to the waning of the pandemic, the Chairman and the Trustees of Avatar Meher Baba Trust have decided that accommodation in Hostel D and the Meher Pilgrim Retreat (MPR) for Silence Day will be available to Baba lovers who would wish to make a reservation to stay at Meherabad.


A message about foreign donations to the AMBPPC Trust.

"Jai Baba,

All charities in India are required to register with the Government and get approval to receive donations from foreigners who are not Indian Citizens. This registration is renewed every five years. The current registration for Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust is up for renewal in 2021 but for reasons not known to us the approval is not forthcoming. We are making all efforts to get the approval renewed as early as possible. In the meanwhile, we request all foreign Baba lovers not to send any loving donations to Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust till further notice.

In His Love,

Dear Friends,Doug Stalker wrote a beautiful review of the latest CD by Max Reif, LOVE'S RIVER, which Love Street Breezes...

Dear Friends,
Doug Stalker wrote a beautiful review of the latest CD by Max Reif, LOVE'S RIVER, which Love Street Breezes is pleased to publish here. See the bottom of the page for the CD's availability.

Produced by Cliff Hackford
Reviewed by DOUG STALKER

Max Reif’s new release, LOVE’S RIVER, is a well of many waters and a caravan of seemingly countless tales. It tells of the soul’s journey through longing, desperation, inquisition, and into fleeting glances of ecstasy on the path to the Beloved.

From the honeymoon of “Sweet Intoxication” to the Jungian-shadowed “dark cellar” (swept) by “The Humble Cleaner,” Max spins a labyrinthine highway of paradox, humor, and the baptisms of returning to innocence, as he travels back into the arms of his lord, Meher Baba.

I listened many times before stepping out of the limited boxes of my own perception and preference and truly imbibing the tales woven in Max’s words, melodic motifs, and voice. Max sings, not with virtuosic correctness, but with a character voice, born of the “dard” of long suffering, as Baba once described it to Gulmai Irani [mother of Adi K. Irani].

Not unlike his paintings of raw innocence, infused with piercing and sublime metaphors, Max paints an aural landscape that one might see outside the doors of Hafiz’s Tavern, where the naked gypsy dances, sings, rants and raves, waiting to be called inside and poured the real wine.

From the sweet, frolicking violin and honky-tonk piano on “The Humble Cleaner,” to the fluent, articulate, and sometimes soaring electric guitar entrances on the Gujarati Arti (words in English), the music is filled with nuanced constellations of harmonic counterpoint and flowing intuition.

The solid, pillared bass lines are often juxtaposed with bubbling, bouncy notes that circle the sure-footed and rhythmic weavings of the drummer, Cliff Hackford—who with musically adept ear has also produced and engineered a sophisticated and whimsical aural collage for Max’s songs.

One of my favorite songs is the title piece, “Love’s River,” which carried me on a boat down the lazy Mississippi on the twilight shift, reminiscing about our mortal past, as simultaneously I could hear the heavenly strains of the Jordan. Such are the free associations many of Max’s songs evoke.

The more I listened, the more I found little lotuses of sound and feeling surfacing and appearing on the waters. It seemed as if such enjoyable reflections could go on and on.

One of my favorite lines is from “20th Century Boy”:

"… and we’d jump into my convertible
and drive all night,
west in freedom, to the morning light."

Well, who among us hasn’t at some time been in that “convertible” of wild longing, looking for the source of this Divine and Glorious adventure? Only Love could have thought it up and carried it off—bringing me for my conclusion to another line, one from the song “Mercy’s Ladder”:

"If God did not send ladders,
How could his name be Mercy?"

LOVE'S RIVER is available as a CD from Sheriar Books in Myrtle Beach or Sheriar Books online:

The album and each of the individual songs are available digitally at Amazon:

Excerpt from customer review by Daniel Ladinsky:

"the moon asked about
her luminosity said ....
'Max's songs help'"

Here is a Sound Cloud recording of a sample song, "Sweet Intoxication," that is mentioned in the review:

An uplifting poem by Irwin Luck:OMNIPRESENCEDear Seekers of the Divine Presence,What is omnipresence?
What is my presenc...

An uplifting poem by Irwin Luck:

Dear Seekers of the Divine Presence,

What is omnipresence?

What is my presence?
You who are everywhere
must be present everywhere.

Like a fish in the water
The water is the same for all fish.
Take the water away
and all fish will die.

Like the air
Take the air away
and all air breathers will die
including every person alive.

We depend so much
on these oceans.
But that is all nothing
compared to your presence.

I feel my presence,
you feel your presence,
everyone feels the same presence
of themselves.
There is one presence
and we all feel it.
Take away your omnipresence
and no one will be present.
We would cease to exist.

But that can never happen.
Because your presence
has no beginning or end.
You are connected to everyone
and everything everywhere.
Where can I go but to you?
I will follow the path
of my own presence to you,
till it becomes boundless
like you.

Come, great Lord come.
I want to feel
your all-pervading presence.

Irwin Luck
August 23, 2021


The World Situation and Meher Baba
[Email sent by Irwin Luck, 6 September 2021]

Dear Lovers of the Avatar and Friends,

I received a letter from a Baba lover who was worried about the politics and money driving so many politicians these days. So I wrote back to him about the big picture as Meher Baba sees things. You might like to see this too.

Dear J

You're such a loving soul.
You want to see love and justice in your life
and in the life of others.
So you get wrapped up in the news
which may not only be inaccurate many times
but shows the darker side of life in this world.

The answer to your questions
about the misuse of money and politics
is in your own writings.
The Lord of the universe came into our world
to enlighten us about things within our understanding
which is so fractional compared to what there is to know,
as to why things happen the way they do.

So he tells us not to worry
about things we have no control over.
He tells us that the Perfect Masters are taking care,
so the burden is not on us
who live in great limitation.

The good and bad guys and things that happen
are there to awaken our consciousness
to realize our true selves which need no government
or anyone to do anything for us.
How lucky can you be to know such a great Master.

So do the simple thing.
"Don't Worry, Be Happy"
Let people do what they do,
including making every mistake and love them all.
All that is needed by anyone
is to wake up from the dream
by connecting themselves to the Avatar
as you have done.

In His Love,

Irwin Luck


Meher Center’s board of directors is happy to announce that the Center will be open to overnight pilgrims starting on October 1, 2021. Reservations from October 1, 2021, to January 2, 2022, will be handled through the same application (lottery) system we utilize for the New Year’s holidays.
As the drawing for reservations will take place during the first week of September, please submit the registration form accompanying this letter as soon as possible. The deadline is Wednesday, September 1. The Gateway staff is committed to seeing that as many people as possible who want a reservation will be accommodated, although perhaps not at the specific time requested.

The Center is partially open by reservation only for day visits, and soon for overnight retreats. Click Partial Opening for more information.

From Phil Cohen Dear Friends in Baba,I've posted a new collection of wildlife photos, taken on my NC property.  I'm in l...

From Phil Cohen

Dear Friends in Baba,
I've posted a new collection of wildlife photos, taken on my NC property. I'm in love with these innocent beings as I commune with the tiny spark of Baba in each.
(If you click on the first pic to enlarge, you can then toggle with the > tab in right margin to view them all.)

(c) Phil Cohen All Rights Reserved


A good idea from Irwin Luck

Dear Meher Baba lovers and friends,

He said the easiest way to realize God is to do what I say.
But now He is no longer in the body to give instruction.
So how can we do what you say?

It is a good thing the mind is everywhere, in every person,
In every animal, in every conscious being.
It is with the mind that we tell you what we want
whether you are in your body or not.
Every prayer, every desire, every thought reaches you.
We have only to think it and you hear it.
So easy to contact you.

Oh, but how to get an answer.
I can talk to you but will you answer me?

There is a way.
The age old way, whether He lives in a body or not.
The same way He answered me
when I did not have the money to travel to see Him in His human form.
I wrote to Him my problem.
He cabled back. "Don't worry, circumstances will adjust themselves."
Two weeks later I was there with Him.
Before that for six months nothing would work out.
I could not go.

So how did it happen?
What did He do to make it happen?

I got the idea to make a big sale of my father's real estate.
So I put a big ad in the Miami Herald. It would run for 2 days.
The first day was incredible. Nothing happened.
Not one person came. Amazing.
Now the second day. Again only one comes. The clock strikes 12 noon.

So with my mind I direct my thoughts straight to Meher Baba, and I say if I am going to see you I need a miracle right now.
Then it Happened.
The doors of the office flew open and mobs of people came in.
They wanted to buy everything.
The phones started ringing. People couldn't wait to buy.
By the time the day was over He had answered me. I had the money to go.

All I did was direct my mind to Him.
In my opinion He works through your circumstances. Not through talk.
Then real things happen.

When I saw Baba He confirmed that it was His will that made it possible for me to come.

So I say if you want to contact Meher Baba and get an answer,
direct your loving thoughts to Him. He will respond.

In His loving service,

Irwin Luck

Copyright © 2021 Meher Baba Archives

Share your personally meaningful Meher Baba quote at by May 31, 2021.

Share your personally meaningful Meher Baba quote at by May 31, 2021.

Celebrate Avatar Meher Baba’s life and words by sending a personally meaningful quote that will be part of the foundation of the Darshan Courtyard.

Great news from MEHER SPIRITUAL CENTERYouth Sahavas Announcement, 2021"In this sahavas, I want you all to forget your wo...

Youth Sahavas Announcement, 2021

"In this sahavas, I want you all to forget your worries and just be with me. I want you all to try your very best to remain in my companionship as much as possible. I am the Ocean of Love, and it rests with you to draw as much as possible from this Ocean. Everyone must be receptive. This can only be if you forget your worries completely and concentrate on me."

Meher Baba
Meherabad Sahavas, 1958
Dear Meher Center Family,

We are very happy to announce that Meher Center is planning to host an on-site Youth Sahavas this summer. Given that major areas around the US are now beginning to gradually open up, we are hopeful that conditions will be suitable for the Youth Sahavas to take place at that time. However, should conditions change, we will, of course, have to cancel the event. At the same time, we are heartened by the news that vaccines will soon be available for teenagers 12 to 15.

Proposed Dates:
Youth Sahavas dates for participants: July 26 to July 31.
Youth Sahavas dates for staff: July 24 to August 1.

In about a week, participant registration forms and additional information about the event will be sent to our Youth Sahavas mailing lists. If you are thinking about attending but do not receive our email within the next week or two, email or call the Gateway and we'll make sure a copy is sent to you ([email protected], 843-272-5777).

We ask those who are interested in participating to respond as soon as possible to help with planning. By Baba's Grace, we will see you this summer.

We also want to let you know that the Center staff is actively working on plans for reopening the Center, as the country is clearly in a transitional period. We will keep the Center family informed of our plans as we continue to consider steps in this reopening process.

In His love and Service,

Buz Connor
Executive Director, Meher Spiritual Center, Inc.

For the Youth Sahavas Committee:
Roz Taubman, Barbara Plews, Wendy Connor, Linda Hansen, Molly Irani, Buz Connor, Elly Szymanski, Annie Fahy, Allison Lawson, Michelle McKeever, Kipper Schauer, Rustom Meyer, Christina Parsons, Daniel Peach and Michael Echeveste fundraiser is simply people helping people. The Meherabad-based team called Meheram7 is n...
This fundraiser is simply people helping people. The Meherabad-based team called Meheram7 is not a medical facility, nor are they part of any larger organization. They are regular people, well-known locally, and have been actively finding resources to help wherever they can, however they can. Read more at Angela Lee Chen's Gofundme page.

We can help Meheram7 to help mild to moderate level patients with testing and home medication, and help with other expenses related to COVID.

As many have been hearing, India is experiencing a terrible second wave of… Angela Chen needs your support for Coronavirus help - help Baba lovers help others

Marathi classic of Meher Baba literature, "Nave Manache Shloks" (नवे मनाचे श्लोक), now published in Hindi translationOn ...

Marathi classic of Meher Baba literature, "Nave Manache Shloks" (नवे मनाचे श्लोक), now published in Hindi translation

On the occasion of the Hindu New Year, 13th April 2021, the Hindi translation of the 81 "Nave Manache Shloks" (Verses), originally written in Marathi by Dr. A.N. Deshpande in 1968, is released. This work was dedicated to Meher Baba and was highly praised and blessed by him. The Hindi translation is done by Niket Kale.

The PDF of the Hindi translation by Niket Kale can be downloaded free at

The PDF contains both the original Marathi Shlokas and the translation into Hindi verse, as well as some information about Dr. Deshpande.

The 81 verses by Dr. A.N. Deshpande are based on the poetic model of the “Manache Shloks” by Samarth Shri Ramdas Swami (1606-1682), a Marathi poet-saint who was the Guru of King Shivaji. The verses in the form of shlokas (śloka), a Sanskrit poetic form, are a “Dialogue with One’s Own Mind.” The seer-poet addresses the mind of a seeker and alerts him with spiritual advice to remain constant on the Path. “Mana” is translated here as “own mind,” which is Chanchal or unstable and needs advice and directions to attain oneness with God.

Dr. A.N. Deshpande, an eminent scholar and philosopher, wrote his 81 verses on Meher Baba's life and philosophy. These became known as "New Manache Shlok." Dr. Deshpande sent the verses in 1968 to Meher Baba, who highly appreciated them, instructing Nana Kher (a relative of Dr. Deshpande) and Bal Natu to recite them daily:

“Baba continued his [seclusion] work for five weeks — from 21 May to 27 June 1968 — working half an hour daily. For more than a month, during the latter days of Baba’s stay in Guruprasad, he would call Bal Natu and Nana Kher to his room for half an hour at about 7:00 P.M. every evening to listen to them recite the Marathi poems of Professor A.N. Deshpande, head of the Department of Marathi at Nagpur University. Nana Kher had told Deshpande a year or so earlier about Baba, and although Deshpande had not met Baba, he was extremely drawn to him after reading Baba’s books. Deshpande had corresponded with Baba and had sent him a copy of his poetry booklet Nave Manache (New Mind) Shlok (Shlokas for a Modern Age), which Baba was now having read to him. The work contained many references to Meher Baba.” (LORD MEHER: p. 5336)

There is a story about an incident that occurred when Dr. Deshpande wrote couplet 76:

मना, मौन भंगेल, होईल क्रांती
थरारेल सृष्टी, अणू स्तब्ध होती
नवे तेज जन्मेल कांती नवीन
नव्या मानवाला नवे प्राप्त ज्ञान ।। ७६

"When the Silence breaks, there will be Upheaval
There will be tremors [in the world], and atoms will stand still.
A new Radiance will appear, and new light be born
And the New Humanity will receive new Gyaan [Knowledge]."

While he was writing the couplet and the words about tremors, Dr. Deshpande actually began to feel as if the earth was shaking, so he stopped writing and came out to see and ask others, but everyone said they did not feel a thing.

Until now, this wonderful poetic treasure, "Nave Manache Shloks," was available only in the Marathi language and script since 1968, and was thus lesser known to Baba-lovers of other regions. Someone has said that they have been turned into a "Mantra" because of Baba’s attentively listening to their recitation for many days.

The original Marathi text that was read out to Baba is recited in the following YouTube video:

Nave Manache Shlok by Dr. AN Deshpande, recited by Dr. Meera Kale (1 to 20, part one):

About the Translator, Niket Kale:

The Hindi translation author, Niket Kale, is the grandson of Meher Baba's early Mandali member Kalemama and the son of Baba’s Mandali and New Life companion Dr. Murli Kale. As the only child of one of Baba's Mandali, he had the privilege and fortune of close contact, correspondence, and darshan of Meher Baba since his childhood. As a writer, poet and translator, he has fluently worked in English, Hindi and Marathi. He is married to the daughter of Meher Baba's close disciple Pankhraj, Dr. Meera Kale, a noted musician and (Rt) Associate Professor of Indian Classical Music. Martin Cook's video, Mary Parry describes, among other things, telling Prince Philip, Duk...
In Martin Cook's video, Mary Parry describes, among other things, telling Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (who died today, April 9), about Meher Baba.

Mary Parry talks about the influence of Meher Baba in her life. Mary introduced many young people to Meher Baba in the 1960's. Her spontaneity, humour and si...


Hostel C in Meherabad to be used for Covid hospital

As per Collector’s order our Hostel ‘C’ hall is taken by Government authority for Covid Centre use from today 5th April 2021. Fifty cots were arranged for Covid patients without bedding, they will bring all their beddings and linen.

As per new Government Law, in emergency State Government can use property from Charitable Institute or Charitable Trust and from private hospitals also for Covid patients or any other emergency use. On behalf of the Collector, Tahasildar has given us a letter for us to use Hostel ‘C’ hall. All Government staff will handle covid centre, no staff from our side will be given.

This is for your information.
In His Service,
Ramesh Jangale

FRANCIS BRABAZON IN "ANDHRA PARADISO"by Ross Keating (from Eric Solibakke's Baba quotes, subscribe at http://mymeherbaba...

by Ross Keating (from Eric Solibakke's Baba quotes, subscribe at

From Pune, Brabazon was the only Westerner out of a group of forty to accompany Meher Baba on an exhaustive tour of the rich fertile area of Andhra. He could not help but notice the spiritual poverty in the West, "between their wholeness and our fragmentation between their open purity and our tamasic self-envelopment."

Large crowds of up to twenty thousand came to receive Meher Baba's darshan (sight of the Master) and blessing as he stopped at the various towns and villages. In all, an estimated ninety thousand people came to see him during the tour. Incredibly, to each of those who came he personally gave prasad (gift from the Master) of a banana which was a fruit commonly grown in this tropical region. The distribution of the fruit prasad would take hours as each person filed by. Brabazon was staggered as he witnessed this spectacle of love and was struck by the attentiveness Meher Baba showed to him....

Brabazon also saw people dancing, singing and presenting extempore verses in praise of their Master. It was for him an experience of a vital, spiritual culture, a proletariat which needed no transition, an "Andhra-paradiso -- / With no fall, and no expulsion from the Garden: / But again with the seal of God's feet upon her earth" — and filled with a pure devotion to God.

"At another place, on leaving, a mere child climbed into our bus and sang songs about Baba, and harangued us to love him, without any signs of childish precocity, winning the respect and admiration of men who had served him for years."

Not surprisingly, the tour secured even further Brabazon's conviction in Meher Baba's spiritual authority. He had now seen with his own eyes Meher Baba moving and working in the midst of people and their natural devotional outpourings in response to being simply in his presence. "One thing is certain," Brabazon wrote:

"... and that is, if any one can help us to gain that freedom (which we feel is our birthright) it can only be one who not only says he has won it himself, but demonstrates his claim in his actual day-to-day living. That one alone can help us to touch the depths of ourselves, who first touches our depths."

And later, in a subsequent passage, Brabazon describes how being in Meher Baba's company on this tour actually touched his own "depths"...:

Whether Meher Baba is the totality of Godhood or not, I have personally no way of knowing — I can only measure to my own degree. But to that degree, he is the embodiment of that ideal which I call God. Since Beauty and knowledge has been the only God I have ever worshipped or pursued, and since this man appeals to my eyes as the very embodiment and manifestation of beauty and knowledge, I call him God.

Not only the all-forgiveness and humour in his eyes, but the very movements of his hands and body, have unlocked regions within me which were unknown to me before. No man or woman, no flight of thought, no aesthetic experience, no sublimity of nature, has touched the depths of me as this man has. I have met no-one, or experienced no experience, which has melted my heart or sharpened my intellect as he has.

Ross Keating, FRANCIS BRABAZON, Poet of the Silent Word, pp. 120-22

Baba's humor is featured in the online videos from Meher Center, Myrtle Beach

Baba's humor is featured in the online videos from Meher Center, Myrtle Beach

The outdoor area of the Center is now open by reservation. For details click “News.” For Online Programs and Live Streaming, click “Programs.”

THE 11TH ANNUAL LEGACY PROGRAMME, based on Baba’s life and work between 1952 and 1953, took place via videos webcast fro...

THE 11TH ANNUAL LEGACY PROGRAMME, based on Baba’s life and work between 1952 and 1953, took place via videos webcast from Meherabad earlier this month. The program director, Gokaran Shrivastava, has announced the link to the YouTube videos, now permanently available as of Saturday 20th March 2021, at:

Video 1:
Jal Dastoor, programme coordinator, welcome speech – 31 minutes
Shridhar Kelkar, chairman, Avatar Meher Baba Trust, inaugural address – 19 minutes
Gokaran Shrivastava, programme introduction – 12 minutes
Jeffrey Beadle – “Summary of the Free Life Phases of Meher Baba, 1952-53” – 24 minutes
Ward Parks – “Transition from Man-o-nash Phase to 1952-53 Phase” – 24 minutes
Aparna Sina Roy – “Following the Route of Meher Baba’s Journey to the West in 1952” – 7 minutes
Jonathan Burroughs – “The Personal Approach to God: Reflections on Meher Baba’s First Visit to His Home in the West, Meher Spiritual Center” – 54 minutes
[Pamela Butler-Stone – “The Greatest of My Sufferings” – Baba’s Statement About His American Accident – will be included in the programme after the 24th of May 2021]

Video 2:
Ganesh Aditham – “Complicated Free Life, Full Free Life, and Fiery Free Life Phases” – Three Phases of Baba’s Life – 35 minutes
Moturi Srivani – “Eruch and Pendu’s Tour of Meher Baba’s Work” – 36 minutes
Peter Nordeen – “Preparation for Meher Baba’s Fiery Free Life” – 57 minutes
Dr. James Newell – “Reflections on the Spiritual Significance of Prague, Oklahoma Accident” – 39 minutes

Video 3 will be available on the 21st of March 2021:
Sufism Reoriented – “Meher Baba Charts a New Path” – 38 minutes
Richard Blum – “How Meher Baba Reoriented Science” – 36 minutes
Janice Erlendson – “1952-1953 Founding of The Awakener Magazine and Meher Baba’s Fiery Life” – 26 minutes
Monica Kochowiec – “Childhood Memories: Meher Baba in Switzerland 1952” – 37 minutes
Siddharth Verma – “From the Diaries of Kishan Singh: Meher Baba Stories from Dehradun” – 27 minutes
Manisha Dixit – “Baba’s Visit to Dehradun” – 29 minutes
Narendra Prasad – “Avatar Meher Baba’s Universal Work in Dehradun 1953” – 28 minutes

Video 4:
Jeffrey Beadle – “Meher Baba in Hamirpur 1952” – 30 minutes
Raghupati Rao – “Baba’s First Hamirpur Darshan Programme 1952” – 26 minutes
Rajendra P. Meher – “Avatar Meher Baba’s First Andhra Darshan Tour” – 38 minutes
Rakhi Shrivastava – “Holding Fast to Your Daaman till the Very End Was My Fortune – Jal Kerawala” – 21 minutes
Lakshmi Narayan – “Meher Baba Mast Tours 1952—53” – 23 minutes

Jai Meher Baba!

Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust Online Programme Concluded on 13th and 14th March 2021 Organised by the Library Committee 11th Annual Legacy Programme on Discovering the Avataric Treasure Based on Baba’s Life and Work Between 1952-53 Now Available on YouTube from 20th March 202...



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Our Story

Love Street Breezes is an international quarterly magazine dedicated to sharing in the remembrance of Avatar Meher Baba through articles, excerpts from Baba's words, art, photos, and other goodies. Managed and edited by Dina Snow Gibson, it continues in the tradition of the earlier publication, Love Street LampPost, that she produced for many years, bringing joy to Baba-lovers all over the world. Unfortunately we can no longer afford to print and mail hard copies - the donations coming in didn’t match our costs. However, the good news is - the Love Street Breezes has its own website and you can read and/or download each issue at: We would appreciate a donation to help the costs of hosting the website, keeping our name and many other expenses involved in the production. If every Baba Lover who wants to keep reading this international magazine that covers all that is happening in the Baba world, could donate $15 a year, we just might be able to get out of debt and forge happily ahead. But this is not absolutely necessary. We just want to spread Baba's message of love & truth to 'infinity and beyond' & bring happiness into His lover's hearts. All donations gratefully received. In His love, Dina Snow Gibson