
watchOCplays Single Dad, 2 pairs of beautiful kids. Full Time Streamer with Sunday days off.. My content are mostly on achievement hunting, coop playing and variety gaming.

I stream to make living and yeah we call it Passion, ya'll the part of me to keep on moving.

Adidas makes a lot of Predator Remakes recently. Accelerator, Mania, Precision even the 1st predator. But i can tell you...

Adidas makes a lot of Predator Remakes recently. Accelerator, Mania, Precision even the 1st predator. But i can tell you, this one was the most underrated Predator of All time and hope they will remake of this one tu….
Predator ni la Beckham score dari tengah..


Hi semua...hemm 🥹

PSA!! PSA!! PSA!!Hari ni aku cuti, dan ada masa nak tulis ni semua. Kepada adik2, kawan2 dan anak2 yg baru bermain Plays...


Hari ni aku cuti, dan ada masa nak tulis ni semua. Kepada adik2, kawan2 dan anak2 yg baru bermain Playstation atau any console gamer diluar sana…disini OC nak bagitahu..
Ya PS5 punya game mmg mahal, takde yg murah…but kalau nak beli yang murah mcm2 cara boleh but not like THIS..
Sistem yg OC rasa kat sini, adalah sejenis sistem yg dipanggil account sharing while playing and bila sampai pada waktunya, game2 murah yg korang beli semua akan xde dan account pun kene amik balik. BE CAREFUL! BE CAREFUL! Sebab selain dari know2 account kene tarik, CONSOLE juga boleh kena BAN! Dan if kene BAN mmg mintak maaf xde chance la untuk otak2 korang yg jenis nak jalan mudah ni nak selesaikan dari lift ban itu walaupun ada caranya..
Sejujur kata, OC mmg tak s**a tutup bisnes orang but untuk OC ini bukan bisnes tapi aniaya…YE MMG DPT MAIN, tapi buat sementara je. Banyak lagi cara nak beli/main game yg murah and PS store pun selalu buat sales. Or boleh visit mana2 group untuk beli Disc 2nd hand (COD).
Ingat, kalau mak2 kita senang kene tipu…kita pun boleh kene tipu kalau benda tu melibatkan interest kita. Jadi OC buat post ni dgn tidak letak mana2 nama company for your reference review. Better menyesal sekarang dari menyesal console beli mahal2 kene ban.

Jangan cakap oci tak payung ☔️

Hmmm…mula2 main Helldive rasa game tu paling best. Tak sangka, this game beats a miles for any games. Maybe sebab s**a l...

Hmmm…mula2 main Helldive rasa game tu paling best. Tak sangka, this game beats a miles for any games. Maybe sebab s**a lore2 yg jenis mcm ni. Cutscene yg buat ternganga. Gameplay gambar jgn cerita la…anyway, skin pun dah terspent kan…so bila dah start commit, perlu teruskan…dekat seminggu jugak habis campaign tiap2 malam main. Tu pun Shahren dgn Takiya yg carry. Tapi skrg dah masuk World Tier 3…nanti naik World Tier 4. Dan paragorn grind bermula. Game ni mmg mengadap la senang cerita, dgn sistem seasonal yg akan dtg…aku rasa x sabar nak push untuk cosmetic2 yg cun. Worth the wait actually sbb x cukup duit time nak beli day 1…tp if dulu terbeli pun i think the best game for 4 players coop. Overall 10/10 this game untuk yg s**a genre mcm ni..
Kalau Helldiver buat aku balik keje kul 11 and tdo kul 2 pagi…This game buat aku balik kul 11…tdo lepas Sahur siaa…hahahaha..k lah, niat dah baca..nak tdo esok keje…

Kalau Helldivers, The Finals ko cakap setan. Game ni lagi Setan daripada semua. Kepala bana since beli aku tdo pukul 4 s...

Kalau Helldivers, The Finals ko cakap setan. Game ni lagi Setan daripada semua. Kepala bana since beli aku tdo pukul 4 semato2…bugima .
Cuma setan nak beli Platinum credits je belum sampai lagi HAHA

Bila ko membesar dgn pengenalan Snapdragon, IOS sebagai minimum requirement, singleplayer Triple A pun tunggu sale or ma...

Bila ko membesar dgn pengenalan Snapdragon, IOS sebagai minimum requirement, singleplayer Triple A pun tunggu sale or main yg crack. So ez je la ko jatuh hukum terus. (Disclaimer: words EZ pun x dtg dari Game tu dulu dik). .
“To beat the best in the world, first…you have to beat the mentality” - Anonymous .
Credits pictures from my fellow Streamers Community (Yg Non-Gamers 🤪🫢)


The Finals Season 2:

Setelah ditunggu-tunggu akhirnya tiba, kali ni dengan penambahan mode baru iaitu Power Shifts dimana dalam game ada 5 vs 5 and both teams kene contest platform untuk sape sampai ke tempat musuh dulu.
If korang pernah main Overwatch dulu ada mode Payload yg kene es**rt kereta tu en? Haaaa Finals punya lebih kurang laaa…

Season 2 jugak meng”Offer” each class with new abilities and new weapons serta pembuangan Recon Sense dalam medium build adalah begitu mengejutkan bagi pihak peminat (especially camper yg s**a main untuk KD je 😜. Mampos la korang)

More destruction dari apa yg korang boleh nampak seperti mode baru di video bawah…more graphics and new songs. Bak kata OC, still worth of playing for those yg s**a Team Objectives Multiplayer Competitives. (yg s**a mati sekali je, ni bukan game korang)

So rate OC untuk Season 2: 10/10

Pros untuk patch terbaru The Finals mcm balance sikit jugak, but Heavy Build punya Shotgun mcm OP sgt la kali ni.


EZ win as always, walaupun Abdel Aziz asyik jatuh gaung hemmm~..
Komunikasi bukan dalam percintaan sahaja, dalam game pun kita perlu....bukan mcm Zultaskforce yg sombong tak nak main dgn Oci hmmm....😇 - Mmg mantap squad play yg ditunjukkan oleh protege Oci dari beliau tingkatan 2 iaitu Dudelasse.


The Finals:

1 hour for this game, totally brings back Battlefield Hard Line Cash & Carry mode. Untuk player Battle Royale, TDM haha this is not your game. Game ni exactly macam Rush mode dalam Battlefield which kene armed M-com or Disarm untuk dapatkan loot/cash.
No skill s**t, Ulti, Power 1 power 2 nak jadi invisible semua TAK PAYAH....Ko mati, jgn kene wipe out je.....
Very fast pace game which consists of 3 vs 3 vs 3. Telling you the truth, this is really PTFO defense and attack game, lebih indah kalau bermain dgn kengkawan....Game ni tgh free dan jgn tanya mana Oci dapat kucing atas bahu itu HAHAHAHAHAHA...ENJOYYYY.
Add me mcm biasa dekat watchOCplays #0439 (untuk crossplay). I can say this game is going to be Fun Fun Fun....This game has really potential in future.


Tolong jangan tanya spender apa OC pakai ye...hemmmm Jom support!!


Nak COOP jom~.
Various way of support you fav Streamer skrg, you can dono at my sociobuzz profile via this link
(All Contribution 100% to Content Creator).
;Thanks to all Supporters yg masih kekal bersama OC. Flex Your Badges with milestones by typing !supportage and click to Post Celebratory Comments...
Be A Hunter, Be my Supporters:
🏆Platinum Target 2023 - 309/250 (Cukup dah)


Berlari berkejarann!!!


Hi Malam ni X stream sbb masih dlm keadaan tidak fit untuk stream. Dah bertalu bantai Soluble ni ha..pape pun nak tanya sikit, berapa kali korang kentut hari ni? 😌

Warmest Welcome to the New Family; Aishah Zaini. Ecah si Ratu Crochet, pada sape2 yg nak order cute2 crochet boleh visit...

Warmest Welcome to the New Family; Aishah Zaini. Ecah si Ratu Crochet, pada sape2 yg nak order cute2 crochet boleh visit her page Hooked by Aishah 🥰🥰..
Thanks for supporting OC ecah 😉

Kepada siapa yg masih tertanya2, is it worth to buy Dead Island 2? Jawapannya : YA..Dead Island 2 adalah sequel daripada...

Kepada siapa yg masih tertanya2, is it worth to buy Dead Island 2? Jawapannya : YA..
Dead Island 2 adalah sequel daripada Dead Island & Dead Island : Riptide dimana game dia adalah memaparkan survivor zombie slashing game yg sangat enjoy. Apa yg lebih menarik lagi, Deep Silver betul2 mengambil kira komen2 dari previous installation dan membuat penambahbaikan yg sgt ketara untuk keluaran series dia yg terbaru.
Dari sudut kelengkapan jalan cerita, Dead Island 2 juga sgt enjoy dimainkan lebih2 lagi for those yg s**a role-playing action zombie mcm Dead Rising.
During game ni release on Raya 1st, OC masih belum berkesempatan untuk main during live, however OC bergiat dibelakang tabir coop dgn Abg OC as my coop partner..
1.Graphic superb dari previous installation
2.Realism masa slash Zombie, pukul kepala akan effect kepada anggota2 zombie ie; mata terkeluar, tangan putus, or critical hit kat kaki.
3.Pelbagai customization/blueprint untuk weapon and weapon kalau dah habis durability boleh pegi workbench repair (instead of hilang).
4.So far No Death Penalties(barang hilang/item/resources) kalau mati during tryouts.
5.Elevated levels, not all tempat boleh masuk s**a2.
6.Actual feels during Zombies outbreak.
7.Kepelbagaian Zombie Skin/Baju bertemakan org yg duduk dekat Hollywood.
8. Elemental Environment / Weapon Elemental sgt best dan senang digunakan. Also realistic againsts enemies contoh ko pakai api, serang kat zombie api akan totally immune..
1.So far apa yg OC only Boss fight is kinda dull/repetiticet. But baru level 10 kot, i think akan ada Apex Variant yg lebih mencabar.

2.Duit susah nak cari but however, jual weapon boleh dpt bnyak duit. It’s high risk/high reward on early game lah. Nafsu nak kumpul weapon tu tinggi.

3. Game ni lebih alive and fun kalau main coop, if main sorang rasa la jugak mcm Horror game. Terdapat few encounters yg rasa mcm susah kalau x deal with Coop but overall still manageable.

4.Xde cosmetics Skins.

Banyak best dari tak best game ni, kepada sesapa yg tertanya…should i buy? .
Buy if;
1. zombie slashing person
2. S**a main coops game
3. Main sbb nak fun/bukan competitive.
I easily bagi Overall 9/10 for this game..
Thanks to Afif Hilmi for contribute half price of this game.
Percayalah, anda xkan menyesal kalau korang Zombie Hoarder Genre. HAHAHA.
Selamat Hari Raya Korangggg😚

Dengan merasa rendah dirinya mengucapkan Selamat Berpuasa kepada geng2 beragama muslim. Saya x gentar dgn plastik hitam ...

Dengan merasa rendah dirinya mengucapkan Selamat Berpuasa kepada geng2 beragama muslim. Saya x gentar dgn plastik hitam mahupun belanja gambo2 makanan, tapi jgn V**e sambil VC dgn saya…kita konfem putus kawan🤣🤣😩.
Semoga ibadah kita diterima olehNYA. Di bulan Ramadhan yg mulia mcm ni, everything yg kita
buat semua Double/Triple XP. So manfaatkanlah sebaik -baik mungkin dgn apa korang nak buatkan..
Nasihat Free; Buat baik untuk Allah, Bukan untuk org nampak, Bukan untuk Niche, Trending dan Sebagainya (Pesanan untuk Saya jugak).
Together we create strong positives vibes content onwards..
Time raya dgn korang nanti woi🫰🥰


Welcoming Izzat Zedd to the Lodge. Thank you for the monthly subs brada…org lama jugak dalam live OC ni. CCTV sbb terlal...

Welcoming Izzat Zedd to the Lodge. Thank you for the monthly subs brada…org lama jugak dalam live OC ni. CCTV sbb terlalu hensem. Nnt jgn lupa pm oc for monthly intro notify and Gifs oraitttt…kita kasi buat cepat 💜



Partial Playthrough for each Houses, for completion trophy. 2 hours for each houses should be no problem. Boleh buat off...

Partial Playthrough for each Houses, for completion trophy. 2 hours for each houses should be no problem. Boleh buat offstream💪🏻💪🏻

Hogwarts Legacy Trophy Guide & Roadmap (Achievement Guide). How to get all trophies and achievements in Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy.

12AM (+8 GMT)Tuesday Date? Like tomorrow’s? -tonight-Deathly Hollows part 1Deathly Hollows part 2Stay tune on discords a...

12AM (+8 GMT)Tuesday Date? Like tomorrow’s?

Deathly Hollows part 1
Deathly Hollows part 2

Stay tune on discords announcements


Guys, Sorry tak live petang tadi, but our movie nite still on. :Tonight's movie buff :1. Wakanda Forever (2022) Disney+2...

Guys, Sorry tak live petang tadi, but our movie nite still on.
Tonight's movie buff :
1. Wakanda Forever (2022) Disney+
2: Warm Bodies (2013) Netflix
3. Harry Potter: Half Blood Prince (2009) Astro
Screen Time: 9pm (+8GMT)
Lepas Isya' Boleh Masuk Panggung💜
Link DC boleh DM oci oraittt

2023 Starts with;.  Platinum.GOD OF WAR : RAGNAROKDifficulty: Give me BalanceTrophy Difficulty: 4/10 (with Give Me balan...

2023 Starts with;.
Difficulty: Give me Balance
Trophy Difficulty: 4/10 (with Give Me balance)
Fun: 10/10
Must Buy: A Must Have For Every Sony Playstation Fans.
-This game can stack 2 platinum trophies in your collection.
-Autopop is only come from PS4>PS5. Backwards is not-implementable

Sometimes, ada je yg tak jadi supporter…tapi support cara lain.Thanks kepada insan banana ini yg keep on supporting my p...

Sometimes, ada je yg tak jadi supporter…tapi support cara lain.
Thanks kepada insan banana ini yg keep on supporting my page through thick and thin.
Tak lupa jugak kepada Supporters Button2 Hijau yg tak henti2 resubs bulanan. Insya’Allah, if All goes well this year, i will make something out from you guys...
Last but not least, to all viewers and followers thanks yg masih lepak stay borak, engage, menyakat, membuaya, melawak semua. These pages is nothing without all of u...
With or without badges, you’re all completed me. Completed my surviving life, my kids and my small family...
Semoga Allah sahaja yg dpt membalas budi baik kalian…lebiuuuuhhh to the Nadi~.
OC x sure sgt dgn content Hogwarts ni tapi apa yg OC tahu, there will be a 72 hours early access untuk Game ni during launch day nanti. So, all of my viewers will get the exclusive early access during stream nanti. Harap2 xde masalah plak time Early Access tu launch okie…insya’Allah, selagi mampu..i will do the best for all of u..
Tentative Activity;
February kita go for Harry Potter & Fantastic Beast punya movie dekat discord...
💜💜 OC..
*cam biasa, tgn kanan yg bagi tgn kiri x tahu..owner meminta untuk meng “classified” kan diri beliau HAHA

Pssst! The Last of Us series is coming up weekly. It will be on every Monday...To be “not too” late as a slowpokers,how ...

Pssst! The Last of Us series is coming up weekly. It will be on every Monday...
To be “not too” late as a slowpokers,how about we have a screen premiere on DC tonight at 8:30pm? (Screening on 8:45pm)..
A must watch for every Joel/Ellie fans out there. ..
+8 for GMT timezones.

Movie Night tonight 🍿;.10.30pm - The Menu12.30am - Top Gun Maverick.*tertakluk kepada janji melayu dtg panggung 🤣See ya ...

Movie Night tonight 🍿;.
10.30pm - The Menu
12.30am - Top Gun Maverick.
*tertakluk kepada janji melayu dtg panggung 🤣

See ya in discord guys💜.
PM OC kalau nak link

Once upon a time; These was personal…

Once upon a time; These was personal…


Hunters, ptg ni oci tak stream. Kit pinggang, mcm urat kene tarik….baru je org mintak nak instant bayi smlm, dah akit pinggang 😭😭😭

Rezeki January with Resubs Supporter and New Hunters.Alaiy PanAfif HilmiAmyra ChomeyMohd Nrl Naaim.Thank you for your su...

Rezeki January with Resubs Supporter and New Hunters.
Alaiy Pan
Afif Hilmi
Amyra Chomey
Mohd Nrl Naaim.
Thank you for your subs 🫰.
Custom Entries and BGM dah siap 😊. Hopefully it mades your day💜

2023;Started je pun dah sedih sbb Anje dah kawin.Selamat Pengantin Baru buat Aidza Ashikin, OC doakan semoga rumahtangga...

Started je pun dah sedih sbb Anje dah kawin.
Selamat Pengantin Baru buat Aidza Ashikin, OC doakan semoga rumahtangga kekal hingga ke Jannah...
What’s my NY Reso this year? Copy paste tahun lepas punya je. Yg penting untuk Tahun ni masih cuba kekal Duda Sah Terlaku dlm dunia streamer walaupun banyak cubaan untuk ditinggalkan. Hidup kene hari2 kata diri Hensem, tak perlu org lain acknowledge it...
Stay Tune untuk OC punya next planning as content creator and Live Streaming World 👌🏻.
And thankfully for all the support yg korang bagi untuk OC selama menjadi Your Favourite Streamer...
Still the Same OC💜 XoXo.




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