Our Story
Our second most important commitment is to the environment, which is why we choose to utilize ebook and print on demand technologies. Unlike the standard business model, where thousands of copies of each title are printed and warehoused, then shipped back and forth from warehouse to bookstore to warehouse to wherever, our paperbacks come hot off the press when you order them. We don’t accept returns, which limits our access to bookstores, but the waste involved in that process is unacceptable to us.
In 2017, Zumaya finally did what most other small digitally-oriented presses have done all along—opened our own bookstore. Our goal was to maximize the return on sales for our authors, and while we currently only offer ebooks we hope to be able to offer print as well by the end of 2018.
We invite all readers to visit our website and browse our catalog of superb fiction and carefully selected nonfiction. We’re sure you’ll find something you’ll like.