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QUEEN OF PENTACLESJohn Singleton, 2001, “Baby Boy” came out; and Jody’s mama became my whole life shero. I don’t remembe...


John Singleton, 2001, “Baby Boy” came out; and Jody’s mama became my whole life shero. I don’t remember a whole lot about the movie, but I do remember this woman who lived in Compton and her backyard was the Garden of Eden, smoking her ci******es, drinking her wine and not giving a flying f*ck what the world thought of her. That is this Queen.

What determines “wealth”? Is it just money and trinkets and things? I don’t think so. Wealth comes in many forms. It comes through our children and the greatness we instill in them, to see the next do better than you. Better in all ways. Materially, emotionally and spiritually. It comes from learning who we are as a person. What we are willing to accept and the things that compromise our core values. What feeds our spirit and allows us to be the most genuine version of ourselves. This Queen may be “rich” materially, spiritually or both. But she has found her groove in life, what feeds her soul, and she has little interest in outside opinion or status. And by being true to herself, she has mastered her element. She is Water of Earth. She is the Empress in human form. All she desires, she attracts, not through force but through faith that Universe always is conspiring in her favor. She marches to her own beat, as she knows haters will always hate. Might as well give them something good to talk about.

She is a mother, a passionate lover, maybe not as overtly as the Queen of Wands, but her passion runs deep, as she loves life, nature and understands that all is interconnected. She experiences all that she loves and desires, while doing the best she can to provide for all those under her care. Does she have negative qualities? Maybe. But she feels like a right side up kinda Queen to me.

God bless you always, babies. Ase

KING OF PENTACLESWhat defines love, babies? Commitment? Financial support? Emotional support? Marriage and 2.5 kids surr...


What defines love, babies? Commitment? Financial support? Emotional support? Marriage and 2.5 kids surrounded by a white picket fence? Imma tell y’all a story. I have had a 30 year love affair with this King. That’s right. 30 friggin years. We met in college. A broke kid from a small town who grew up in the projects. A brilliant mind with a beautiful dream and a plan that most would say impossible. My first true love and no one has ever compared since. Meet Mr. Mayor.

This King has it all. He has made something of his life. He has wealth, and I mean, WEALTH. He has status. He has power, and he is the one everyone looks to for answers when it all goes to s**t. He is generous, fair and kind. But make no mistake, his desire for money, status and privilege come before his emotional needs. A great provider who can give you all you desire in life, but it comes with its own price. You will never be his top priority. At least, not any time soon.

So, does this make him “bad”? I don’t think so. Babies, nothing in life has to be an extreme. There is always common ground. My King of Pentacles loves me 30 years later. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, he wouldn’t do for me. In a world where he is on constant spotlight, I am his refuge from the storm; and although a younger me may have wanted more, he gives me what he can emotionally and anything I desire materially. I’m not talking trinkets. I’m talking investing in me, financially, so that I too have the foundation to build my own greatness. He believes in me. He supports my dreams and visions, and he puts his money where his mouth is. In exchange, he knows my door is aways open. Not for s*x, but for peace of mind and to escape the world, whenever he needs to find solace. He feeds my dreams, and I give him peace and restore his balance. Maybe it’s not everyone’s definition of love, but it’s still love. The truest love there is.

God bless you all, sweethearts. Ase

While we’re on the subject of love and pl***oys, I’d like to share a book with any of you who seem to find yourself stuc...

While we’re on the subject of love and pl***oys, I’d like to share a book with any of you who seem to find yourself stuck in these kind of patterns with men. Written in the 80’s, it may seem a bit dated as it makes references to answering machines and letters arriving in the mail, but its message is just as true now as it was then.

It’s an amazing book that really shows you all the signs of a commitment-phobic man. I keep a little lending library, and this by far is my most popular book. If you can hunt down a copy of it, I’d highly recommend it. If you can’t find it, I’ll gladly share with you, just promise to return it for the next person who needs it ☺️ It’s a super eye opener and reminds us that there should be limits on how much we are willing to invest in a man, especially when he is incapable of change.

As always, sweethearts. Ase

KNIGHT OF CUPSBy far, the most dangerous of all the Court cards when it comes to love readings. Romantic, dreamy and pas...


By far, the most dangerous of all the Court cards when it comes to love readings. Romantic, dreamy and passionate, this guy should come with a HUGE warning label. I’m gonna tell you girls, straight up, no other card leads to the Devil more than this guy right here. Why is that? Because he is the ultimate pl***oy, whether that is his intention or not.

Caught up in his own dreams, he has little desire to be bothered with others or anything outside of what he is trying to accomplish, but s*xual desire rouses him from him inner world from time to time, and he goes off on an adventure to quench that thirst. He will spoil you, woo you, make you believe that nothing else could ever compare to you; but once he gets you and satisfies that need, chances are you won’t hear much from him any longer.

A seesaw love affair that has you waiting and wondering when he will return again to sweep you off your feet, he’ll be back as soon as that desire strikes, throwing you back into all those feelings you worked so hard to overcome. Ladies, if you get this card for a potential suitor, you better have some strong resolve and realize love isn’t on his radar. Much like the Knight of Wands in love, he’s all about s*x, just in a more romantic and cunning way. At least the Knight of Wands doesn’t lead you on. One thing I have seen over and over and over when it comes to the Knight of Cups is that you will never be his only partner. He gets around, girls. You wouldn’t believe how many married men or those in serious relationships this card comes up for. So watch out, this one will knock you off your feet, craving more but then be nowhere be to be found once he has you hooked.

May God bless and keep you always, sweet babies. Ase

KNIGHT OF WANDSBabies, life has been all over the place. Nothing terrible. Just change. My oldest one has been asked to ...


Babies, life has been all over the place. Nothing terrible. Just change. My oldest one has been asked to relocate. He travels for work, but he is my guy. We grew up together. A young mom who didn’t know what she was doing with a baby born on her 24th bday. He raised his brother and sister, cooking dinner, changing diapers, making bottles, helping with homework, bathing siblings and putting them to bed, while I slung drinks to as****es in strip clubs to take care of us all.

The Knight of Wands. He has much to do before he can even think of settling down. This Knight has some very negative meanings, for sure, and they do apply. Don’t ever discount that. But at his best, this Knight has a vision, and he is on a quest to make it happen. Nothing gets in his way. If this card appears for you, outside of a love meaning, it is reminding you that it’s time to take action on a dream. You are more than capable of achieving it. Put yourself first and go after everything you desire in life. The Universe conspires in your favor ☺️

And for our newest member, my Portuguese is terrible but muito abrigada. I had a beautiful love affair with a Brazilian for many years, and he will forever hold a special place in my heart. He taught me a lot about life, love and what it is to pursue your truths, on your own terms. Even if doesn’t end the way we so desperately hoped. He was Knight of Wands. My favorite song ever in life, EMICIDA Pequenas Alegrias da Vida Adulta plays in the background as I write this. Find him on Netflix for his live concert and turn on your subtitles. He feeds the soul.

May God bless and keep you always, sweet babies. Ase

PAGE OF SWORDSWhat should we do with other people’s secrets? If you happened to have read on my guys, you may have come ...


What should we do with other people’s secrets? If you happened to have read on my guys, you may have come across all kinds of secrets. As readers, we are all essentially this Page. Traditionally, the Page of Swords is known as a spy; and as all Pages are messengers, this one delivers what they have secretly learned about others.

This Page is intelligent, is keenly observant and is often moved to action by what they have uncovered — sometimes as a champion of the voiceless and other times to rescue those committed to be stuck in their situation. How this Page is perceived by others, though, ultimately lies in how they use this information. When a person’s life is being laid out before them, it’s an incredibly vulnerable position to be in, as this info can be used in malicious and manipulative ways.

The person who gets this card is attentive and aware and their need for accuracy high, as what advice they give or information they gain can easily govern the rest of a person’s life. In Orisha tradition, when you divine for someone, you are casting Odu. Odu is the energy of creation actually unfolding. It is the act of creation itself, so to speak. So when we divine, we are calling Odu, which changes the course of a person’s life by helping that person consciously align with what is going on around and in their lives. If there are challenges around this card, it is generally dealing with the misuse of this information. When this card comes up, it is important to be slow to judge, to know your place, how you will decide who to help and determining if something is beyond your knowledge before jumping in to offer advice.

Positive meanings: Honor, ethics, confidentiality, trustworthiness, defender of the right

Negative meanings: spy, gossiper, two-faced, stalker, hustler, loves to spread rumors and create drama

It just kinda dawned on me that this is Christmas weekend, and y’all probably need some time before you try out your can...

It just kinda dawned on me that this is Christmas weekend, and y’all probably need some time before you try out your candle spell. I don’t believe in virgin births ☺️, so I forget what a big holiday this is for most people. My little brother died on Christmas Day a few years ago from stage 4 cancer. He was under hospice care at my house, and I was with him when he took his last breath. The loss of a sibling is hard to put words to. Especially when it’s your only one. He was my baby, almost like my own son, and I miss him a lot. But I believe that he is happy now, dancing with the stars and flying with angels, and I know I forever have his spirit watching over me and protecting me. And for this I am always grateful. I love you forever, lil bro.

So going totally again the grain of Christmas, I was having a conversation with someone the other day, and they brought up Voodoo dolls. There is such an unfair stereotype surrounding Voodoo, especially the dolls, that I thought it would be a good time to clear up some very unfortunate and hateful assumptions people have when it comes to this religion.

Everyone has seen the movies. Get a doll, stab it with some pins and then your enemy’s life is riddled with hardship and turmoil. And because Hollywood said so, we just take that as fact. But did you know that when you get a Voodoo doll, the doll actually represents YOU? That’s right. Say you are suffering from a broken heart. You would have a doll made for you, and then you would stick a pin in the doll’s heart. The pin denotes what part of you needs HEALING. This is what makes them so great. You can have a money doll, a love doll, a family doll, a work doll, a health doll. You can cast spells over this doll (essentially over yourself) to bring solutions and healing to these aspects of your life. I make so many of these dolls bc once people understand them, they see the power in them.

God bless you always, babies. Ase

WHY SPELLS FAILMy neighbor’s kid gave me the flu, so yay for that. 🫤 I never practice magick or do readings or the like ...


My neighbor’s kid gave me the flu, so yay for that. 🫤 I never practice magick or do readings or the like when I’m not feeling well, as there is nothing worse than a worn out practitioner trying to force their energy into workings. So I’m using yesterday and today to go over a few basics before I lay out some instructions for your first burn.

This is an important topic to touch on, as there will be times your spells will fail. Here are the most common reasons why:

1. You are being unrealistic in your expectations. Don’t ask for miracles bc miracles are rare. This ain’t Jesus floating down on a cloud to lay hands on you. This is practical magick.

2. You don’t believe it will work or you rush the process. Hands down, this is the #1 reason spells fail. If you don’t believe in your own power or that magick is even real, then it’s not. The Universe doesn’t care about your timeline. Just because you think it isn’t happening fast enough does not mean the Universe isn’t working on it. This ain’t the movies. You have to give the Universe time to rearrange circumstances and situations in order for your request to be manifested.

3. You tell people, especially people who don’t believe in magick. Haters are everywhere. Let’s take this page for example. We have 10-11 people who openly interact with this page. Whether it’s likes or followers or comments. But we have about 20 more lurking in the shadows. People that think it’s ok to read about my life, my practices, then take my teachings and use them as their own without even so much as acknowledging their presence or who they stole all their new found wisdom from. Thieves, liars, tricksters, backstabbers. People subconsciously s**t all over you by projecting all their negative, hater energy into the Universe. Want something to fail? Tell people your plans.

4. The universe is trying to save your ass. Just that simple. Just cause you want something doesn’t make it good for you.

ETHICS IN MAGICKAL WORKINGS AND WHY YOU MUST CHARGE FOR YOUR SERVICESWhile y’all hunt down your candles, I thought I’d t...


While y’all hunt down your candles, I thought I’d take a moment to do a little post housekeeping. First off, please do not go around casting spells for/on other people until you get REALLY good at this. I told you, they have a ripple effect; and they can really backfire on you when you play around with something you know little about. Before casting any spell, you need to read on it and see what the potential for success will be. If the cards say it’s a bad idea or it’s not going to work as you want, believe them and do not continue.

Do not ever cast a spell based off an emotional reaction, especially out of anger. People do s**tty things, but you always have to take into account the role you played in this as well. People show you who they are. If you chose to ignore it, then you can’t be mad bc they did exactly what they showed you they would do. When you ask for Justice, it is served EQUALLY. You will be held accountable for the role you played as well.

People that have NOTHING invested in the workings are a waste of your time and resources. Look at the forum we all came from. These girls in the s**ttiest of relationships, hell not even relationships, and it doesn’t matter what you tell them. They want someone to tell them what they want to hear and stay stuck with a loser of a man. They vampire peoples’ time and energy bc they are desperate for validation for their horrible choices in men. When people pay you, they have a vested interest. They are sincerely trying to change the course of their lives. It also creates a system of balance. In order to receive, you must first be willing to give. That’s how the Universe operates.

Now, you might think you aren’t good enough to charge. Yes, you are. If someone asks you to do workings, they must assume you know more than they do. I don’t care if the exchange is a reading for some tacos. YOUR TIME AND ENERGY IS NEVER FREE.

Happy Sunday, kiddos. I’m gonna give everyone a chance to catch up on all the posts. If you didn’t see the post where I ...

Happy Sunday, kiddos. I’m gonna give everyone a chance to catch up on all the posts. If you didn’t see the post where I humanized ###, please go back and read it, as he really deserves to be seen as a person. He’s a super all around dope guy, and I’m super happy to have crossed paths with him in this lifetime.

We’re gonna move on to my favorite thing in the world. Tarot is cool, but magick, real magick, it’s a like a whole drug to me. Tarot gives us an opportunity for reflection. Candles do the same, but actively change the course. This is why they rock, but is also why they aren’t toys. The use of them has consequences, for better or worse.

This candle you see is one I make for my shop. This was a binding spell. The female candle is bound in morning glory vine. Morning glory is poisonous and its vines are used to tie up someone. Now, by this I mean tie up someone from being able to do harm to you. Not lie up a lover. Don’t play that game.

One thing I want to get across to y’all. This ain’t Wiccan or any other rule of 3 magick. That don’t exist in Hoodoo. I’m gonna tell you right now. I am a kind, compassionate and very generous person. I’ll do anything for anyone. But you come around fkn with me or mine, I will unleash the wrath of hell on you. Not even fkn playin’. I don’t lock my doors ever. I have an open door policy. But everyone knows who I am, what I do and that I’m not the bitch to play with. Period. Now I’m not talking about revenge here. I’m talking about justice. In Hoodoo it is perfectly acceptable to ask for justice, however the universe sees fit, to be carried out on your behalf. If this doesn’t sit well with you, you aren’t going to like a lot of my posts going forward.

That said, if you’re state side and near a Hobby Lobby, stop in to pick up a few candles. I’ll post a pic in the comments of what to get. These are NOT smokeless or dripless and this is what you need if you what to practice along with me.

God bless you always, sweethearts. Ase

The Reading:First, I wanna give a shout all that contributed to helping me understand my relationship with ###.  You all...

The Reading:

First, I wanna give a shout all that contributed to helping me understand my relationship with ###. You all made some good points. For real. I took something to heart from each of you. Just because I know our relationship doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes need a reminder. 😊

As a person, he is the embodiment of a (physical) wish fulfilled. He enjoys s*x, good times, the best of life but all without feeling a need for commitment (9 of Cups). What he really desires is the emotional component that is missing. He wishes to have someone for the long haul that is willing to weather the storm (10 Cups), but some unprocessed emotions from his past either scares him or stops him from going after what he desires (Moon). As a couple, we would be reckless in love, living in the moment and throwing all caution to the wind, not considering all the factors involved and the realities of our situation (Knight of Swords). At this time he is evaluating our situation. He likes me for sure, but he takes the emotion out and is weighing the possibilities. He is approaching this responsibility rather than emotionally (Justice). Overall, I’m being advised to not build a life on a false foundation. It’will be amazing for a while but in time it will all come crashing down (Tower).

Whew. Finally, done with all the love talk. Next I’m gonna teach you how to cast a simple candle spell. We about to have some fun for sure.

God bless you always, sweethearts. Ase

Everyone, there is still time to get in on roasting me and my relationship 😊.  If you didn’t see last night’s post, chec...

Everyone, there is still time to get in on roasting me and my relationship 😊. If you didn’t see last night’s post, check it out, as it has some clues as well as a list of card Q&A’s I pulled on us.

To be a successful reader or practitioner of any sort, you have to be willing to try. There is no place in these type of workings for shame, embarrassment or fear of getting it wrong. This is a judgement free zone, and we’re all here to learn from each other. This is why I use my real life as teachable moments. I’m a lot stronger than I look. I can take it.

People will sit down in front of you and tell you some crazzzyyyy tales. Not only are they seeking advice, they also want someone to talk things out with, someone who understands. This is why I gave you the clue. Once you see him, your mind is automatically going to jump to conclusions. It is your job to shut those thoughts down and remain unbiased. This is how you earn respect as a practitioner. People may not like what you have to say, but at least they know you are honest and looking out for their best interests, not just telling them what they want to hear.

So please, boys and girls, go to the previous post and join in before I post my own interpretation later today. Y’all ain’t gonna learn from just sitting back and reading my mini novels.

May Gob bless you always, sweethearts. Ase

Ok, kids. Let’s settle down, and get to work. I talked about love cards in Tarot earlier this morning. Now we have to mo...

Ok, kids. Let’s settle down, and get to work. I talked about love cards in Tarot earlier this morning. Now we have to move on to my questions regarding my love interest, so we can wrap up this little series and talk about something other than love for a while. Finally. 😊

I gave y’all some background info on my connection with this man; and at the end of this post, I’m going to drop a few clues for you to investigate a bit. But first, let’s review the cards I pulled on me and ###.

Who is ### as a person? 9 of Cups
What does he desire at this time? 10 Cups
What is his attitude towards love? Moon
How would we fare as a couple? Knight Swords
What does he think/feel about me emotionally? Justice
What advice do you have for me? Tower

Remember, it’s your job to be honest with me. I came to you for answers, so you have to give it to me straight. Even if I’m emotionally attached to this man, I’m trusting you to tell me the truth so I can make an informed decision as to how to move forward with him.

In the morning, I’ll interpret the spread based off the facts of our relationship. This is a great way to learn cards, babies. When you ask specific questions that you already know the answers to, there are no biases. You interpret the cards based off facts, and what you’ll find is cards begin to take on whole new meanings. Try it for yourself one day, and see what comes to light.

In the meantime, y’all tell me about my man. And although we’re a small little group on here, I’m mindful that this is still a public platform; and I don’t want to put anyone on straight blast. That being said, y’all in for a treat. Y’all ain’t gonna see this coming.
So to try to keep his exposure to a minimum, I’ve posted your clue in the comment section below.

May God bless you always, sweethearts. Ase


Quickly, guys. Someone asked in the comments how to follow this page. I may be a lot of things, but social media savvy isn’t one of them. So could someone help her out, please? Thanks, babies. 😘

Why There is Only One True Love Card, Part Two**if you haven’t read the previous post, please do so now.**Why is there o...

Why There is Only One True Love Card, Part Two

**if you haven’t read the previous post, please do so now.**

Why is there only one card that predicts true love? Remember how I mentioned there are 78 cards to touch on every aspect of the human condition? Guys, there is way more that happens in every day life than romantic love. To dedicate half a deck to only one of these aspects is simply a waste of resources.

So what card represents real, true love? That’s the 2 of Cups. In numerology, the number 2 is symbolic of balance and union. Here, the union of equals brings balance to life. Pull out your 2 of Cups so we can look at it together. This young couple stands facing each other, extending their cup to the other. They appear solemn, as if they are taking part in a ceremonial ritual of some sort. And notice, the man actually extends his hand to the young maiden, maybe even touching hers as a symbol of his compassion and commitment to her.

Between them rises the caduceus. The symbol for healing used by doctors. The lion represents s*x; the wings represent spirit. Their union is one of passion and spirit that allows them to heal not only themselves but each other. Together, they are creating a life more fulfilling than their lives alone, and there is a truth and strength found between them that neither could have achieved on their own. True love is more than s*x, attraction and infatuation. It is a COMMITMENT. When the new wears off and real life kicks you in the ass, this couple knows they have each other; and this enables them to see the rainbow that comes after the storm — the 10 of Cups.

But a quick note, surrounding cards make all the difference, so don’t automatically think you’ve found love if this card appears. This is also the card of the rekindling of a former relationship. So be certain your love interest isn’t holding a flame for someone in their past.

May God bless you always, sweethearts. Ase

Why There is Only One True Love Card in TarotAs we know, there are 78 cards in Tarot. Twenty two Majors, 56 Minors; and ...

Why There is Only One True Love Card in Tarot

As we know, there are 78 cards in Tarot. Twenty two Majors, 56 Minors; and somehow, these 78 cards have to be able to touch on every single aspect of the human condition. That is a very tall order, indeed.

Most people probably think the Lovers as being THE love card; but in my experience, this is far from the case. Why is this? Think about it. The Major Arcana are the big life lessons. The Minors are like road signs that give us directions along the way. The Fool starts out on his new adventure. He meets the Magician and learns that he has all that he needs within to be successful in life. Then he crosses paths with the Priestess and learns what it is to trust his inner voice. He grows up with mom (Empress) and dad (Emperor) and learns compassion and responsibility. They take him to church, and the Hierophant teaches him what it is to love God and be a morally sound individual. He’s all grown up now, and our Fool meets a girl and falls crazy in love. This is his first real chance in life to exercise his own free will. In an ideal world, this experience would lead to happily ever after; and that would be the end of the story. But let’s be for real, guys. When the hell does that ever happen? Love, true love that stands the test of time, is hard to find and is rare. Our Fool chooses love, but that does not mean it will end well. If you think otherwise, take a look at the Lovers and the Devil. Put them side by side. They’re almost the same card, only in one Raphael blesses the couple and the other the same couple is chained to Baphomet. The Lovers number is 6; the Devil is 15. 1 + 5 = 6. Even their numbers are mirrors of each other. That says a whole lot right there and reminds us that choices made in love teach us valuable life lessons, for better or worse.

So, what card does predict true love? As FB only allows so many characters per post, that’s the next post right behind this one. Stay tuned 😊

Why Love Spells Don’t WorkOk, so I posted this and somehow then deleted it. 🫤 So let me try again. Love spells are one o...

Why Love Spells Don’t Work

Ok, so I posted this and somehow then deleted it. 🫤 So let me try again.

Love spells are one of the most sought after workings, but they also have the highest rate of failure. Why is this?

1. You have no real connection to this person. Boys and girls, if there is one thing I want to pound in your heads when it comes to love, it is this — STOP IMAGINING A FUTURE WITH SOMEONE JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE ATTRACTED TO THEM. You can’t go around casting love spells on a crush that doesn’t even know you exist. In order for a love spell to have success, there has to be MUTUAL interest in the relationship. Otherwise, when you cast this spell, what you are REALLY asking the Universe is to allow you to override this person’s free will by forcing them to love you. And as we all know, or should know, that is a HUGE no no. You WILL NOT be successful in your attempt, but you will rack up some serious karmic debt for attempting.

2. What do you REALLY know about this person? Have you considered that they might be in a relationship or married? Do you know they are in one but have been told the relationship is troubled or headed to a breakup? When you cast a spell, it has a ripple effect. Not only is your target influenced, you and everyone around the spell is affected. It is not your place to destroy another’s life for your personal gain. Try it, and see how the Universe responds. Many times, the spell will backfire. Spells work in funny ways. What you might find is the spell dominates YOU, making you obsessed with a person who you should have never went after in the first place.

Love spells can be effective, as I’ll show you later on. For now what I want y’all to remember is this. There HAS to be mutual interest; and even if there is, consider everyone involved. You can’t go around playing with people’s lives. And just because someone likes you, it doesn’t mean they are good for you.

May God bless you always, sweethearts. Ase

Alright ladies. So sorry to keep you girls waiting. My Devil rolled into town and a ish needed to feel alive again. 🤷‍♀️...

Alright ladies. So sorry to keep you girls waiting. My Devil rolled into town and a ish needed to feel alive again. 🤷‍♀️ Y’all gotta stick with me a bit. I’m about to go against everything you were taught, but give it some time, and we about to be best friends. Growth never, ever, ever comes from a place of comfort.

I’m gonna start with a three part series. This is where I’m about to give you all your exit. If you don’t like what you hear, you are free to unfollow at any moment. I always wish the best for you, regardless. Sincerely.

Part One: Why love spells don’t work

Part Two: Why there is only ONE love card in the entire Tarot deck.

Part Three: Real life example of the Devil. I told you girls he just rode through town. He is my Knight of Wands. Babyyyssss. Yes and please and thank you. I knew he was coming, and I know who he is and what we are. So this is your assignment. Y’all gonna work a little for me to keep this going. I have told you the basics of our relationship. I pulled cards on the two of us. Mind you, I KNOW the answer, so y’all tell me. Unbiased, objective. Give it to me straight. But remember, I’m a person, I came to you for answers. I am emotionally attached to this man. Now I need you to deliver a message to me. These are the cards (really, I pulled these):

Who is ### as a person? 9 of Cups
What does he seek most at this time? 10 of Cups
What is his attitude towards love? Moon
How compatible are we as a couple? Knight of Swords
What does he think/feel about me emotionally? Justice
What advice do you have for me? Tower

The worst thing you can do is feel like you have to answer someone. You have nothing to prove to anyone other than yourself. These questions are part three. I have two more posts before I even get to this. So allow yourself some days to ponder.

May God bless you always, sweethearts. Ase




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