Hannah Lee Digital

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  • Hannah Lee Digital

Hannah Lee Digital I'm a content writer and social media strategist with 6+ years of marketing and writing experience.

It may sound simple, but so many businesses still aren't doing it!You have to be INVESTED in blogging. Where it's your t...

It may sound simple, but so many businesses still aren't doing it!

You have to be INVESTED in blogging. Where it's your time or your money you give to the cause, you must do so with commitment if you want to see results.

Anyone can have a blog go unexpectedly viral, but sustainable growth happens in tandem with sustainable content strategy.

If you're ready to financially invest in the future of your brand, contact me to learn more about my blogging and copywriting services!



If you had to condense who you are into only three words, what would they be?

Knowing who you are is the first step in creating effective content - and that goes beyond job titles or 1-2 word identifiers!

If you don't know who you are, it'll be real difficult to articulate that story to your ideal audience.

It doesn't need to be perfect - knowing you aren't perfect and accepting that you don't fully know yourself is PART of getting to know yourself!

Once you start the journey of understanding yourself, then you're ready to start understanding your audience.

Did you know there are literally HUNDREDS of social media platforms out there? Even among the most popular ones everyone...

Did you know there are literally HUNDREDS of social media platforms out there? Even among the most popular ones everyone knows about, it's too much for one business owner to stay on top of!

I dug into the demographics for five of the most popular ones for small business marketing to help you figure out where you should be showing up.

Check it out to decide where your social media strategy would be best served 👇

Take a look at the demographics for five of the best social media platforms for small businesses to decide which ones you should focus marketing efforts on.

If your organic traffic starts to drop, the blog or page bringing it in may not be ranking as high.Two ways to combat th...

If your organic traffic starts to drop, the blog or page bringing it in may not be ranking as high.

Two ways to combat this:
✏️ Update/edit the high ranking blog to give it a refresh
✏️ Write *other* blogs to increase your chances of having more than one ranking page on your website.

I'm now offering SEO Audits for website content! DM me to learn more about this new service.

As I always tell my toddler: USE YOUR WORDS.If you only ever proofread blogs mentally, you WILL miss errors and awkward ...

As I always tell my toddler: USE YOUR WORDS.

If you only ever proofread blogs mentally, you WILL miss errors and awkward phrasing that you can only catch by saying it out loud.

I do this with my social media captions too, by the way.

BONUS TIP: Ask a friend or colleague to proofread your work as well (or hire an editor). A second set of eyes never hurts!

I may be a copywriter, but I actually got my start as a book editor! If you need professional help cleaning up and fine tuning your blog content, DM me and I'd be happy to help.

How many comedians does it take to write a funny caption?None! Just you and a good understanding of your target audience...

How many comedians does it take to write a funny caption?

None! Just you and a good understanding of your target audience. What kind of humor appeals to them? What words and phrases repel them? (Pro tip: never say "moist")

Don't be afraid to have charisma and personality in your brand, so long as it still sounds like your brand AND is relatable to your target audience.

Save this post to refer back to next time you want to write a more entertaining piece of copy for your business - or contact me to hire your own personal jester! 🤡

Is your blog VISUALLY readable?Of course, you want to have the right words and the right voice to appeal to your audienc...

Is your blog VISUALLY readable?

Of course, you want to have the right words and the right voice to appeal to your audience, but the right STRUCTURE matters too.

With the majority of your readers doing so on mobile, having a scroll-friendly blog that doesn't just look like a massive block of text on a phone screen will keep your audience engaged longer.

Even if your blog is twice as long as a less formatted one, your reader retention will be higher because it doesn't *feel* as long with all the paragraph breaks and carefully planned out headers.

Follow me on Instagram for all the tips and guides that don't make it over to Facebook:

Are you working at your business with all your heart?If God put you on this earth to do what you're doing, then as my fr...

Are you working at your business with all your heart?

If God put you on this earth to do what you're doing, then as my friend LaShondra likes to say - you better put some skin in the game!

Believer or not, I hope you're finding fulfillment, passion, and joy in your business AND remembering that your business is not your identity, so it's okay to take a break every once in a while too 😘

Tag me in your Stories to show me how you're taking time for you this Sunday! I'm looking for some lazy afternoon inspo 😆

Blogs that rank high in search results typically have these things in common:✏️ Intentionally placed keywords✏️ 600+ wor...

Blogs that rank high in search results typically have these things in common:
✏️ Intentionally placed keywords
✏️ 600+ words total (often closer to 2000)
✏️ Relevant images with concise alt text
✏️ Strategic links (internal and external)
✏️ Consistently blogging AT LEAST 2-4 times each month
✏️ And an original voice, style, and message!

How many of these boxes does your blog check?

One more thing I've really been focusing on with my content this month 👇Providing content that is HELPFUL and INFORMATIV...

One more thing I've really been focusing on with my content this month 👇

Providing content that is HELPFUL and INFORMATIVE, not "trending".

You can absolutely do this in a trendy, fun way - after all, we're here to be entertained! - but don't let the trend overpower your message or it's just another viral video that's come and gone within an hour.

If you don't want to miss my full gambit of content on marketing and writing, follow me on Instagram > https://www.instagram.com/hannahleedigital/

Our little family of four - husband played the role of photographer here - has been LOVING hiking around Whidbey Island ...

Our little family of four - husband played the role of photographer here - has been LOVING hiking around Whidbey Island lately!

Being able to go on adventures like this frequently is one of my favorite parts of owning my own business and working from home. I get to spend so much more time around my family!

Although sometimes sitting in my home office working while hearing their little giggles downstairs makes my heart ache...just a little bit...okay, a lot. At least I can go give them a big "squeezer" hug if I'm really aching for them!

Where do you fall on the oxford comma debate?Personally, I love him. He's my best pal and I take him with me everywhere,...

Where do you fall on the oxford comma debate?

Personally, I love him. He's my best pal and I take him with me everywhere, so take that, character limits!

One more note for this post: you don't have to follow these rules RELIGIOUSLY. If it fits better to use commas when your brand voice guide would normally call for dashes, for instance, you can switch it up. Just do so with the same intention that you create a brand voice guide in the first place!

Would you find a worksheet to create your own brand voice guide helpful? I've been drafting one to give my clients and I think I might share it with you all too once it's ready!

You may have noticed I haven't been posting much here on my page 👀That's because for the month of April, I've b...

You may have noticed I haven't been posting much here on my page 👀

That's because for the month of April, I've been exclusively sharing Reels, which don't post directly to my page.

I recently shared my findings from this experiment over on my Instagram account, and now I'm sharing my plan for next month to continue this experiment!

If you're not on Instagram, this means you'll actually see posts from me pop up a few times a week, since I'm not just sharing over there anymore. But if you want to see my Reels, which are my personal favorite things to make, you'll want to follow me over there:

How's that brand voice coming along? 👀I know I talk about this a lot, but that's because it's SO important for any onlin...

How's that brand voice coming along? 👀

I know I talk about this a lot, but that's because it's SO important for any online business!

Just like having a unique set of fonts and colors creates a unique visual aesthetic to make your brand more recognizable, your copy (the words you write for your brand) sets the tone for your customer's entire journey with you!

Whether it's a catchy slogan ("I'm lovin' it"),
a way of identifying loyal customers ( subscribers are called "reezys"),
or your overall tone (look at any ad by .brothers),
the words you say and write tell your brand story, so they matter!

If you're struggling with finding your brand's voice, shoot me a DM for a free 30 minute consultation!

Are you sacrificing your brand voice for the sake of SEO??You shouldn't have to! Search Engines rank based on quality, a...

Are you sacrificing your brand voice for the sake of SEO??

You shouldn't have to! Search Engines rank based on quality, and a spam-ridden website isn't very high quality. In fact, staying true to your brand voice will help you rank better than any amount of keyword stuffing ever will!

Follow SEO Best Practices ( has a phenomenal free course), but maintain your brand voice and integrity throughout.

For more tips on curating a personable and engaging brand voice, go read my blog - link in bio 😘

How to write your brand copy for each Enneagram type!When working out a brand's voice, I love using personality tests to...

How to write your brand copy for each Enneagram type!

When working out a brand's voice, I love using personality tests to develop a customer persona - and my go-to is the Enneagram!

What's your enneagram type? Let me know in the comments if you think I got yours right.

Shout-out to my favorite Enneagram expert, Charity Mahair (Worth More Coaching), who helped me with this!

As women in business, we're afraid of alienating anyone or disappointing anyone that our message doesn't appeal to.Creat...

As women in business, we're afraid of alienating anyone or disappointing anyone that our message doesn't appeal to.

Creating a customer persona is a great way to focus your branding and your voice in a way that will draw in the RIGHT people, and help you break out of that fear cycle!

To learn how to develop a customer persona for your business, check out my latest blog:

Learn how a customer persona will help you curate your brand voice, get clarity on your niche as a small business owner, and connect with your target audience.

"[A blog] is one of the best investments you can make in your online presence. Inexpensive to start and run, it’s a far ...

"[A blog] is one of the best investments you can make in your online presence. Inexpensive to start and run, it’s a far better pay off than traditional advertising like magazine ads, postcards, and flyers. Those things get thrown away and forgotten, but an updated blog can continue bringing in customers for years."

GREAT article about the benefits of blogging for small business! 👇

A guide to blogging for small businesses: why you need a small business blog, how you can set actionable business goals for it, and even tips on what to write!

Is your blog more focused on selling, or SERVING?Pretend that you are your ideal reader for your blog.🤔 Would you read t...

Is your blog more focused on selling, or SERVING?

Pretend that you are your ideal reader for your blog.
🤔 Would you read the content you're currently putting out?
🤔 Would you find it valuable?
🤔 Would you find it relatable?

If you answered no to any of these questions, then it's time to RETHINK how you're blogging!

Write with your reader in mind first and your business second. It should fit within your business and your niche, but only if it persuades users to click onto your website and STAY on your website.

If you're struggling with writing to your audience, you probably haven't discovered your NICHE yet.

Read my latest blog to learn more:

How niche is too niche? It's really about understanding what your target market is looking for and finding which niche is best for your small business.

Affiliate links are a great source of passive income for online business owners, but could yours actually be doing more ...

Affiliate links are a great source of passive income for online business owners, but could yours actually be doing more harm than good? 🙊

Read the blog to find out which mistakes you might be making with your affiliate links that are
🚫 Breaking trust
🚫 Failing to earn commissions
🚫 and possibly even illegal 😬

If you want to make money blogging as a small business owner, try using affiliate links to generate passive income and build trust with your ideal audience.

How many days (or weeks) has it been since you shared a photo of yourself on your social media?Even if you're a product-...

How many days (or weeks) has it been since you shared a photo of yourself on your social media?

Even if you're a product-based business
Even if you prefer infographics
Even if you're a photographer and don't like to be on the other side of the lens

You need to SHOW. UP.

It can be once a week. It can be once a month. But people don't like to feel as if a corporation is talking to them - they want to see the HUMAN behind the brand!

If you really want your audience to start showing up and engaging, you need to give yourself permission to share the real you unashamedly with your clients, customers, and followers.

Photos of me historically perform better than anything else I post - as do Reels where I'm filming myself rather than some graphics-based video!

(Now watch this post get 2 likes 🤣)

How often do you show up in your social media posts?

3 mistakes you may be making in your social media captions 🙊None of these are grammar issues (though I may do a post on ...

3 mistakes you may be making in your social media captions 🙊

None of these are grammar issues (though I may do a post on those soon as well - would you find that helpful?), but they're techniques you should be implementing if you want your captions to ENGAGE your audience and convert
👍 Impressions into Likes
💬 Likes into Comments
👀 and Comments into Engaged Followers.

Which of these mistakes have you made in your captions? Be honest, I won't judge 😘

If you're not using Facebook groups to grow your business, what ARE you doing?That is a genuine question, but also, you ...

If you're not using Facebook groups to grow your business, what ARE you doing?

That is a genuine question, but also, you should be using Facebook groups.

Whether it was through commenting on a job opp post or a potential client seeing me engage with others in the group and wanting to learn more about what I do, I've found over a dozen ongoing clients on Facebook, all by being involved in the right groups.

Want to learn how I do it? Read the latest blog!


I didn't create ANY Instagram Reels for my brand this week.Last Friday - the day I typically batch content for the upcom...

I didn't create ANY Instagram Reels for my brand this week.

Last Friday - the day I typically batch content for the upcoming week - I was feeling unexpectedly anxious and overwhelmed. I needed to take some self care time off.

Luckily, I had already batched content the week before, so I had a backup of Reels in my drafts to keep my social media active and engaging this week!

Moral of the story: content batching is a must. And it's okay to take a break when you need it.

"You don't have to be an expert to be successful!Expertise takes time to develop, and doesn't happen overnight.Not to me...

"You don't have to be an expert to be successful!

Expertise takes time to develop, and doesn't happen overnight.

Not to mention the fact that you're surely more of an expert than you think you are. So own it!

For tips on how to start a blog when you're not an ""expert,"" read the blog:

Ready to start a blog, but don't feel qualified? Here's how you should get started:

Ready to start a blog, but don't feel qualified? Here's how you should get started:

Are you ready to start a blog for your business, but worried you’re not qualified? Here’s how to become an expert blogger in your industry!



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