We LOVE our @tonies.us box!! It's a great way for kids to listen to engaging stories, enjoy sauce, and you as a parent not to have to worry about them being on a screen!
This is probably one of the oldest tricks in the book that kids have been using to hide secret apps from their parents.
Putting endless boundaries and restrictions just on your devices is not good enough. When you set boundaries without communication, that's when kids start sneaking behind your back.
Open and frequent communication about your values and about your boundaries is essential. This type of communication opens a line of trust between you and your kid and it helps you to understand each other better.
Talk more, hide less
I'm not perfect at this. I'm working on this still. But it is so so important.
We live in an age where our kids are being served content I know we don't want them to be served. And unfortunately, they are not comfortable telling us what's happening.
A big reason is because of how we've been reacting to their mistakes. When we react big to their mistakes, it directly impacts how much they trust us.
Be calm. Be loving. And listen. Your kids need you now more than ever.
Did you hear about the Instagram glitch that happened? You know, the glitch where kids got served extremely violent and graphic content?
What's crazy to me, is that this stuff was even on Instagram in the first place. It was marked as "sensitive to some viewers"
This is what Zuckerberg said would happen. You are going to see an increase in dangerous content. Keep your kids off of this platform.
these apps and platforms have all been flagged with an enormous amount of dangerous material for kids. And we have plenty of research to back it up courtesy of @barktechnologies
We need to talk more about respecting boundaries. Sometimes the answer is just no, and we need to accept that and move on.
Use it as a learning experience and continue with your life.
You think your kid is ready for a personal device, but you're not so sure about smartphones?
I would definitely recommend getting a phone from @gabbwireless
These phones take all the dangerous parts of smartphones away while keeping the useful parts of personal devices.
This is a much more safer approach to personal devices where we teach our kids as they go instead of throwing them to the wolves.
If you're interested in getting your kid a safer phone, shoot me a DM or comment down below and I can send you my discount link or use BULLIESOUT at gabbwireless.com
Adults, we need to teach our kids to be better losers.
Stop blaming the refs. Stop blaming the other team. Stop blaming. Take your L and let your kid take theirs.
Sometimes we lose! And we need to be able to handle not getting our way and not throwing a tantrum.
we really do need to stop recording our kids during their most vulnerable emotional moments.
Before you guys start getting triggered at me in the comments: I'm not targeting anyone individual here.
There's a big reason why you have never seen me post my children throwing a tantrum, or crying. And over the last couple of years specifically, you haven't even seen their faces for the most part.
Kids should be kids and kids shouldn't have to worry about their parents posting public their private moments.
This is what reduced screen time actually looks like in our house. Messy house, kids that are playing, kids that are creating, and a whole lot less TV time.
And guess what? Yes, we still use the TV from time to time for the kids to watch a little show here and there.
But they spend so much more time creating and playing with each other then they do on any sort of screen.
That's why this mission is important to me. That's why I support companies like @gabbwireless that are working hard to help preserve our kids' childhoods.
We choose childhood. We choose less screens.
1. You are enough. You are doing a good job as a parent. Stop judging yourself so hard.
2. Your kids need to know that you love them. You need to tell them. Today. With your voice.