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CONTRACT PREGNANCY Episode 19          "Doctor whatever happens I want you to save Chelsea" max said as he walk into the...


Episode 19

"Doctor whatever happens I want you to save Chelsea" max said as he walk into the surgery room.

Chelsea was already there and she was already asleep

"Don't worry Mr mondragon, we will do our best to secure the both of you"he said

He lay on the bed with his back and drip was fixed to his hand, he soon drifted to sleep

Chloe kept staring outside, max has been out of the house since morning and he is yet to return

She kept calling his number but he wasn't picking up, her baby kept kicking it was hurting but not that much

She couldn't eat but all of a sudden she remember what max told her to take care of the baby

She ate some and went outside, she stood by the door and wait for max

It was getting late so she decided to go to sleep The next day

She woke up quite tired, she went to max room but the bed was still untouched

She sigh and was walking downstairs slowly, when Bryan open the door

"Bryan have you seen max, he hasn't come back home since yesterday?" She ask rushing down the stairs

" Slow down, you are pregnant" he said "actually that's why am here"

" What happened to him? Did he get hurt? "Word rush out of her mouth

" I'm not sure"he said " he ask me to give you this in case things get out of hand"

"What so you mean by things get out of hand? "She ask

" He went into surgery yesterday, he and Chelsea and he might not survive it"he said

" Chelsea went into surgery and I wasn't aware"she said

" I think you will understand him better if you read this"he said stretching his hand

She quickly collect the letter and started opening it

*Chloe, by the time you open this letter I would have been out of surgery but I'm not sure if I will be alive but I will make sure your sister will be safe.

Chloe you might be wondering why I didn't tell you, it because I don't want you to worry, I love you and the baby, I want you to be there for our child and I want you to be a daughter to my mom.

To my baby, baby I want you to listen to your mom once you are old enough don't give her problem when you are coming to this world, always be a good kid and always remember Daddy loves you and mommy, I'm sorry I have to do this but this is to save your aunt.

Chloe I want you to be strong for our baby I love you*

She fell on her knees as tears roll out of her eyes, she kept crying none stop, Bryan stood there not knowing what to do

She stood up and wipe her tears "he is joking this is some kind of test right?"

"I'm sorry Chloe I don't want to believe it either" he said sadly

"No he can't leave us he has no right to leave us" she said shaking her head

"Chloe you have to be strong for your Baby"he said holding her shoulders

" I can't, I can't do this Bryan I can't" she said

" I know you can and max believes it too"he said hugging her

He took her to her room and pet her until she fell asleep with tears in her eyes

Bryan went to Mrs mondragon ( max mom) he met her with Mrs Ava

He explain everything to her and gave her his will, she said she wanted to see Chloe and Bryan took her and Mrs ava to his second house

Chloe was sulking in her room, when they went in

"Chloe dear" she call softly

"Mom, he .... He..." She sturter

She hugged her tight as they both went profusely

"I want to see him" she said and Mrs mondragon pull away from her

" Are you sure? "She ask and she nodded

Bryan drove them all to the hospital

"Doctor how is hem" Chloe ask crying

"He slip into coma last night, but your sister woke up and she's fine" he said

"Can we see him? "Bryan ask and the doctor led the way

" He is not really stable he keeps having cardiac arrest but we are trying our best to save him"he said

" Doctor please do everything in your power to save him"his mother pleaded trying to be strong

" We will"he said

"Umm let talk" Bryan said to the doctor and they walk away

"Nurse take us to Chelsea" Mrs mondragon said


"Chloe" Chelsea call weakly as the door to her ward was open and Chloe walk in

"Chelsea" she call crying

"Don't cry,I'm fine" she said with a faint smile "how is max? Has he woken up?

" I'm afraid he hasn't"Mrs mondragon said sitting beside her bed " but don't worry dear he will be fine"

"It all my fault he did it for me" Chelsea said crying

" No it not he did it for all of us and he will survive it I believe"she reply her trying not to cry


Episode 20💝💝

"Dear you should get some rest" Mrs mondragon said to Chelsea

"Alright"she said nodding, Chloe help her lay her back on the sofa bed

"You should rest too" she said to Chloe

"I'm okay, I'll just stay here" she reply

"I'm insisting"she said

" Alright let go see max first" Chloe said and they went to his room

He was still lying there like a lifeless person,his face look pale, with drip fix to his hand

Chloe couldn't help the tears falling out of her eyes

"You should stop crying,it not the best thing to do in this situation,we should pray for him"Mrs mondragon said

" Mom he shouldn't be in this condition it not okay" she said still crying

She hold her shoulder and pull her closer for a hug,she hit her tight crying too

"Umm I think we should leave now" Bryan said standing by the door

" Alright,let go"Mrs mondragon said Cleaning the tears in her eyes, while Chloe did the same

They went to his second house where his mom and Mrs Ava stayed

"You should eat dinner,I'm sure you haven't eaten anything"Mrs mondragon said to Chloe

" I'm not hungry" she reply

"Think about your baby, I'm sure max wouldn't want you guys to starve because of him"she said

" Mom im really not hungry"she said

" Do you want me to lose to kids at a time?" She ask "I can't lose max and my grandchild at the same time"

" You won't lose either of them"Mrs Ava said trying not to cry

" Well if you don't want me to, plead Chloe to eat"she said

" My dear, you shouldn't be like this,we know it not easy but you should try to eat something"Mrs Ava said

" Alright I'll eat"she said and stood up,she walk towards the dinning room

After dinner,she was waiting to go home

"Where's Bryan?" Chloe ask Mrs Ava

"He left, Why are you looking for him?" She ask

"I was hoping he will take me home" she said

"You are sleeping here" Mrs mondragon said " I can't let you go back there all alone,who knows what might happen in the night"

"I'm going to be fine"she said trying to assure her

" No I'm not letting you leave"she said and turn to Mrs Ava " please help her get a room ready"

"Alright" she reply and went upstairs

Chloe sigh and sit on the couch

"Don't worry to much,he's going to be fine,I know the kind of child I raised"she said

" Mom I'm worried, what if he doesn't wake up?" She ask

"He will and he will be a father to your child" she reply

"Her room is ready" Mrs Ava said

Mrs mondragon help Chloe Stand up and walk her to her room

Three months later

Chloe was done dressing,she was going to the hospital,she was just wearing her shoes when Chelsea open the door

"Grandma said you should hurry or else she won't bring you along"she said standing by the door

" I'll be there"she reply, holding the table beside her to stand up

She walk downstairs holding the stairs,she held her back as she wakes outside

"What took you so long m" Mrs mondragon ask

"I woke up a bit late" she reply

"It must be the Baby" Chelsea said

" He's been kicking more lately and it hurt"Chloe said

" You should see a doctor"Mrs mondragon said

"No need,I'm sure I'll give birth soon but I just hope max wakes up before then"she reply

" Let go now"Chelsea said and they all hope into the car

"I'll take Chelsea to see the doctor, she's been complaining about her stomach"Mrs mondragon said

" I'll go first then"Chloe said and walk to max Ward

She sat beside him on the bed, holding his hand

"Good morning Max" she greeted "it been three months,I think you should wake up now,I will give birth soon and I want you to be there by my side.

I'm really scared,I don't want our child to come into this world without his father by his side, and there's something I've been wanting to tell you,I don't know when it starts but I'm in love with you Max,I love you and I don't want to lose you.

Max in pleading please wake up,we need you, please"

Tears was gushing out of her eyes uncontrollable,she rest her head in him and cry more until she fell asleep on the spot

Mrs mondragon walk in with Chelsea and smile seeing her sleeping on max

She tap her "Chloe we should leave now"

She stood up "I'm sorry I fell asleep"

" It fine, you were just tired"she said

They were walking out of the ward about to get to the reception when Chloe wince in pain

"My stomach" she wince

"Chloe" Chelsea call in fear

"My leg it hurts" she said

"Your water broke, you are about to give birth" Mrs mondragon said in fear and Joy

" Nurse,help us" Chelsea yell

Our baby is about to come out oooo
Who else is feeling cold.
Story continues on Bcdblog TV

CONTRACT PREGNANCY17-18Chloe was done taking her bath her legs still hurts, she was literally limpingShe wore a long hug...



Chloe was done taking her bath her legs still hurts, she was literally limping

She wore a long huge gown since her stomach is big, she walk downstairs and saw max doing something on his laptop

“Hey angel” he said

“What are you doing?” She ask hoping to peep but he block her way

” Nothing”he reply

” Is there something to eat?” She ask looking towards the kitchen

” Are you hungry again? You had breakfast not up to an hour”he said

” I’m not hungry I’m just looking for something to eat, there’s a difference”she said

” So you want snacks”he said

” No I want fried Chicken and rice”she said lic-king her li-ps hungrily

” And you said you aren’t hungry” he said teasingly

” Whatever”she mutter

He stood up and ordered for the food,she smile happily as she wait for the food

Max countinue his work while Chloe kept staring outside hoping the meal would miraculous come to her

She then remember what Chelsea said,she stared at max and quickly look away when he raised his head

“Can’t you get enough of my handsome face?” He asked jokingly

” Max can I ask you something?”she ask

Max knew she was serious so he gave her his full concentration

“What is it? Is something wrong?” He ask

“Not really but it about chess”she said

” What about her?”he ask

” How do you plan on getting a donor for her?” She ask

He kept mute for a while ” why do you ask?”

” Nothing I’m just curious”she said

” Don’t worry,why don’t you worry about you and the baby instead” he said

“Max thank you for everything”she said

” Are you seducing me again,I’m never tired you know”he said

” What? I’m not seducing you”she said

“But you just did” he reply “max thank you for everything”

He said trying to mimic her voice

She realized her voice really does sound seductive “I’m sorry”

After eating max took her to the hospital

“You are good to go but they might be a slight problem so be prepared for it”Romina said

” Alright but either way she’s still safe”he said and she nodded

” Did you hear that you can give birth by yourself” max said happily as they walk outside the hospital

” But they might be problem” she said

“Why did you choose to hear that one unlike me I block my ear to it” he said

“Wait isn’t that Kyle?”Chloe said

Kyle was with a pregnant lady and he was holding her wa-istas they walk out of the ultrasound room

“But whose that lady?” Max ask

Chloe walk up to them angrily “Kyle”

“Chloe” he gasp as if he just saw a ghost

“So this is why you broke up with me?” She ask

“No”he said and Chloe slapped her

” I’m sure it doesn’t hurt because you are a heartless monster”she said half yell

” Chloe stop this is an hospital”he said ignoring the pain

” Ohh really thanks for reminding me which is why I should beat you and this pregnant zombie to pump so that you can be treated soon”she said

” Did you just call me a pregnant zombie?”the lady ask

” Yes it is your ear faulty?”she ask with a smirk

” How dare you?”she said raising her hand to slap her but max held it

” Lay a hand on her and I will make sure you won’t be alive yo hold your baby”he said coldly

” What?”she exclaimed and stare at Kyle who just kept looking like a lost sheep

“Let go babe” max said realising her hand and putting his hand around Chloe wa-istas he help her walk away from them

“That was risky” max said as soon as they got into the car

“Risky not for me but for them” she said

“What would have happened if I hadn’t been there?”he as

” I would have beat them to pulp”she said

” You are pregnant”he said

” So! You think I can’t fight,I would have started with that boyfriend snatcher pregnant zombie”she said

” He is no longer your boyfriend why does it hurt you to see him with someone else?”he as

” That because it hurts that he broke his promise” she said

He held her jaw and brou-ght her face to his he smile and ki-ss her pa-ssionately

“Max we are in a car” she said between the ki-ss

But max didn’t respond

His phone rang making him break the ki-ss “ahhh” he gro-an

He move the phone to his ear,the person must have said something unpleasant

His mood change after he drop the phone

“Let go home” he said without looking at Chloe

Falling in love isn’t ??
Part of the contract
Episode 18??

Max has been quiet throu-ghout the drive, Chloe kept stealing glares at him

She was wondering what was going throu-ghhis mind

“I’ll be back” he said not looking at her

“Max who called you?” She ask

“No one important”he replied

” What did the fellow say to make your mood change so much?” She ask

“Nothing”he reply faking a smile

He peck her forehead ” I ask chess to come keep you company for the meantime”

“Alright don’t stay long”she said and got down

He watched her walk inside, he sigh and drove to the hospital

“What do you mean by I should schedule the surgery?” The doctor ask

“What don’t you understand in that? “He ask ” I said to schedule the surgery tomorrow”

” Max your body can’t handle that, there is zero possibility of your survival”he said

” I own my body”he reply ” I will bring the girl tommorow”

HE sigh knowing there’s nothing he can say to make him change his mind”Alright I’ll tell you the time”

Max left the hospital and call Bryan to meet him up

“You are late” he said coldly as Bryan walk in to the bar

” Sorry,I didn’t plan on leaving the house” he said

“Whatever” he muttered

“Your mood seems off what’s wrong?” He ask

“I want you to meet me at my house tomorrow morning”he said

” Is that why you call me here you could have just tell me that over the phone”he said

” I want to drink with you ‘at least for the last time’”he said that last part in a low voice

” Why do you sound sad is Chloe still planning on ab-orting the baby” he ask

” No”he reply ” Bryan I want you to know that you will always be my best friend”

“Stop sounding that way you are not yourself I think you drank way too much”he said

” No I haven’t even order anything”he said

” Whatever let drink something now”Bryan said ordering some alcoholic drinks

They both drank to their satisfaction but max was sure not to get drunk

“Why are you restless he is not a boy he is a man” Chelsea said to Chloe who look restless

” Chess he left with a not to good look on his face” she said sitting down

” He is fine”she reply “are you in love with him?”

“No of course not,I’m just worried”Chloe reply feeling shy

” I’m not sure of that I think we should call him or search for him”she said

” Don’t bother him he is a man of himself he will come home when he wants to and you worrying like this is not good for you or the baby”she said

” I really don’t care about that right now”Chloe said. She peep outside and saw max drive in ” he’s here”

She rush out happily,he came out of the car and hand the key over to the driver

“Welcome,if you haven’t come earlier someone would have had hypertension”Chelsea said teasingly

” I’m sorry”he apologized ” the driver will take you home”

Chloe peck Chelsea and she went to the car, they both watch the car drive out of the compound

“Where have you been?” Chloe ask max as soon as Chelsea was gone

“With Bryan” he reply as they walk in

“Was it Bryan that call you and that you had a mood swing?”she ask

” I didn’t”he reply ” have you eaten?” He ask trying to change the topic

” Yes”she reply

He look eyes with her “Chloe I want you to take care of the baby no matter what,I want you to have the baby”

” Why are you sounding like that? Is it because I said I will ab-ort the Baby? Of course I won’t”she said smiling

” I love you Chloe, you and the baby unconditionally”he said hugging her

” You are scaring me”she said as they hug

” Let go to sleep I’m tired”he said holding her hand


The next day…..

They were done having breakfast when Bryan walk in

“Good morning Chloe” he greeted

“Morning Bryan”she reply

“Let go to my room” max said and they went upstairs

” What’s up man”Bryan said taking a seat on his bed

He handed to him a docu-ment, Bryan took it and open it it was his last will

“Bryan I want you to give that to my mom tomorrow morning” he said

“What do you mean? Are you committing suicide?”he asked teasingly but when he saw his mood he became serious ” what is going on?”

“I plan on donating my bone marrow to chess I have zero chance of survival so I want you to take care of that for me”he said

” What do you mean? Why would you do that?”he ask

” Because I love Chloe and I want to see her happy” he reply

“What about your mother? How do you think she will feel?”he ask raising his voice

” I don’t want Chloe to out lower your voice” he said

” She doesn’t even know you are going on a sucide mission for her”he said

” Enough man I love her”he reply

” I get it that you love her,but you are not the first person to love don’t do this max”he pleaded

” One more thing, give this letter to Chloe tommorow”he said

” I don’t want to you can do that yourself”he said

” Bryan please,help me I know you are angry but it too late”he said

” Max”he call softly and pull him into a hug

” Thanks man”he said

They both went downstairs

“Chloe” max call and she turn to him “I’ll be out for a while”

” Alright don’t take long”she said and he nodded

He peck her forehead and they left

Max went to pick Chelsea up,they left for the hospital

“Max why am I changing into an hospital wear?” Chelsea ask max

“Chess you will go into surgery today”he said

” What? Did you get a donor?”she ask but paused “Are you the donor?”

He smile and held her hand as tears pour out of her eyes “don’t cry chess everything will be fine”

” But it might not be”she said ” what about Chloe? what about your baby?”

” They will be fine, which is why you should be strong for your sister”he said

” You should be too”she said crying he hug-ged her and close his eyes as to avoid the tears in his eyes

“You should get ready for surgery too” the doctor said and max pull from the hug

A nurse took Chelsea and they went away

Tbc on Bcdblog TV

CONTRACT PREGNANCYEpisode 14“Mom, you didn’t tell me you were coming” he said totally surprise” Am I expected to get per...


Episode 14

“Mom, you didn’t tell me you were coming” he said totally surprise

” Am I expected to get permission before coming into my son’s house?” She ask

” No but, you should have told me and how do you know I’ll be here? “He ask

” Ava did”she reply

” Ohh have you eaten? “He ask

” Yes we ate, and aren’t you wondering who this is? “She ask

” Yes, I think she came with you right”he said

” Yes, it been months and I haven’t got any word from you, so I decided to bring you a wife” she said

” A wife!? “He call again disgust ” why would you do that? ”

” Yes,you remember our last conversation don’t you? “She said

” Yeah but,I told you I would do that on my own he said

” Good evening sir, I’m Vanessa by name”the girl said flirty

” Mom”he call as if he’s asking for her help

” I will return leave now take care of her” she said standing up

” Mom you can’t leave what will my wife say when she wake up and find another woman in our house?”he ask

” What do you mean by your wife? “She ask “are you playing with me, we’ve been here almost half an hour and no one has come out of this house”

” She must be asleep since she’s heavily pregnant”he said ” I’ll go get her”

” I hope you are still here Chloe”he mutter walking upstairs

He opened the door to her room and saw her lying on the bed

“Chloe I really need your help” he said rushing to her

” Leave I don’t want to see you” she reply angrily

“Please I’ll leave but I really need your help, my mom is downstairs and she wants you”he said

” Tell her I’m asleep”she said, max sigh and pull her out of bed, he drag her downstairs

” Mom, here she is”he said faking a smile with his hand around Chloe shoulder

“Good evening mom” Chloe greeted with a faint smile

“You were I’m the whole time?” She ask

“Yes mom I was asleep so I didn’t here you come in” she said

“Max you didn’t tell me” she said ” my daughter you should sit”

Chloe sat down and the lady max mother brou-ght stood up angrily and left

” How are you hope max hasn’t been bothering you?” She ask

” No mom, we are fine”she reply

” That’s good”she said

” Mom do you now believe me? “Max ask his mom

” I do, and I’m happy that you fufill my wish”she said

After a long chat max mom finally left, max drove her to his second house

When max ho home Chloe was already asleep,he didn’t bother her

The next morning Chloe woke up a bit late, she sat on a couch in the living room

“Good morning thank for your help yesterday” max said to Chloe who was sitting on the couch

” Have you thought about what I Said?” She ask

“Chloe can’t you see how happy my mom was yesterday please don’t do this” he pleaded

” There’s no point in doing this, Kyle isn’t going to donate his bone marrow anymore, how can we find a donor the little time left”she said crying

” We will find a solution we definitely will, please change your mind”he said

” Alright let leave Chelsea case what about giving birth, I can’t just let any man take my vi-rginity”she said

” What do you suggest? “He ask

” I don’t know but unless I’m married I won’t sleep with any man”she said

” Alright let have breakfast I’ll find a solution to everything”he said and help her get up, they had breakfast and max left the house

Max came back with a man

Chloe was outside probably coming back from a stroll since it wasn’t sunny

“Hey” max said walking towards her

“Welcome”she reply

They all went inside

” Umm Chloe this is my lawyer he will help with our marriage”he said pointing to the man

” Marriage? What marriage?” She ask

“You said earlier that unless you are married you won’t allow such thing” he said trying to keep the real problem from the lawyer

” So he will give us a legal marriage certificate”

“I will just need your signature ma’am”the guy said and brou-ght out a docu-ment

After they both signed it, the lawyer left and max walk him out

“About your sister case I’m already working on it”he said

” Just because we are married by paper doesn’t mean you can touch me,until I’m ready I won’t allow it”she said and stood up

?? Falling in love isn’t ??
Part of the contract
Episode 15 & 16

Max sigh and went out,he went to his other house

“Good morning son” his mom greeted looking outside “where’s your wife?”

” She’s at home”he reply

” Why isn’t she here? I was hoping to see her”she said

” She is tired and you can go see her later”he said

” Alright why are you here?”she ask

” I’m here to take chess for check up”he said

” Why are you the one taking her? Why isn’t Chloe here?”Ava ask

” She’s tired”he reply ” where is chess?”

” She’s in her room”she reply

Max went upstairs and knock on Chelsea door “chess it Max”

“Good morning Max” she greeted

“Are you ready? You have to go to the hospital today”he said

” Yeah,but why are you the one taking me?she ask

“Your sister is tired” he said

“Alright I’ll get ready now”she reply

After a few moments Chelsea went downstairs and they drove to the hospital

Max was sitting on a chair in the doctor office “when will the results be out?”

“Soon Mr mondragon but are you sure about this?”he ask

” Yes, just let me know when the results are out”he said

“umm max can you please help me with something?”Chelsea ask

” What’s that?”he ask turning to her

“I lost the medicine the nurse gave me” she said

“Alright wait here”he said and turn to the doctor ” I’ll be back”

After max left she went to the doctor”what test are you running on max,is he sick?

“No,I can’t tell you” he reply

“If you don’t then I’m going to lie to max that you are not a good doctor”she said with her hands across her chest

He sigh “he wants to know if he is a match for your bone marrow transfer”

“What? Why? What about Kyle?”she ask

” He doesn’t want to go into surgery and he broke up with your sister I guess” he said

“What? Why would Kyle do that?”she ask

” I don’t know but I think you should ask your sister”he said

” Why is it dangerous for max to go into surgery?”she ask

” He went into surgery three years ago after he had a car accident with his dad which kill him,if he goes into surgery again he might not survive it”he said

” What? Then why would he still do it?” She ask

“I don’t know I think I’ve told you enough”he said

” Please tell me why he is willing”she pleaded

” Chess I can’t find any and the nurse said she never gave you a medication”max said going Inside

” Uh umm I ..I ..must have made a mistake”she said stammering

” Alright let go”he said and Chelsea walk out of the office ” I’ll come back for the results”

“Max can we drop at your other house,I want to see Chloe” she said

” Sure”he reply and they drove to his house

” Chloe!!”Chelsea call hugging her sister really tight

“Hey! What are you doing here?” She ask totally surprise

“Am I not allow to visit my sister?” She ask pulling from the hug

“No I just wasn’t expecting you”she said

” I’m just coming back from the hospital so I decided to drop by”she said

” I’ll be in my room”max said and went upstairs

” Chloe why didn’t you tell me about you and Kyle?”she ask

” What? Who told you? It must be max”she said

” No I heard it from someone else,and I figure out that why max wants to be a donor”she said

” What do you mean by max wants to be a donor?”she ask totally confused

” He ask the doctor to run some tests on him about it even if he knew it dangerous”she said

” What do you mean by it dangerous?”she ask

” His father died in a car accident and max only survive it after series of surgery,if he goes into another surgery he might not survive it”she said

” Are you saying max is willing to risk his life for you?”she ask

” Not for me but for you”she reply

” No he is way too selfish he won’t”she reply

” I don’t know why he is doing this but the max I saw today is sad,I will no longer bother you about your decision, Please help him out”she said

Chloe couldn’t reply her when max came downstairs ” let go chess it getting late”

He drove her home and brou-ght their food along

“Why aren’t you eating?” Chloe ask max after he set the table which was for a person

“I’m not hungry” he reply

“Max I’m sorry for giving you a ha-rd time,I don’t know where all this is coming from so please eat something”she said giving him a puppy face

” I’m just not hungry”he said with a faint smile

“I’m not hungry either” Chloe said

“No you have to eat for at least for the baby”he said

” If you want me to eat then you should eat something too”she said

He smile he was happy seeing her like that,he sat down and they started eating

After dinner Chloe went to max room he was sitting on his bed with his laptop beside him

“I’m sorry I didn’t knock” she apologized

“It fine why are you here? Can’t you sleep?”he ask

” No I just want to thank you”she said

“For what?” He ask

“For everything, especially for Chelsea”she said and he nodded

” Max can I ask why you are so concerned about us?” She ask

“It nothing I just felt like it the right thing”she said

” No,I know it something else”she said sitting on his bed

” Chloe the truth is…….I love you”he said and her eyes wide-ned

What do you think her reply will be

Falling in love isn’t
?? Part of the contract
Episode 16??

“What do you mean?” She ask

“What I mean is that I’m in love with you Chloe,I don’t know when I started developing this feelings but I love you”he said moving closer to her


” I don’t care about the contract what I know is that I love you”he said as he place his li-ps on her


He de-epened the ki-ss and she responded to it,she let her take control of the ki-ss

He moved closer to her gently laying her back on the bed,he undress her at yeh same time

He broke the ki-ss and stared into her eyes “are you ready for this?”

“Now or never” she reply and he smile

He ki-ss her again as they undress each other,he shift the ki-ss to her neck,he ki-ss her neck and she mo-an in plea-sure

He ki-ss her right nip-ple and play with the left one,she kept mo-aning in plea-sure

He dip his finger into her pu-ssy he kept playing with it until he realize she was we-t enough

He took his already ha-rd di-ck and gently insert it in her

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh” she gro-an in pain

“I’m sorry I’ll try to be gentle” he said removing his di-ck

” Ready”he said and went into her again this time he left his di-ck inside her waiting for her to get use to her

He repeat the same process for a while before going fully into her

“Max….it.. hurt..I can’t take it” she gro-an in pain

“Don’t worry it for a while” max said ki-ssing her at the same time thru-sting into her

He repeat that before increasing his pace in her

“Maaaaaaaax” she mo-an in plea-sure as she had her first or**sm

He ki-ss her nip-ple as her mo-an fill the room

“I’m…..cu…..cuuuuummmmiiiing” he gro-an as he release in her

He collapse on The bed beside her

“Are you alright?” He ask as she look do tired

“It hurts but I’m fine”she said

He smile and stroke her hair,he ki-ssed her forehead and her big tummy

He watch her sleep so peaceful “I love you Chloe”

Chloe opened her eyes weakly,she stared at the room and remember what happened the previous night

She blus-h covering her face, yeah that’s remind her of max where is he

She wanted to stand up but her legs were weak and get back hurt

Max walk in with a tray of toasted bread and hot coffee with milk

“Good morning sweetheart” he greeted putting the tray on the stool beside the bed

“Morning” she reply avoiding his eyes

“I made you breakfast, you should eat something” he said

She nodded and devor the food hungrily

” If I hadn’t brou-ght Breakfast you would have eat me” he said teasingly

” I think you are forgetting we are too eating this food I and your baby”she said

” I forgot”he reply taking the tray

” I should take a shower”she said

“Can you walk?” He asked

“I tried to but fail my back and legs hurt”she said

” Alright I’ll help you to the bathroom”he said and uncover her body

He was staring at her lustfully

” Stop eye ra**ng me” she said snapping her finger

“I’m sorry but Chloe”he call moving closer ” can I have you?”

” What max I just told you I’m tired”she reply

” I know”he said and started playing with her nip-ples

” Max don”before Chloe could finish her sentence he bounce on her ki-ssing her rou-ghly


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