Her first time pt 1 w/ @_codenamewhit #jamalthecreative #herfirsttime #jtc #couplecomedy
Her first time pt 2 w/ @_codenamewhit #PawlidayPics #jamalthecreative #herfirsttime #jtc
Her first time w/ @_codenamewhit #ShareTheMagic #jamalthecreative #herfirsttime #jtc
Her first timr pt 4 w/ @_codenamewhit #ShareTheMagic #jamalthecreative #herfirsttime #jtc
When your girl is a spy pt 1 w/ @Brandi Nicole @funarios @ichvse #AEHolidayForever #spy #spyninjas #jamathecreative #jtc
When your girl is a spy pt 2 w/ @jadorebarbie #CustomersMostLoved #spy #spyninjas #jamathecreative
I was forced to do this! #mostlikelytochallenge #ps5 #jamalthecreative
2 yeeks 1 guy w/ @_codenamewhit @medinahmonroe #MakeABunchHappen #yeeks #cheating #disrespectful #jamalthecreative
Why I ate the yeeks pt 1 w/ @Brandi Nicole @ichvse @funarios #yeeks #jamalthecreative #MakeABunchHappen
She said I was being a jerk so I said, “I know” @adroshotit @jenjen_bean
Why I ate the yeeks pt 2 w/ @funarios @ichvse #FFXmasSwitch #yeeks #jamalthecreative
Why I ate the yeeks w/ @Brandi Nicole @ichvse @funarios #k18hairflip #jamalthecreative #yeeks
Don’t worry moving out will be easy #StepandFlex #jamalthecreative #movingout
God hearing his people turn up early on the first Sunday of the year! #god #turnup #sundayservice #jamalthecreative
When she says she’s not in the mood tonight w/ @Jenna Winstead #relationshipproblems #jamalthecreative #nobuns
An innocent man was arrested today w/ @tatianalejoyy @funarios @ichvse #inncoent #arrested #jamalthecreative