
Friendship ˜*•. ˜”*°•.˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜ .*˜ W3ll Cum 2 Fr!enDsHiP :)Creator ۩۞۩ S Friendship and association can be thought of as spanning across the same continuum. C.S.

Friendship is a form of interpersonal relationship generally considered to be closer than association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendships and associations. The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology. Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, among which are social excha

nge theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating the following on a consistent basis:

* The tendency to desire what is best for the other
* Sympathy and empathy
* Honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart
* Mutual understanding and compassion
* Trust in one another (able to express feelings - including in relation to the other's actions - without the fear of being judged); able to go to each other for emotional support
* Positive reciprocity - a relationship is based on equal give and take between the two parties. Contents

* 1 Cultural variations
o 1.1 Ancient Rome
o 1.2 Russia
o 1.3 Asia
* 2 Decline of friendships in the U.S.
* 3 Developmental issues
* 4 Types of friendships
* 5 Friendship and health
o 5.1 Love
* 6 Non-personal friendships
* 7 Interspecies and animal friendship
* 8 See also
* 9 References
* 10 Further reading
* 11 External links

[edit] Cultural variations
Holding hands is a sign of friendship in most cultures
[edit] Ancient Rome
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The Roman philosopher Cicero believed that in order to have a true friendship with someone, one must have complete honesty, truth, and trust. He also thought that friends would do things for each other without expectation of repayment. If a friend is about to do something wrong, one should not compromise one's morals and let the friend commit the action--one should explain what is wrong about the action, and help one's friend understand what is right. Cicero believed that ignorance is the cause of evil.
[edit] Russia

In Russia, one typically accords very few people the status of "friend". These friendships, however, make up in intensity what they lack in number.[citation needed] Friends are entitled to call each other by their first names alone, and to use diminutives. A norm of polite behavior is addressing "acquaintances" by full first name plus patronymic.[1] These could include relationships which elsewhere would be qualified as real friendships, such as workplace relationships of long standing, or neighbors with whom one shares an occasional meal or a customary drink.
[edit] Asia

In the Middle East and Central Asia, male friendships, while less restricted than in Russia, tend also to be reserved and respectable in nature. They may use nick names and diminutive forms of their first names. In countries like India, it is believed in some parts that friendship is a form of respect, not born out of fear or superiority. Friends are people who are equal in most standards, but still respect each other irrespective of their attributes or shortcomings.
[edit] Decline of friendships in the U.S. The friendship bracelet is an American example of the exchange of small tokens of friendship. According to a study documented in the June 2006 issue of the journal American Sociological Review, Americans are thought to be suffering a loss in the quality and quantity of close friendships since at least 1985.[2][3] The study states 25% of Americans have no close confidants, and the average total number of confidants per citizen has dropped from four to two. According to the study:

* Americans' dependence on family as a safety net went up from 57% to 80%
* Americans' dependence on a partner or spouse went up from 5% to 9%
* Research has found a link between fewer friendships (especially in quality) and psychological regression

In recent times, it is postulated modern American friendships have lost the force and importance they had in antiquity. Lewis for example, in his The Four Loves, writes:
“ To the Ancients, Friendship seemed the happiest and most fully human of all loves; the crown of life and the school of virtue. The modern world, in comparison, ignores it. We admit of course that besides a wife and family a man needs a few 'friends'. But the very tone of the admission, and the sort of acquaintanceships which those who make it would describe as 'friendships', show clearly that what they are talking about has very little to do with that Philía which Aristotle classified among the virtues or that Amicitia on which Cicero wrote a book.[4] ”
[edit] Developmental issues

In the sequence of the emotional development of the individual, friendships come after parental bonding and before the pair bonding engaged in at the approach of maturity. In the intervening period between the end of early childhood and the onset of full adulthood, friendships are often the most important relationships in the emotional life of the adolescent, and are often more intense than relationships later in life.[5] However making friends seems to trouble lots of people; having no friends can be emotionally damaging in some cases. Friendships play a key role in suicidal thoughts of girls.[6]

A study by researchers from Purdue University found that post-secondary-education friendships (e.g. college, university) last longer than the friendships before it.[7]

Children with Asperger syndrome and autism usually have some difficulty forming friendships. This is due to the autistic nature of some of their symptoms, which include but are not limited to preferring routine actions to change, and usually lacking good social skills. This does not mean that they are not able to form friendships, however. With time, moderation, and proper instruction, they are able to form friendships after realizing their own strengths and weaknesses.
[edit] Types of friendships

Acquaintance: a friend, but sharing of emotional ties isn't present. An example would be a coworker with whom you enjoy eating lunch or having coffee, but would not look to for emotional support. Many "friends" that appear on social networking sites are generally acquaintances in real life. Best friend (or the closest friend): A person with whom someone shares extremely strong interpersonal ties with as a friend. BFF ("best friend forever"): Slang used primarily in the USA by teenage and young adult women to describe a girl friend or close best friend. Blood brother or blood sister: Either people related by birth, or a circle of friends who swear loyalty by mingling the blood of each member together. Boston marriage: An antiquated American term used during the 19th and 20th centuries to denote two women who lived together in the same household independent of male support. Relationships were not necessarily s*xual. It was used to quell fears of le****ns after World War I. Bro: Slang used primarily in the USA and New Zealand by teenage and young adult men to describe a boy friend or close best friend. This term is currently used to describe the modern generation of college-age male party-goers. The name is typically associated with attention-seeking males who like to get drunk and party constantly. Sis: Also slang used primarily in the USA like "Bro" but for women and girls. Buddy: In the USA, males and sometimes females often refer to each other as "buddies", for example, introducing a male friend as their "buddy", or a circle of male friends as "buddies". Buddies are also acquaintances that you have during certain events. The term may also refer to an online contact, such as the AOL Buddy List. Casual relationship or "friends with benefits": A s*xual or near-s*xual and emotional relationship between two people who don't expect or demand to share a formal romantic relationship. This is also referred to an open relationship or a "hook-up". Family friend: A friendship extended to family members of the friends. Close relation is developed in those societies where family setup is strong. This term usually used in subcontinent. Comrade: Means "ally", "friend", or "colleague" in a military or political connotation. This is the feeling of affinity that draws people together in time of war or when people have a mutual enemy or even a common goal. Friendship can be mistaken for comradeship. Former New York Times war correspondent Chris Hedges wrote:

We feel in wartime comradeship. We confuse this with friendship, with love. There are those, who will insist that the comradeship of war is love – the exotic glow that makes us in war feel as one people, one entity, is real, but this is part of war's intoxication. [...] Friends are predetermined; friendship takes place between men and women who possess an intellectual and emotional affinity for each other. But comradeship – that ecstatic bliss that comes with belonging to the crowd in wartime – is within our reach. We can all have comrades.[8]

As a war ends, or a common enemy recedes, many comrades return to being strangers, who lack friendship and have little in common. Cross-s*x friendship: A person having a friend of the opposite s*x with having little or no s*xual or romantic activity: a male who has a female friend, or a female who has a male friend. Historically cross-s*x friendships have been rare. This is because often men would labor in order to support themselves and their family, while women stayed at home and took care of the housework and children. The lack of contact led to men forming friendships exclusively with their colleagues, and women forming friendships with other stay-at-home mothers. However, as women attended schools more and as their presence in the workplace increased, the segregated friendship dynamic was altered, and cross-s*x friendships began to increase. Cross-s*x friendship has once been a sign of gender deviance, but now it has been loosened because of the increase of gender equality in schools and the workplace, along with certain interests and pastimes such as sports. However, cross-s*x friendships aren't always a socially accepted norm of amity and some of those friendships could develop into romantic feelings (see romantic friendship). However, when these feelings are not mutual, they can often backfire, making it hard for the two to remain friends. Frenemy: A portmanteau of the words fr(iend) and enemy, the term frenemy refers to someone who pretends to be a friend but actually is an enemy—a proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing in the world of friendships. This is also known as a love–hate relationship. Most people have encountered a frenemy at one time or another in the same places one might find friends—school, work, the neighborhood. The term frenemy was reportedly coined by a sister of author and journalist Jessica Mitford in 1977, and popularized more than twenty years later on the third season of S*x and the City. While most research on friendship and health has focused on the positive relationship between the two, a frenemy is a potential source of irritation and stress. One study by psychologist Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad found that unpredictable love–hate relationships characterized by ambivalence can lead to elevations in blood pressure. In a previous study, the same researcher found that blood pressure is higher around friends for whom they have mixed feelings than it is when they're around people whom they clearly dislike.[9]

Fruit flies,[10] fag hag (female),[11] or fag stag (male)[12]: denotes a person (usually heteros*xual) who forms deep ties or close friendships with gay men. Men (gay or straight) who have le***an friends have been referred to as lezbros or lesbros.[13] The term has often been claimed by these straight members in gay-straight friendships, however some feel that it is derogatory.[14][15]

Imaginary friend: a non-physical friend created by a child or even an adult. Sometimes they're human, other times they're animals like the life-size rabbit in the old Jimmy Stewart movie, Harvey. Imaginary friends are also created for people desperate for social interaction but are isolated from contact with humans and pets. It may be seen as bad behavior or even taboo (some religious parents even consider their child to be possessed by an evil "spirit"), but is most commonly regarded as harmless, typical childhood behavior. The friend may or may not be human, and commonly serves a protective purpose. Internet relationship: a form of friendship or romance which takes place over the Internet. Some internet friendships evolve into real life friendships. Internet friendships are in similar context to a pen pal. These friendships are also based on the thought that the other person that they may not have ever met in real life knows them for who they are instead of the mask they may use in real life. Mate: In the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, blokes often refer to each other as "mates", for example, introducing a male friend as their "mate", or a circle of male friends as "mates". In the UK, as well as Australia, this term has begun to be taken up by women as well as men. Open relationship: a relationship, usually between two people, that agree each partner is free to have s*xual in*******se with others outside the relationship. When this agreement is made between a married couple, it's called an "open marriage". Pen pal: people who have a relationship via postal correspondence. Now pen pals has been established into internet friendship with the use of chat or social networking sites. They may or may not have met each other in person and may share either love, friendship, or simply an acquaintance between each other. This type of correspondence was encouraged in many elementary school children; it was thought that an outside source of information or a different person's experience would help the child become more worldly.
[edit] Friendship and health

The conventional wisdom is that good friendships enhance an individual's sense of happiness and overall well-being. But a number of solid studies support the notion that strong social supports improve a woman's prospects for good health and longevity. Conversely, it has been shown that loneliness and lack of social supports are linked to an increased risk of heart disease, viral infections, and cancer as well as higher mortality rates. Two female researchers have even termed friendship networks a "behavioral vaccine" that protects both physical and mental health.[16]

While there is an impressive body of research linking friendship and health status, the precise reasons for this connection are still far from clear. Most of the studies are large prospective studies (that follow people over a period of time) and while there may be a correlation between the two variables (friendship and health status), researchers still don't know if there is a cause-and-effect relationship, e.g. that good friendships actually improve health. There are a number of theories that attempt to explain the link, including that: 1) Good friends encourage their friends to lead more healthy lifestyles; 2) Good friends encourage their friends to seek help and access services, when needed; 3) Good friends enhance their friends' coping skills in dealing with illness and other health problems; and/or 4) Good friends actually affect physiological pathways that are protective of health.[17]
[edit] Love
See also: Marriage

Love is closely related to friendship in that it involves strong interpersonal ties between two or more people. Being in a relationship with someone usually means you are very close and you can confide in each other. In terms of interpersonal relationships, there are two distinct types of love:

1. Platonic love: is a deep and non-romantic connection or friendship between two individuals. It is love where the s*xual element does not enter.
2. Romance (love): considered similar to Platonic love, but involves s*xual elements. Engaging in a romantic relationship can change the dynamics of a platonic relantionship; in the event of a break-up, close friends who become romantically involved may experience difficulty in successfully resuming a comfortable friendship.
[edit] Non-personal friendships

Although the term initially described relations between individuals, it is at times used for political purposes to describe relations between states or peoples (the "Franco–German friendship", for example), indicating in this case an affinity or mutuality of purpose between the two nations. Regarding this aspect of international relations, Lord Palmerston said:
“ Therefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.[18] ”

This is often paraphrased as: "Nations have no permanent friends and no permanent enemies. Only permanent interests." The word "friendship" can be used in political speeches as an emotive modifier. Friendship in international relationships often refers to the quality of historical, existing, or anticipated bilateral relationships.
[edit] Interspecies and animal friendship
Dog friends
See also: Ethology, Altruism in animals, and Sociobiology

Friendship as a type of interpersonal relationship is also found among animals of higher intelligence, such as the higher mammals and some birds. Cross-species friendships are common between humans and domestic animals. Less common but noteworthy are friendships between an animal and another animal of a different species, such as a dog and cat.
[edit] See also

* Female bonding
* FOAF (Friend of a friend)
* Fraternization
* Friendship network
* Human behavior
* Male bonding
* Mentoring
* Philosophy

* Relational care
* Social contact
* Social networking
* Social norm
* Social psychology
* Sociology
* Subculture

[edit] References

1. ^
2. ^ Kornblum, Janet (June 22, 2006). Study: 25% of Americans have no one to confide in. USA Today.
3. ^ McPherson, Smith-Lovin, Brashears (Volume 71, Number 3, June 2006). American Sociological Review.
4. ^ Lewis, 1974, p. 69
5. ^ Conger, Galambos, 1996, p. 204
6. ^ Grabmeier, Jeff (January 6, 2004). Friendships play key role in suicidal thoughts of girls, but not boys. Ohio State University.
7. ^ Spakrs, Glenn (August 7, 2007). Study shows what makes college buddies lifelong friends. Purdue University.
8. ^ Hedges, Chris (May 21, 2003). "Text of the Rockford College graduation speech". Rockford Register Star. Retrieved 2008-10-25.
9. ^
10. ^ Green, Jonathon (2006, page 549). Cassell's Dictionary of Slang. Sterling Publishing, ISBN 0304366366. Google Books, Retrieved 2007-11-16.
11. ^ Baker, Paul (2004). Fantabulosa: A Dictionary of Polari and Gay Slang. Continuum International Publishing Group. p. 140. ISBN 0826473431. Google Books, Retrieved 2008-07-23.
12. ^ Green, Jonathon (2006). Cassell's Dictionary of Slang: A Major New Edition of the Market-leading Dictionary of Slang. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. p. 485. ISBN 0304366366. Google Books, Retrieved 2008-07-23.
13. ^ LesBro: If You're A Boy Who Likes Girls Who Like Girls, Then You Are A Lesbro. And If You're Not, Maybe You Should Be, Joshua David Stein, Details, September 2009.
14. ^ Ordona, Robert (2008). "State of Gay Unions: The "Fag Stag"". Planet Out Inc. Retrieved 2008-07-23
15. ^ Matarazzo, Heather (2005-03-29). "Who you callin' a fag hag?". The Advocate. Retrieved 2008-03-09.
16. ^ Friendship, social support, and health. 2007 Sias, Patricia M; Bartoo, Heidi. In L'Abate, Luciano (Ed). (2007). Low-cost approaches to promote physical and mental health: Theory, research, and practice. (pp. 455–472). xxii, 526 pp. New York, NY, US: Springer Science + Business Media.
17. ^ Social networks and health: It's time for an intervention trial. 2005. Jorm, Anthony F. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. Vol 59(7) Jul 2005, 537–538.
18. ^ Speech to the House of Commons, Hansard (March 1, 1848)

[edit] Further reading

* Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics
* Bech, Henning (1997). When men meet: homos*xuality and modernity. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0226040219.
* Bleske, April L, Buss, David M "Can Men and Women Be Just Friends?" In Personal Relationships, 2000, 7, 2, June, 131-151
* Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Laelius de Amicitia
* Conger, John Janeway; Galambos, Nancy (1996). Adolescence and youth: psychological development in a changing world. Longman. ISBN 978-0673992628.
* Hein, David (2004). "Farrer on Friendship, Sainthood, and the Will of God" in Captured by the Crucified: The Practical Theology of Austin Farrer. New York and London: Continuum/T. & T. Clark. p. 119–148
* Heyking, John von; Avramenko, Richard (2008). Friendship and Politics: Essays in Political Thought. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
* Kalmijn, Matthijs. "S*x Segregation of Friendship Networks: Individual and Structural Determinants of Having Cross-S*x Friends." European Sociological Review, 2002, 18, 1, Mar, 101–117
* Levine, Irene S. (2009). Best Friends Forever: Surviving a Breakup with Your Best Friend. New York:Overlook Press. ISBN 1590200403.
* Lewis, C.S. (1974). The Four Loves. Collins. ISBN 978-0006207993.
* Muraco, Anna. "Heteros*xual Evaluations of Hypothetical Friendship Behavior Based on S*x and S*xual Orientation." Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2005, 22, 5, Oct, 587-605
* Reeder, Heidi M. "The Effect of Gender Role Orientation on Same- and Cross-S*x Friendship Formation." S*x Roles: A Journal of Research, 2003, 49, 3–4, Aug, 143–152
* Strogatz, Steven Henry, "The Calculus of Friendship : what a teacher and a student learned about life while corresponding about math", Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009. ISBN 9780691134932
* Yager, Jan (2002). When Friendship Hurts: How to Deal With Friends Who Betray, Abandon, or Wound You. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., Fireside Books.




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