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Bible Student's Radio Broadcasting the good news of the happy God.

Bible Student’s Radio is dedicated to the - promotion of Bible study - encouragement of the believer’s growth in grace - recovery of truth that has too long been hidden under the veils of traditionalism, prejudice, misunderstanding and fear. Bible Student’s Radio is not connected with any "Church," "Movement," "Organization," "Society," "Mission," or any other separate body of believers, but is sent forth to and for all of God’s saints.

Christendom Is Unaware that God Is HappyAccording to the glorious good news of the happy God, which was committed to my ...

Christendom Is Unaware that God Is Happy

According to the glorious good news of the happy God, which was committed to my trust (I Timothy 1:11).

Christendom is unaware that God is happy, because they have missed the distinct revelation that was committed to Paul’s trust. To know God as “the happy God” one must view Him through the letters of Paul. Without such knowledge of this unique unveiling of the true nature of God by the international apostle of Christ, one is left to an incomplete, veiled view of our Father. After all, it was given to Paul to “complete the Word of God” (Colossians 1:25).

Why is God happy? Why wouldn’t He be? – for He “works all things after the counsel of His Own will” (Ephesians 1:11).

The god of religion is desperately trying to regain control of his lost universe. Yet he has already conceded that he will lose the battle and forever forfeit the vast majority of his creation to the hand of his more successful opponent. Little wonder that the god of religion is so annoyed and mad.

Yet not so with the true God of Scripture! God is happy because He has designed a grand plan of redemption that includes the reconciliation of all things back to Himself. This is the good news committed to Paul’s trust! It is this good news that reveals to us “the happy God.” This glorious good news encompasses the completed, successful cross-work of our Lord Jesus Christ for all of creation!

That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him (Ephesians 1:10).

Having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things to Himself; by Him, I say, whether they are things in earth, or things in heaven (Colossians 1:20).

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

No Endless PainYou may think it a passing fancy     But since I was a child of tenI have hated that awful doctrine     T...

No Endless Pain

You may think it a passing fancy
But since I was a child of ten
I have hated that awful doctrine
That taught unending pain for men.

I could never believe in heaven
Being a place of joy and peace,
While thousands and thousands suffer
In a hell that’ll never cease.

Oh, my God is a God of mercy.
He is a God of justice too.
But the frightful stain of endless sin,
I could never believe it true.

Father in heaven, forgive them,
Who teach such crime as true.
In Thy kindness remember that
They too “know not what they do.”

— R.H. Judd, Faith Fellowship, Vol. 60, No. 1

FatherIn the Hebrew Scriptures God reveals Himself to His covenant Nation Israel by the personal name Yahweh (also commo...


In the Hebrew Scriptures God reveals Himself to His covenant Nation Israel by the personal name Yahweh (also commonly rendered Jehovah).

Though this represented a highly exalted relationship above that of the rest of the nations, it simply pales in comparison to what would be progressively revealed.

Although we can surely appreciate the great value and use of “Yahweh,” we ultimately dishonor Him by such a narrow approach. Though there were slight hints of this greater truth in the Hebrew Scriptures, it was our Lord Jesus Christ Who revealed God’s true identity and nature as “Father.” Father is an advanced revelation, super-abounding that of Yahweh. With radical boldness, Christ personally calls Him “Father” over 150 times in the gospel accounts.

Jesus Christ came so that we also can have a Father relationship with God, just as He has. He has bridged the gap of separation giving us a loving Father relationship with God.

Little wonder that Paul said, because we, too, are sons, that we have received the spirit of sonship – the spirit of His own son in our hearts – so that we can cry, “Abba, Father.” (Galatians 4:6; Romans 8:15).

What a rich and wonderful relationship that the Lord Jesus Christ has brought us into with Father. It pales all others!

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

The Whole World Is Lying in the Wicked OneMany seem to be somewhat surprised and enamored when they see evil all around ...

The Whole World Is Lying in the Wicked One

Many seem to be somewhat surprised and enamored when they see evil all around us.

Sometimes it is more apparent than at other times, but the simple fact of Scripture is that “the whole world is lying in the wicked one” (I John 5:19, CV). After all, this is the “present evil age” (Galatians 1:4, REB).

God is absolutely sovereign, and having created evil (Isaiah 45:7) He is presently using it to accomplish His purpose that will eventuate in the good of His whole creation, and He is doing so with the utmost precision.

Only the eye of faith can see this now. To all others it is hidden, resulting in multitudes being captivated and distracted by the various “sides” of causes and movements, depending on their own limited perception about the “knowledge of good and evil.” All of this, of course, results in endless agitation, anger, hatred and strife. This is why “the nations rage, and the people imagine a vain thing” (Psalm 2:1; Acts 4:25).

All the while, the “God of peace” (Romans 15:33) has “called us in peace” (I Corinthians 7:15), and it is to be arbitrating in our hearts (Colossians 3:15, CV), manifesting itself in a model of pacific life.

To be calumniating no one, to be pacific, lenient, displaying all meekness toward all humanity (Titus 3:2, CV; cf. I Timothy 3:3).

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

Christ Undid What Adam DidDid you know that what Adam did, Christ undid?Christ’s work on Calvary is greater than Adam’s ...

Christ Undid What Adam Did

Did you know that what Adam did, Christ undid?

Christ’s work on Calvary is greater than Adam’s sin. All of God’s creation will be gloriously saved by the successful work of “the Savior of the world” (John 4:42).

Salvation is not dependent on us at all. Salvation is ALL about Christ and His work alone. Paul taught that the exact same “all men” who are condemned in Adam are the exact same “all men” who are justified in Christ (Romans 5:18); and that the exact same “all” who die in Adam are the exact same “all” who are “made alive” in Christ (I Corinthians 15:22). What a victorious Savior we have!

Christ is greater than Adam!

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

The Fruit of EphesiansThe Fruit of Ephesians is found in 4:1-6,With all humility and meekness, with patience, bearing wi...

The Fruit of Ephesians

The Fruit of Ephesians is found in 4:1-6,

With all humility and meekness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit with the tie of peace.

Whoever knows the highest truth in the Scriptures will walk in this way. This should be our endeavor, especially in these days when so few know the truth. It should be especially stressed in our contacts with those whom God has given ears to hear and eyes to desire His glory. We all have much to learn ourselves, so it should not be hard to have patience with others, even if they seem slow and dense.

Let us remember that, if we really have the highest truth, it will not appear in pride and self-exaltation, or in confining our fellowship to those like-minded, but in lowly and forbearing service among those we desire to lead into further light.

Above all let us not give offense by a haughty pretension to all the truth, or by claiming for our “leader” the monopoly of it. All of God’s saints have some light, and much truth has come to everyone who has sought to know God through His Word. None of us has anything that God has not given to him. It is not given us to keep, but to dispense.

A.E. Knoch (1874-1965)
Unsearchable Riches, Volume 27

A Prisoner of Christ JesusPaul had other plans rather than being in prison. However, even thoughA man’s heart devises hi...

A Prisoner of Christ Jesus

Paul had other plans rather than being in prison. However, even though

A man’s heart devises his way, yet [it is] Yahweh [that] establishes his steps (Proverbs 16:9).

Although Paul would have desired a different situation, he nevertheless found himself a prisoner of Rome, and thus he looked beyond his mere circumstances, declaring himself to be in fact “the prisoner of Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 3:1). This is the power of divine awareness.

While Joseph’s brothers relatively had sold him into slavery, he knew assuredly that absolutely it was God Who had done this; and while his brothers “meant it for evil,” it was God Who had “meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20).

The same is true for all of us. While at times we might sense ourselves prisoners of our circumstances, finding ourselves in less than ideal or even in outright “evil” situations, it is God Who is in complete charge of them all. Nonetheless, like Paul we can say that, from the Divine viewpoint, we too are “prisoners of Christ Jesus,” and we can have complete confidence that,

For us, who love God, who are the called according to His purpose, there is an awareness that He is working all together for good (Romans 8:28, BSV).

Relax. Father has everything under control.

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

God Is Not ExperimentingThe Bible reveals that God is not experimenting in human life.He does not adventure at the creat...

God Is Not Experimenting

The Bible reveals that God is not experimenting in human life.

He does not adventure at the creature’s risk. He does not gamble on chance, or trust to a lucky turn of the wheel of life to bring a possible handful of His creatures back to Himself. In order to save one soul, He is not compelled by some hideous necessity to doom a hundred. When His purpose in human life is completed, no debris will remain to mar the finished perfection of His work.

Adlai Loudy (1893-1984)

Is Hell Eternal?

The Slander of GodThe nature and character of God has been shamefully maligned by the religious system He has been perve...

The Slander of God

The nature and character of God has been shamefully maligned by the religious system

He has been perverted into a “god” who either cannot or will not carry out His stated purpose.

It is high time that the saints of God shake off the bo***ge of traditional teaching that has too long hidden the image of the true God from view.

Traditional religious teaching presents:

A “god” who Loves man – but gives him up to endless torture.
A “god” who sent His Son to make the payment of sin for every man – but makes most men pay for their own sins.
A “god” who allows man to fall – with full knowledge of that the result that He would not be able to redeem them all.
A “god” who wants all men to be saved – but will in fact damn most of them for eternity.
A “god” who tells us to love and to do good to our enemies – while He tortures His enemies endlessly.

All of these are slanderous perversions of the God Who is ignorantly worshiped. Learn the truth of the true and living God and be made free from world religions.

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

The Real Miracle of December 25thThe real miracle of December 25th is not the birth of Christ, but His conception:It thu...

The Real Miracle of December 25th

The real miracle of December 25th is not the birth of Christ, but His conception:

It thus appears without the shadow of a doubt that the day assigned to the Birth of the Lord, viz., December 25, was the day on which He was “begotten of the Holy Spirit,” i.e., by pneuma hagion – divine power (Matthew 1:18, 20, marg.), and His birth took place on the 15th of Ethanim, September 29, in the year following, thus making beautifully clear the meaning of John 1:14, “The Word became flesh” (Matthew 1:18, 20) on the 1st Tebeth or December 25, “and tabernacled [Gr., eskenosen] with us,” on the 15th of Ethanim or September 29.

The Companion Bible Appendixes

Bible Student’s Press (2010), Appendix 179, p. 231

Freedom from SinsIn Whom we have redemption through His blood, the freedom from [aphesis] sins, according to the riches ...

Freedom from Sins

In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the freedom from [aphesis] sins, according to the riches of His grace? (Ephesians 1:7, BSV).

In Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the freedom from [aphesis] sins (Colossians 1:14, BSV).

The Greek word (aphesis) often translated “forgiveness” is a compound word, “from-letting” (Concordant Keyword Concordance), meaning “freedom” (Strong’s G859).

Ultimate freedom from sin is far more than the traditional “forgiveness” or “pardon” of sins. “Forgiveness” and “pardon” are rooted in guilt. The followers of religion seek to obtain forgiveness through some means – concerted effort, confessions, prayers, penance, resolutions, etc.

What Paul taught went well beyond “forgiveness.” The revelation given to him involved “justification,” which, instead of being rooted in guilt, is rooted in righteousness.

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

Called-Out Ones[Christ] is the Head of the Body, the called-out ones (Colossians 1:18, BSV).The Greek word often transla...

Called-Out Ones

[Christ] is the Head of the Body, the called-out ones (Colossians 1:18, BSV).

The Greek word often translated as “church” in most English versions is ekklēsia (or ecclesia).The word is a compound word meaning “called-out” (ek = “out”; klēsia = “called”). The ecclesia simply is God’s “called-out” ones. The ecclesia is not a building or denomination; not a meeting, or doctrinal creed; it is not somewhere we go, or something we do – it is who we as believers are.

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

Paul’s Early and Later Ministries Are NOT the SamePaul’s early ministry and his later ministry were NOT the same. This i...

Paul’s Early and Later Ministries Are NOT the Same

Paul’s early ministry and his later ministry were NOT the same. This is why we are admonished to correctly partition the Word of Truth: in order that we are walking ONLY in the truth of this present dispensation of the SECRET, our marching orders and truth are recorded in Ephesians and Colossians.

If you are interested in growing in truth, it would benefit you greatly to understand the ministry taking place during the Acts era while the barrier wall was UP, separating the Circumcision from the Uncircumcision, and the ministry that is NOW taking place with the wall DOWN to ALL peoples – NO distinctions, NO separations.

— De Trefethen

’Tis The Season to Be …We all know the rest of the line from this 16th century Welsh yuletide carol Deck the Halls: “’Ti...

’Tis The Season to Be …

We all know the rest of the line from this 16th century Welsh yuletide carol Deck the Halls: “’Tis the season to be jolly.” A “jolly” season is surely a very delightful thought.

Unfortunately, such is not the reality in the lives of many. December can be a very difficult and stressful time of the year, even melancholy for some, and depressing for others.

There are a number of reasons for difficulties during this season. One is simply that life can be hard and full of heartbreak and disappointment. When one finds themselves in the middle of problems during this time of year, the struggle can increase just by knowing that one is supposed to be “jolly.”

Then, of course, there are those who struggle with living in the past – especially in such a sentimental season. “Living” in the past is not really living though, but just “existing” through the rehearsing of a former life that has already been lived. Sentiment is a heavy burden for many to bear – living with the ghosts of Christmas past.

Certainly, there are also those who become easily obsessed with that 24-hour window of the future – from Christmas Eve through Christmas Day. They get trapped in all of the anxious plans and fretful details that must be managed so that these few hours turn out just right. Sometimes this bo***ge actually originates from a heart that genuinely desires to bring blessing to others – but in the process of all of the activity one can easily lose sight of what is really important, and like Martha of Luke’s Gospel, they become disgruntled by being “cumbered by much serving” (10:40).

The Understandable Version says that she was “preoccupied with all the preparations [i.e., for entertaining her beloved guest].” I am sure that many a host and hostess could easily identify with Martha. Unquestionably, the idea of her being “preoccupied” is that she had been “distracted” (as Young, Weymouth, Rotherham and the CLNT have translated it) from what was of real importance. It is easy to lose heart in our service when undue importance is placed on artificial days or things.

In all of the situations that present seasonal occasions for being sad, depressed, overwhelmed and anxious, it is important that we keep our eyes on Father and His Son. Like Moses, we get through our trials only by “seeing Him Who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:27). Like Peter, we will begin to sink beneath the waves of circumstances if we take our eyes off of our only source of true joy and strength (Matthew 14:22-33).

Much attention is given in this season for the “Babe in the manger,” but we must look to the “Lord of Glory” Who is now at the right hand of the Father, and we are seated there with Him (Colossians 3:1). As in all other parts of the year we should live our day-to-day lives unto Him, and Him alone (Colossians 3:17, 23).

While we may occasionally look to the past with thanksgiving to Him, and we may plan for the future so as to be His blessing to others, we must keep our bearings in this season by living neither in the past, nor in the future, but in the present. We, or our loved ones, may never come to see the upcoming 24-hour period over which we are so stressed. Our lives are but a v***r, and none of us are promised a tomorrow (James 4:14).

All that we have is today. Seize it. Live in it. Enjoy it,

For in Him we live, and move, and have our being (Acts 17:28).

With Him, every day is a glorious season – every day a sacred holiday (Romans 14:5-8; I Corinthians 10:31). During this season, whatever steps you may be taking on your journey, remember to enjoy HIM, Who is your life (Colossians 3:4).

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

The Baby Jesus and the Lord of GloryEach year at Christmas-time, the “baby Jesus” is the subject of discussion and atten...

The Baby Jesus and the Lord of Glory

Each year at Christmas-time, the “baby Jesus” is the subject of discussion and attention.

Indeed, all year long the Babe in its mother’s arms and the dying Sufferer on the cross are kept constantly before the masses, while our Lord’s resurrection, ascension and present glory in heaven are given but scant attention. This is because so few have taken note of the great message of the Apostle Paul about the glorified Lord in heaven. In II Corinthians 5:16, the Apostle wrote:

… yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we Him no more.

It is sad that so many still know only “Christ after the flesh.” They love to discuss the “gospel stories” about the “Man of Galilee,” but find themselves strangers in the great Epistles of Paul.

Paul is the apostle for this present “dispensation of the grace of God.” It is he who presents Christ in His present glory as the great Dispenser of redeeming grace, through the merits He won at Calvary. In Ephesians 1:15-23 we have recorded for us the Apostle’s prayer that we might be given “the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ” that we might come to experience…

What is the exceeding greatness of [God’s] power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places. Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world [age], but also in that which is to come (:19-21).

Let us thank God that the baby Jesus grew up and died for our sins and became the risen, living Savior at God’s right hand.

Cornelius R. Stam (1909-2003)
Two Minutes with the Bible

Son of an Average JosephIs not this the carpenter’s son? (Matthew 13:55).The Lord Jesus Christ was the Son of God; but t...

Son of an Average Joseph

Is not this the carpenter’s son? (Matthew 13:55).

The Lord Jesus Christ was the Son of God; but the one who had the distinguished role of being His earthly “father” was Joseph.

A simple man, and from all earthly perception, he was what we might call an average “Joseph” – or an average “Joe.” He was a lowly carpenter; making our Lord the son of an average Joe.

This was not an accident, for it is indeed our Father’s method. The Father does not plan and build spiritual life upon social prestige, honor, respect and position. He has made clear the divine method:

For you see your calling, brothers, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called (I Corinthians 1:26).

Paul goes on to explain:

But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, has God chosen, yes, and things which are not, to bring to nothing things that are: that no flesh should glory in His presence (I Corinthians 1:27-29).

Our Lord Jesus Christ was seen as the “son” of Joseph, the carpenter – the son of the average Joe; but His life was the manifestation of His Heavenly Father! So it can be with us: though we were born a mere human, and may have a lowly lot in life, inside of us dwells the very life of the Father!

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

Santa Claus and Hell As believers in the complete and successful work of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world and the...

Santa Claus and Hell

As believers in the complete and successful work of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world and the sovereignty of God in all things, it’s apparent that our previous misunderstanding of hell is a part of our Creator’s perfect plan. This temporary misconception was never out of His perfect plan in our lives.

Most of us, within the circle of believers who have come to see and understand God’s unconditional mercy, came from backgrounds that involved the teaching of hell. What a wonderful thing it is to have that idea behind us and to realize that it’s not true. However, we might ask ourselves, “Was God sovereign over our lives and environment when we were younger, absorbing this concept of hell?”

Yes! God was perfectly and fully in control of the false and incorrect notions we soaked up in traditional churches and our “Christian” culture. Our sovereign God uses all things to fulfill His perfect plan, including erroneous and inaccurate teaching.

Some of us who are parents may be responsible for the exact same strategy. We either told our children about Santa Clause, or at least allowed them to believe in the fictional Santa along with his strategy of rewarding those children who were good.

When we reached the age where we learned that Santa was not true, it was no big deal; we simply matured out of it. However, when one of our friends or siblings told us that Santa wasn’t real – before we were ready to accept it – our young minds denied this information and we may have said, “No! Santa’s real. I know he is. You’re wrong!”

Perhaps this is a microcosm of “the hell concept” that most of us see in our friends and families thinking. Telling others about God’s successful plan to save the world by the finished work of Jesus Christ may be like telling a seven year old, “There’s no Santa Claus.”

— Mike Owens

Intersected LivesHave you ever wondered about the people who come in and out of your life, and you theirs?At the many di...

Intersected Lives

Have you ever wondered about the people who come in and out of your life, and you theirs?

At the many different stages of your life there have been acquaintances and friends – some casual and some dearly close to you – and then you both moved on with your lives, taking quite different paths. Some you hear from, or of, occasionally; others seem to be completely lost from your life.

Know this: God always knows exactly what He is doing, and He always is in charge of our lives.

The steps of a man are ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23).

This includes the intersection of your life with others.

All of your days were written in His book; they were formed when there was not one of them (Psalm 139:16).

God knows when people – in His Own development of them individually – need to cross each other’s path, or even to linger in each other’s lives for a while. Although it is almost always a mutual need – even if we can’t detect it at the time – often one appears to be the giver and one the receiver. Sometimes we’re the wind, sometimes the sail. God alone knows when people need each other most.

Either way, and whether for a brief moment or an extended time, we can give thanks to Father for the seasons He has given in someone’s path.

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.



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