Carmella is a short film that delves into the dark and emotionally complex journey through life and death. The story follows Carmella, a young woman who tragically commits su***de while pregnant. However, Carmella is brought back to life through a macabre experiment by a man named Henry, who then claims her and conducts an experiment to bring her back to life through a controversial procedure. As Carmella grapples with her new existence, she faces a multitude of challenges and internal conflicts as she searches for meaning and purpose in her surreal circumstances. Despite her efforts to adapt and find value in her revived life, Carmella ultimately finds herself overwhelmed by the struggles and pain she endures. In a poignant and heartbreaking conclusion, she chooses to end her life once again, highlighting the complexity of identity, loss, and the enduring quest for self-discovery. Through its dark and poignant narrative, "Carmella" explores themes of identity, redemption, and the complexities of human existence.