🔛The interplay between being HSP and an Oversharer presents a delicate balance between heightened sensitivity and the urge to share personal experiences.
🌱Establishing boundaries and mutual respect in communication is crucial in navigating this duality. By fostering self-awareness and meaningful dialogue, individuals can cultivate harmonious relationships amidst their HSP and Oversharer traits.
👉to read more go to HSP Joyful Insights
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Highly Sensitive to the environment, fullness of the thoughts and emotions interfere with sleeping. For me, as a super light sleeper, knowing my chrono type helped a lot🌙 You can find for more detail on other contents in bio.
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HSP and EMPATH is always together? What do you think? 🤔
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What sports do you like? What sports do you want to try? 🏀🧘♀️🎾🚴🧗
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What’s are complexities, similarities and differences between HSP, ADHD and ASD?
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So what is HSP? 🤷♀️
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Redefine “sensitivity” for males💪
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Feeling more sensitive than the before? 🕰#highlysensitive #highlysensitiveperson #highlysensitivepeople #highlysensitivechild #hsp #hsc #fyp #hspjoyfulinsights
Decaf or controlled? ☕️🍵 #caffeinedaily #caffeinaddict #caffeinfree #highlysensitive #highlysensitiveperson #highlysensitivepeople #highlysensitivechild #hsp #hsc #fyp #hspjoyfulinsights
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socialmedia is overwhelming for highly sensitive individuals🫥
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