The purpose of the Special Issue called: “Applied Geoinformation: acquisition, analysis and representation of spatial information for urban master planning, cadastre and building adaptation” is to provide a platform to enhance interdisciplinary research and share the most recent ideas and experiences in the above-related fields. In order to concentrate the knowledge and experiences accumulated thus far, we would like to invite you to submit articles about your recent work.
Areas of interest for publication include:
• Geotechnologies for urban planning and building;
• Land and building surveying technologies;
• Green areas x urban waterproof for constructions;
• Smart city and Building feature spatial analysis (GIS);
• Cadastre perspective and mapping urban facilities;
• Crowdsourcing for analyses of regular/irregular occupation and disaster resilience in the built environment;
• Land administration and building settlements;
• Spatial information and trends in building adaptation;
• Challenges for urban planning and building;
• Urban master plan and decision making.
Submission details
All submissions must be made via ScholarOne: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijbpa
For more information, please see the author guidelines: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/ijbpa -guidelines
Submission opens on Scholar One (do not submit before this date): 1st July 2021
Submission window closes: 1st November 2021
Guest editors
Francisco Henrique de Oliveira, Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Renan Furlan de Oliveira, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
Email: [email protected]