“I dont think ive ever talked about lillies”-Meghan 😂 #relationships #husbandandwife #meghanandjack #relationshipquotes #relationshipadvice #lovewins #couplegoals #datingfails
f you dont believe us on how bad it is then PLEASE!! Try it but be warned its terrible 😂 #datingfails #lovewins #relationshipadvice #relationshipquotes #couplegoals
Wait what about the sink😅 #couples #relationships #meghanandjack #relationshipadvice #lovewins #couplegoals #relationshipquotes #datingfails
WE may have messed up these cookies💀 #couplegoals #datingfails #lovewins #relationshipquotes #relationshipadvice
This is an every day occurrence 😂 #meghanandjack #bloompartner Bloom Nutrition #datingfails #relationshipquotes #relationshipadvice #couplegoals #lovewins
They added some ✨extra✨ ingredients #meghanandjack #relationships #husbandandwife IB kristysarah #relationshipquotes #datingfails #lovewins #relationshipadvice #couplegoals
The world may never know the full story😂 #meghanandjack #datingfails #lovewins #relationshipquotes #relationshipadvice #couplegoals
The pure shock on his face when he took a sip 😂 #ad #airup #airuppartner airup AD #relationshipadvice #relationshipquotes #datingfails #couplegoals #lovewins
Sometimes she will scream directly at me also 🥲😂 #meghanandjack #relationshipquotes #relationshipadvice #couplegoals #datingfails #lovewins
So you dont like goat cheese but mayo and bread is good🤔 #datingfails #relationshipquotes #relationshipadvice #couplegoals #lovewins
So unexpected that she said that… like had NO IDEA ya know IM BAFFLED…🥸 #meghanandjack #datingfails #relationshipadvice #couplegoals #lovewins #relationshipquotes
Should she get or gifts this year🎁 🤷♂️ #airup #airuppartner airup #relationshipquotes #couplegoals #relationshipadvice #lovewins #datingfails
She still doesnt believe i dont have her birthday gifts yet😂 #meghanandjack #couplegoals #relationshipadvice #lovewins #datingfails #relationshipquotes
She opened a jar for me one time and she will never let it down😂 #relationships #husbandwife #meghanandj #lovewins #relationshipadvice #relationshipquotes #couplegoals #datingfails
She literally had SO MUCH FUN and im happy i got to see it 🥰🥹 #meghanandjack #relationshipadvice #relationshipquotes #couplegoals #lovewins #datingfails
She kinda liked the barking😏 #relationships #husbandwife #meghanandjack #datingfails #couplegoals #relationshipadvice #lovewins #relationshipquotes
She has names for our future children written down💀 #relationships #husbandwife #meghanandjack #relationshipquotes #couplegoals #datingfails #lovewins #relationshipadvice
She got like % of the food 🥲 #relationships #husbandandwife #meghanandjack #bottleflipchallenge #lovewins #relationshipadvice #datingfails #couplegoals #relationshipquotes
Searching “all gaming lingo in ” did not dissapoint 😂 #meghanandjack #relationshipquotes #couplegoals #lovewins #relationshipadvice #datingfails
Okay like we get it… its obvious you have a bromance💀 #meghanandjack #relationshipadvice #relationshipquotes #datingfails #couplegoals #lovewins