At Talent Timeline we are more than a company, we are a way of life. We believe in people’s Dreams, in helping them to discover and develop them in to professions. We want to help individuals explore, launch and manage their careers, no matter whether your gift and passion is acting, modeling, dancing, singing or many other art professions, our goal is to give you the tools
to help you connect to key people in the industry, build your fan base and promote your self and connect you to the right opportunities. In simple terms we are more than a social networking site, we are a community of dedicated professionals and our main goal is to help individuals like your self to develop and achieve your dreams; by turning your talent into your profession. MISSION
To provide our members with the upmost professional, revolutionary and innovative social media platform in the planet, that will allow them to gain access and connect with the nations most recognized agencies, managers, and among fellow talent professionals; and by simplifying the way you promote and manage you career. VISION
Our vision is to become the number one talent professional community in the internet, by providing our members with the necessary tools to manage their careers and providing them with access to the best opportunities available in the industry.