Biblical Truth Made Simple

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Biblical Truth Made Simple Our goal here is to present the truth found in God's word in a way that makes it clear and simple. The pure and simple truth found in God's word. Hiram Withers

Our Goal

Simple is defined by Webster's as: Single; consisting of one thing; uncompounded; unmingled; uncombined with anything else; as a simple substance; a simple idea; a simple sound. That is what you are going to discover here, the simple truth. Truth that is not mingled with or combined with anything else.

The word truth needs no prefix, there is no new, your or my truth. There is only what is true and what is not true. Trut...

The word truth needs no prefix, there is no new, your or my truth. There is only what is true and what is not true. Truth is not subjective it is objiective. Truth does not care about your feelings.


The pastor is sent, not to make you happy, but to make you holy and healthy. He is sent to please God and to shepherd his flock.
"shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you;[b] not for shameful gain, but eagerly" 1 Peter 5:2
He is accountable to God for the souls of his congregation.
"Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness." James 3:1
Being a pastor is one of the hardest things anyone can be called to do. The sacrifices made by them and their families ae often unseen by the flock they shepherd. So pray for your pastor.

Sermon during the Christmas series.

Sermon during the Christmas series.

The Ridge Christian Fellowship service for December 10, 2023Series: Series: Born is the PriestSermon Title: Resting in JesusSpeaker: Hiram WithersPassage: He...

Preached this Sunday at church. We are going through a series on Deuteronomy.

Preached this Sunday at church. We are going through a series on Deuteronomy.

The Ridge Christian Fellowship service for October 15, 2023Series: Series: Deuteronomy: The Gospel of MosesSermon Title: Stealing from the HeartSpeaker: Hira...

While I am still resting and praying  for God to lead me in this season of change. I hope are blessed by the sound Bibli...

While I am still resting and praying for God to lead me in this season of change. I hope are blessed by the sound Biblical teaching that I hear every Sunday. It is also here that I am blessed to preach on occasion.

We are a non-denominational Christian church that believes in gospel-centered ministry. We are called to love God and people because God first loved us. The ...

I was blessed to speak at church on Sunday. I pray you are blessed by the  message.

I was blessed to speak at church on Sunday. I pray you are blessed by the message.

God has blessed us with our current facility and a future permanent home. In Autumn, 2021, the congregation purchased land on the corner of Shannon and Overton. We are in the planning process, both architecturally and financially, seeking God in all decisions. If you would like more info on our futu...

This was my sermon on Revelation 19 last Sunday at my local church. I pray your are blessed by it.

This was my sermon on Revelation 19 last Sunday at my local church. I pray your are blessed by it.

The Ridge Christian Fellowship service for May 07, 2023Series: Series: RevelationSermon Title: Children of Jerusalem, Rejoice!Speaker: Jeremiah YorkPassage: ...

For the believer worship is a total devotion to the one thing that truly makes life worth living. There is nothing found...

For the believer worship is a total devotion to the one thing that truly makes life worth living. There is nothing found on earth that can satisfy the heart of a believer other than Jesus. That is why we cry HALLELUJAH!


I have heard many times people say things such as “I have a right to love who I want to love”, “I have a right to believe what I want to believe”, “I have a right to say what I want to say”. There really are too many examples to list. The truth is just because you have a legal right to do something that does not make it morally or ethically right. We live in a world that in an ever-increasing manner continues to call what God calls sin and evil, as good. If we want to continue as a just and moral society, with the ability to thrive and grow. We need to adjust our moral compass and begin moving in the direction of truth.
The killing of 60 million babies is not reproductive health it is murder. The ideology that there are hundreds of genders is a lie and denies the basic precepts of biology. Having drag queens dance and tell stories to children does not perpetuate a just and moral society, it is perverts it. A society the condones the mutilation surgically and chemically of children in the name of tolerance and inclusion is a moral catastrophe.
The solution is as simple as proclaiming the truth. The most powerful weapon we have against this rampant immoral onslaught is the truth of the Gospel. The reason the world fights so hard to suppress the truth is because the corrupt world knows the power of the truth. We need to reclaim the pulpits of America, and of all nations in the name of God.
“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” (Romans 10:14-15
If the pulpits of the nations truly do fear God, then what fear should they have of man? It is from the pulpits that truth permeates the hearts of believers, who then pass that truth to their children and to their children’s children. It is this raising up of generation after generation of a people that fear God that has the power to change the world into a just and moral place. A place not of violence and division but a place of unity and peace


I recently posted this statement “Separation of church and state is a lie perpetuated by a secular society to keep Christians silent” As a result I have ha a few questions and statements, that I fully expected. First a foremost is the one that, I am in favor of theocratic government. The simple answer to that question is yes, we already have a theocracy in place. The problem with that is most Christians and most pulpits do not see this.
When Jesus ascended to heaven, he made one last bold statement that we refer as the great commission. In that statement there is one part that is too often overlooked in favor of the broader evangelistic call to all believers.
Matthew 28:16-20
16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted him. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[b] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Jesus came and said to them “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” This is a fulfillment of the prophecy given by Isaiah
Isaiah 9:6-7
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.

When the government tells us we cannot speak into things that are political they are telling us that Jesus is not King. When we capitulate and are silent, we to are declaring Jesus us not King. There is no separation between church and state. Jesus is King and Jesus truly does have all authority over heaven and earth. As a result it is the duty of the Christian to speak concerning all things in God’s kingdom. There are no spheres that are out of bounds where we should not speak.
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
“Proclaim the excellencies of him who called you.” We of all people are the proclaimers of God’s word. That is not just limited to the church on Sunday morning or to other Christians but to the world, including the government, whether that be the school board, the town council, or the White House. We are to be active and vocal in the public square.
All forms of government whether it be a king, a dictator or a duly elected official are appointed by God and by that they are all accountable to God. It is the responsibility of the church to point them to the King and hold them accountable to the King’s word. When the government establishes laws that are contrary to the laws of the King to the laws of God it is our responsibility to speak especially from the pulpits of Americas church.
American is in moral decline because the pulpits of America are silent. They have bought into the lie that there are just certain things you cannot address from the pulpit. That lie has led to a steady moral decline of the population and a steady decline in the overall moral character of many Christians. We either believe that our King is in control and in charge or we do not. We are not waiting for his return to rule, he is ruling now. Jesus is not sitting on some ethereal throne disconnected from this world, he is not waiting for Satan to be bound. Jesus is not waiting for things to get worst, he not waiting for Satan to rule for seven years and come and rescue the world. He is The King and is ruling his kingdom today. It is today that we declare the kingdom of God is at hand. We can with all confidence proclaim the truth, knowing that fact is true. Silence is not an option; complacency is surrender and there is no need for surrender when you are fighting a war that has already been won.


Separation of church and state is a lie perpetuated by a secular society to keep Christians silent.


We see our sins on the cross on Good Friday and celebrate the resurrection on Sunday. We neglect the lessons from Saturday. The Apostles had just witnessed the Savior being crucified and killed. Peter along with many of the others had abandoned Jesus on the cross. They were later seen hiding in the upper room trying to decide what to do next. Faith had turned to fear. We have all been there. Things get tough, life seems to be impossible to live, and we think God has abandoned us. It is Saturday night that makes Sunday morning so glorious. It is the Saturdays in our lives that gives us the ability to see the joy and the power in the resurrection. It is the Saturdays full of doubt and fear that grow our faith as Jesus shows up every Sunday morning and says to us, "Peace be with you."

It is worship connects our hearts to God’s will. It is how we respond to the work of God in our lives, it invites God’s ...

It is worship connects our hearts to God’s will. It is how we respond to the work of God in our lives, it invites God’s presence in our lives and into our churches. Worship is so much more than just singing the praises of God. It is humbly submitting to his will; it is being immersed in his word and it is seeking him in prayer. It is a total devotion to seek that one thing that truly makes life worth living.


I am taking a rest from the podcast for a while. I am feeling a need for some spiritual recharge. It is beginning to feel more like work than a blessing so it is time to pause. I will continue to post here as thoughts come to my head and look forward to being back behind the mic when the time is right.

When I use to do Archery I did could to achieve one goal and that was to shoot a perfect 300 at the indoor nationals. I ...

When I use to do Archery I did could to achieve one goal and that was to shoot a perfect 300 at the indoor nationals. I spent countless hours practicing and tuning my equipment to achieve this. AS a Christian I can honestly say that there are times I do not put that same effort into seeking Christ. We need to seek Christ fervently in everything that we do, if we want to change not only ourselves but the world around us.

The heart of every man should be one of praise and thankfulness. Sadly we to often take things for granted.

The heart of every man should be one of praise and thankfulness. Sadly we to often take things for granted.

The heart of every man should be one of praise and thankfulness. Sadly we to often take things for granted.

When you open a new box of chocolates there is always a diagram showing each chocolate and what is inside. This helps us...

When you open a new box of chocolates there is always a diagram showing each chocolate and what is inside. This helps us to choose the ones we like. For me that means all the caramel ones go first. I wish people were the same because what appears on the outside is not always a reflection of the inside. God does not need a diagram he knows our hearts and where are hearts are so goes the rest of our lives.

Simply, he [sinful man] must repent and believe. He must forsake his sins and then go on to forsake himself. Let him cov...

Simply, he [sinful man] must repent and believe. He must forsake his sins and then go on to forsake himself. Let him cover nothing, defend nothing, excuse nothing. Let him not seek to make terms with God, but let him bow his head before the stroke of God’s stern displeasure and acknowledge himself worthy to die. Having done this let him gaze with simple trust upon the risen Savior, and from Him will come life and rebirth and cleansing and power. The cross that ended the earthly life of Jesus now puts an end to the sinner; and the power that raised Christ from the dead now raises him to a new life along with Christ. A.W. Tozer

What are you afraid of? What causes you anxiety? Franklin D Roosevelt said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." I ...

What are you afraid of? What causes you anxiety? Franklin D Roosevelt said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." I say you have nothing to fear if you fear God. If you recognize the total and complete sovereignty of God. If you have put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ for your salvation. The inevitable results of that is a life full of joy and confidence, a life where fear is no more.

Complacency is one of the greatest threats to the church in modern times. We sit back and wait for things to get bad so ...

Complacency is one of the greatest threats to the church in modern times. We sit back and wait for things to get bad so Jesus will come and make things better. We forget the we are in a war that we have already won. We are not on the defense against a world in chaos but on the offense because our King reigns high and is breaking into this world more and more every day.

The road to the cross is not a passive road. It is not a leisurely stroll. We have work to do as we travel. God will pla...

The road to the cross is not a passive road. It is not a leisurely stroll. We have work to do as we travel. God will plant along the road and we are the tools of his harvest gathering up believers as we go. Also along the road we will encounter those that are in need and we are roadside assistance to help them get on there way to eternity.

If you were to do a survey of what it takes to be a good leader, thing such as knowledge, wisdom, strength and power wou...

If you were to do a survey of what it takes to be a good leader, thing such as knowledge, wisdom, strength and power would be at the top of the list. When the reality is that if we fail to put God first there is no knowledge, there is no wisdom there is no strength and there is no power. While this podcast is directed at fathers and husbands, there are things we all can learn from putting God first.



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