On this podcast episode recorded in December of 2017, and still very relevant today, join Dr. Norman McNulty in regards to the dangers of partisan politics within the church. Link below, Link on bio. 👇
#SDApodcast #adventistpodcasts #adventistpodcast #seventhdayadventistpodcast #sdachurch #sdasocialjustice, #religiousliberty #separationofchurchandstate #seventhdayadventist, #threeangelsmessages
New episode of Healing the Nation Podcast with Mr. Ken Seino sharing first-hand accounts of the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in both Japan and the Japanese American SDA work in the U.S. Learn some fascinating history of how Japanese Pastors stood up against the Japanese Empire in Japan for the faith and how the Seventh-day Adventist Church effectively ministered and helped Japanese Americans imprisoned in internment camps in the United States during WWII. Link below. 👇
For this episode of Healing the Nations Podcast, we are blessed to have Dr. Eric Walsh return and share his thoughts on the pandemic, public health, mandates, and religious liberty. Dr. Walsh has extensive experience in government as a former public health director and has had extensive experience treating patients during the pandemic. Link below 👇👇
#SDApodcast #adventistpodcasts #adventistpodcast #seventhdayadventistpodcast #sdachurch #sdasocialjustice, #religiousliberty #medicalmissionarywork #drericwalsh #thehealthmessage #presenttruth #seventhdayadventist #sda