I suppose many of you saw this coming, and let me please apologize for not coming to this conclusion sooner. I have been trying for the past year to continue on with the Latter-Day Le***an Podcast. I have had every intention of ramping it up and making it the amazing show I think it once was.
I had plans for new swag, awesome Patreon content, meet-ups, etc etc etc but the truth of it all is that I just don't have the bandwidth anymore. I truly hope you all were entertained by the podcast and felt the love that I had and still have for you loyal listeners. Your comments and inspiration have carried me through a lot of very, very difficult times, from leaving the Mormon church after 40 years of brainwashing, to the extremely painful end of a very impactful relationship with Mary, to the death of both of my parents. It has been a whirlwind, to say the least!
I am so lucky to have been able to share my life with all of you for the past however many years it has been. Thank you for sharing your lives with me. This short paragraph doesn’t even begin to spell out how life-changing the connections I have made with many of you have been.
Also please cancel your paid Patreon memberships. I’m no longer able to fulfill the expectation of extra content. If you are still part of the old Marco Polo Channels, or LDL Scandal Sessions, or any of the other subscriptions, please cancel. Thank you so much for your help in keeping the podcast going for so many years. It would have died in its infancy without your support.
If we aren't already Facebook friends, send me a friend request and let's stay connected!
All of my love and appreciation, and of course - Steer clear of cults, because they are NO JOKE!