I’ve missed out on so much life because I thought I was too: *tired*fat*afraid*self-conscious*worried about what others would think…To be honest, I still think those things, but I’m not willing to miss out any more. 💥💥💥I blame aging, realizing I’m in my third act of life, and wanting to pack all the goodness into the rest of my life that I can. Girlfriend, let’s make a pledge to be brave & just go for it from now on… in life & in business. Yeah?
…got a blank space in your online marketing? You can continue to be a tortured poet, or show the world incredible things… every blank space is waiting to be filled with your unique brand voice. It’s a story that needs to be written and spoken with confidence and creativity to captivate the internet and leave a lasting impression. Speak Now to embrace the power of your voice and be remembered all too well. ➡️ Learn how in our Free Class: “How to Create an Engaging and Confident Brand Voice that gets Noticed Online”🎥🎙️Now Playing at freebrandvoiceclass.com
Feeling Invisible?
I know, sometimes I feel invisible, too... but I've spent the past 10+ years in trial and error (and trial and error again) to bring you the easiest system for being heard on the noisy internet.
Your voice matters, and what you have to say is important.
I hope you'll attend my free class, "How to Create an Engaging and Confident Brand Voice that gets Noticed Online" - it will give you tools you can use today to be a more confident speaker (and online marketer) for your brand or business.
Just comment the words "free class" below and I'll send you the link to attend.
Go from frazzled and forgettable to confident and concise
Ready to be heard above the noise?
Check out my free class: How to Create an Engaging and Confident Brand Voice that gets Noticed Online!
This class is for those who want to be the confident voice in their industry...
Who've dabbled now and then with recording and sharing a video, but don't really know how to be consistent.
And who have decided on a business and a niche, but are overwhelmed by the idea of talking about it on social media.
Maybe they've even created a course or a coaching program but are soooo overwhelmed by knowing how to promote their expertise.
Ultimately, they want an easy, straightforward plan to create a clear and concise messaging system that makes people listen - and they want it in just a few weeks.
Hi - I’m Tami Romani and I’ve spent decades talking by myself in a padded room as a professional voice actor… and although I could speak well, when it came to turning the camera on myself and sharing with the world about how I could help you become a confident speaker - I froze.
I didn’t know what to say or how to say it in a way that would reach the audience I wanted to serve.
So I created a blueprint for my brand voice. Then I laid the foundation, framed the structure, put a roof on it and staged it with some finishing touches - and just like that *snap* I’d built a Brand Voice that made people turn their heads and listen to what I had to say.
Now I am sharing that system inside the Build a Brand Voice Workshop. Find out more by attending my free class, "How to Create an Engaging and Confident Brand Voice that Gets Noticed Online." The internet is noisy, and getting noisier. Be the voice that is heard!
Watch the class here: freebrandvoiceclass.com
Are you making a plan for 2024? DON'T FREAK OUT! I've got you. I've watched and listened to every resource I can find, and you know what? I didn't change a single word of the workbook I've already created for us. It's simple and it will help you get a handle on where to start to make progress towards your goals.
And starting is everything, right??
Sign up at this link & I'll send you the workbook - if you can't attend the workshop live, you will get the replay.