This IS torture.
Stop doing it.
I regret allowing my beautiful son endure this trauma and pain with so much grief. I didn’t know better. I followed direction rather than my maternal instinct! He bled out for a week and not just a little blood like I was told but what seemed like buckets of it! He was instantly traumatized when he joined this toxic society. He was strapped down to a plastic board and immobilized. Then a crucial part of his anatomy was operated on and the tip of his private place was removed subjecting him to terrible pain. Afterwards he was forced to urinate on an open wound and likely to cry every time his diaper was changed because he knew when his diaper was opened something horrible may happen and every time he uses the bathroom the pain he’d have to relive. They told me it would make cleaning him easier but it didn’t. That was another lie. You have to unnaturally pull back your sons fo****in every day for a year to prevent the skin from trying to regrow as nature intended. If it reattaches you need to pull with some force that may cause bleeding! You also have to put Vaseline on it with every single diaper change because the raw open wound pushing against the diaper hurts so bad. Why are we still doing this to our baby boys? It breaks my heart even now, 8 years later, the trauma he endured that first year. I immediately wanted to turn back time. Know better do better!
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