Speak Sound Doctrine

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Speak Sound Doctrine Speak Sound Doctrine is a ministry of service and encouragement based on Titus 2 and Proverbs 31.


The foundations of religion are crumbling.
Denominations are losing their superstar grip on their constituents.

If you were a fly on the wall and saw how many people are trading the regurgitated traditions of men for the Truth of Scripture, you might be more surprised than you've ever been before. It's time to fact-check everything we hear - in and out of the pulpit - against the standards Jesus laid out in the Scriptures. Against the SIMPLE GOSPEL that Paul was afraid would one day be overcomplicated. Against the money-hungry prosperity teachers who sometimes teach that message under the cover of something that sounds more docile.

There has NEVER been a more dire need to get on our faces before the One True Living God than NOW! People are dying and splitting hell wide open because we learned wrong and shared the wrong message, or because we learned RIGHT and kept our mouths shut! If we could visit the filthy, rotten, stinking, HOT recesses of hell, how many would there be that would rush us and scream, "You never mentioned Him to me!!" How many would rightly accuse us of knowing the Truth and not sharing it? Would our parents be there? Children? Siblings? Best friends?

My Lord and my God, give us eyes to see and ears to hear, yes, but more than that, Jesus, give us mouths to speak and boldness to GO!! For Your great glory, Lord Jesus!!


Can you imagine it? 👇

A l***r, watching that dreaded disease leave his flesh?

A man crippled and lowered through a roof, only to have his mobility restored so that he can WALK out?

A man possessed by demons that throw him down and cut his flesh, freed and set free, in his right mind?

A man whose daughter is dying, petitioning the Creator of the universe for that precious life... and having that petition met!

These are only a few of the stories in the precious Word of God that prove His healing authority. And yet we read over them without a tear. Without being moved with faith, that should move mountains!!

What about the drunk whose chains are broken?

The angry one, full of hatred and bitterness, set free and at peace?

The one who no longer sees any purpose in their life, hoping to end it and all their depression along with it?

See, these last ones, I know well... because they were ME! And it's a whole other world when it's YOU that the Master sets free!!

Do you need to be set free from something today? Jesus stands ready! Message me, and I'll tell you all about it!

Happy Mother's Day!Like many of you, I no longer have my mother with me. And there's no deeper hole of loss in life than...

Happy Mother's Day!

Like many of you, I no longer have my mother with me. And there's no deeper hole of loss in life than when that happens. I know she is even now in the presence of Jesus in a new body, without pain, without the need for medication, and without the need for slower steps and daily medication.

I know she hasn't stopped smiling since coming into the presence of the King! When she got there, she was reunited with Daddy, her parents, my brother, and a host of other friends and loved ones she missed so much while still here on this earth.

I could spend today sad and overcome with grief, as I did in those early days after losing her. All the "firsts" were hard... the first Christmas without her. The first Thanksgiving. The first birthday. I could lament the fact that I can't hug her neck or feel her kiss my cheek while holding me in a hug and patting me on the back as only a Mama could.

I COULD spend today that way. But I'm not going to.

Instead, I'll cherish all the memories of the Mother's Days I had with her. All the memories of walking in and seeing that precious smile spread across her cheeks. There was never a time that she WASN'T excited to see me walk in. I miss it. My chest burns like fire because I miss it so badly. But I'll cherish the memories anyway.

And I'll look up at some point today and whisper, as I always do, "I'll see you when I get there, Mama!"

Warring angels. They aren't just a figment of our imaginations or fairy tale stories from some fiction book. They are qu...

Warring angels. They aren't just a figment of our imaginations or fairy tale stories from some fiction book.

They are quite real!

Just consider the 10th chapter of the book of Daniel. Daniel had 21 days of prayer and fasting, and an angel was sent to explain to him that there was an extremely oppressive spiritual battle going on in the heavens! Read the chapter to find out all about it.

But also, consider Elisha and his servant in 2 Kings chapter six. They were on the cusp of being arrested, surrounded by a "host" of soldiers on horses and chariots. The servant said, "What shall we do??" And Elisha told him not to be afraid because there was more there for them than there was for the enemy. And he prayed that his servant's eyes would be opened so that he could see into the spiritual realm. God obliged, and when his eyes were fully opened, he saw that the mountains were full of horses and chariots of fire all over the mountain!

There are many places throughout the Old and New Testaments where warring angels are mentioned, though not by those words. Read more and more about them to learn how they are still in force today and how they can help you in YOUR time of need!

If you need prayer or a Bible study, feel free to reach out! I'd be happy to help you get closer to Jesus

The Bible says Apollos was an eloquent man, mighty in the Scriptures (Acts chapter 18). He was taught in the way of the ...

The Bible says Apollos was an eloquent man, mighty in the Scriptures (Acts chapter 18). He was taught in the way of the Lord and taught diligently the things of the Lord.


The Bible also says that he knew ONLY the baptism of John. The baptism of repentance.

Then the Bible says that he began to speak boldly in the synagogue, which is where Aquila and Priscilla heard him. And the Bible goes on to say that they took him with them and taught him the way of God more PERFECTLY.

Now, if the Bible made it a point to state specifically that he ONLY knew the baptism of John... and that Aquila and Priscilla heard him preach, then took him aside to teach him more perfectly, the way of God, that MUST MEAN that they were teaching him the correct Baptismal formula. As you read through Acts chapter 19, you'll even see this topic continues, as Paul asks a group of John's disciples whether they had received the Holy Ghost since they had believed (notice, he didn't say, since they "were saved" ... but since they "believed"). When they said no, he asked about their baptism, found out they were only baptized into John's baptism of repentance, and taught them a more perfect way. As a result, they were rebaptized by submersion in water, in the Name of Jesus, for the remission of sin.

My goodness, how things have changed! After Apollos preached and then had the truth explained to him, he changed what he was preaching to match the Truth he had learned. You know, that doesn't happen anymore. Now, when you try to teach someone the truth, if it goes against their long-held spiritual beliefs, YOU are the enemy!

Hear me, saints: If you water down the Truth to be accepted, you're doing it wrong! And branches that do not bear fruit are pruned away and burned in the fire! This speaks to the end of time!

If you're concerned about your method of baptism, reach out to me, and we will find a way to get you baptized correctly. We will also give you Bible studies so you will see the way of Truth more perfectly. To God be the glory, forever and ever, Amen.


This song never fails to bring me to tears, just thinking about the truth and validity in the lyrics. Listen to this song today. Just close your eyes and sing along or just listen quietly. Either way, you're sure to get a blessing!

Let me know what you think of it!


I don't always know what to do. What to say. How to say it. So many things in life leave me on my knees, almost screamin...

I don't always know what to do. What to say. How to say it. So many things in life leave me on my knees, almost screaming up at the sky, begging God to hear me!

But you know, we don't have to get as bent out of shape as we always do.

Jesus is our Shepherd, our Guide, and an ever-present help in times of trouble. He will never leave us nor forsake us. And He's always ready to help us when we sink beneath the waves of doubt and disbelief! I sometimes feel like the man in the Bible who shouted, "Lord, I believe! Help thou mine unbelief!" (Mark 9:24).

I'm thankful that our Shepherd is willing to leave 99 sheep that are safe at home in the fold to go after one little lamb that is lost, alone, and in danger of dying! At one point, that ONE was ME! Oh, thank You, Jesus, for coming after ME!!

Do you find yourself on the outside of God's flock today? Well, you don't have to stay there! Message me for a Bible study, confidential prayer, and help to find a local body of believers. May God bless you with supernatural strength to call out to Him today

"My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." (Psalm 121:2)So many people say they trust Jesus in all thi...

"My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." (Psalm 121:2)

So many people say they trust Jesus in all things. They say they are peaceful knowing that He is in control. But rest assured, the truth of that statement comes out when things really come down to the wire.

Trusting Him in the good times is easy. We have everything in order, all the bills are paid, our health is good, the car is running good and the children are doing well. But when any one of those things comes out of alignment, that's where, as they say, the rubber really hits the road!

The good news is that even when multiple problems come our way, and we mess up over and over, falling into selfishness and despair, Jesus gives us plenty of times to get it together! And we finally begin to see that our every need really IS in the palm of His more than capable Hand. He will prevail. His promises are Yea and Amen. He is faithful Who promised!

I hope, if you're reading this, your life is well and you are in a comfortable place. But if you're not, you're welcome to contact me for prayer, encouragement, or Bible studies to help you on your way. Comment here or reach out any time it's convenient!


Isn't God's creation beautiful?? Just look around you! Where do YOU see His beauty today? Share your thoughts in the comment section!

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"...

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" (1 Peter 5:8)

This is one of those verses of Scripture that we often read through without really seeing what it means. It's such a common verse, and it's preached on SO OFTEN that it becomes bland and tasteless. But read it slower. Allow the words to create a picture in your mind. NOW, what does it mean?

We must be sober. We must be vigilant. Because the devil - who is our ENEMY - walks around like a roaring lion, looking for someone he can devour!

No, this isn't your average, run-of-the-mill safari or zoo lion you can see from a distance or on television that just lies there and doesn't really pose much of a threat. The lion this Scripture speaks of is one that is starving. And as soon as he finds a feasible meal - because he's been searching high and low! - he DEVOURS IT! Crushed bones and all!

The enemy is not and will not play around with you. He has studied you since you were born. He knows what hurts you, what troubles you, what makes you sad, and what makes anger seethe at the surface like a threatening volcano! He knows which buttons to push to make each of those things happen or to make them all happen in succession or at the same time! When you are completely at a loss and don't understand how this can happen to you... well, it's a safe bet that's the enemy, working on devouring you at the very first possible chance.

But the good news is, you don't have to live in that place of anger, or sadness, or grief, or depression, or suicidal tendencies or WHATEVER IT IS that you're feeling! You don't have to! If you're in any of these places, or some other one that I didn't mention, I'll be happy to pray with you or help you seek out Scriptures that will help you overcome the enemy. Reach out to me with prayer requests or Bible study requests any time.

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken...

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." (Isaiah 14:12-14)

We live in a generation where doing what feels best, whatever makes you happy, whatever advances YOUR cause the most, is the absolute perfect path to take. Self-help books and videos take first place. And even parents are being pushed out of the picture by schools and other persons of authority who are teaching children they can be and do their heart's desire, all without the pilfering of their possessive parents.

This is a dangerous road to walk for so many reasons. But when people either do not have a moral compass or refuse the one they were taught when Truth came to them, we can expect nothing less. God help this untoward generation who believes that the first and most important person in the universe is SELF. It most assuredly is not. And I pray that God moves to convict the sinner of his or her unrighteousness and leads them to a path of Truth before He returns for His Bride!

Are you unsure of your path forward? Are you afraid you've received a false truth or doctrine that keeps you feeling like you can't get it right no matter how hard you try? I'd be happy to give you a Bible study to help jumpstart your learning endeavor. I will also pray with and for you if you like. Reach out to me if you'd like to learn more!

Today is May 4th. And the general populus will be inundating the internet today with "May the Fourth be With You" memes,...

Today is May 4th. And the general populus will be inundating the internet today with "May the Fourth be With You" memes, signifying "Star Wars Day."

But the fourth means something entirely different for me! And maybe it does for you too.

The fourth I think about on May 4th is the fourth man in the fire. Jesus. Who reached through time and pulled His human body all the way back to that fiery furnace to rescue three Hebrew boys who refused to bow to any false god. They didn't care if they died, but they certainly were not going to be found to sin against Jesus by worshiping another!

THIS fourth man showed up in this fire, in the burning bush, in the lion's den, and with Abraham when he was ready to sacrifice Isaac. He was there over and over again, and you can see Him if you read with a mind to learn.

There's a song that talks about the fourth man in the fire, and the chorus goes like this: "He's still in the fire and He's walking in the flame, and He'll be there to help you if you call upon His Name. And He can still deliver by His almighty power. While here below it's good to know He's still in the fire."

I believe He's still in the fire with us today, don't you?? If not, why? I'm more than happy to pray with and for you or help you with Bible studies that will turn your life around! If you'd like to take advantage of these resources, feel free to reach out to me here in the comments or at your convenience.


Check this out...

Mark 16:20 says this:
"And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen."

It doesn't say "they worked for the Lord."

It says "the Lord working with them."

When you walk across the aisle to someone to speak a word of encouragement or to pray, you're not going alone. That's God working WITH YOU. Fill in the blank, where it might be walking across the aisle, stopping to speak to someone in the grocery store, or answering that phone call in the middle of the night. When we do things like that, WE become His hands. We become His voice. And He WILL back us!

We need to get beyond who we are and we need to get involved in what God wants us to do. It doesn't have to be some big, world-changing event! Just TELL PEOPLE WHAT GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU! If we tell our story and lift Him up, people will be drawn to that.

Watch this... Satan tried to kill Jesus from His birth, all the way to the cross. But once He was resurrected, the enemy wanted to be as far away as possible from that resurrection power.

We have that SAME HOLY GHOST (which raised Jesus up from the idea) living inside of US and we need to let that OUT!

"But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." (Romans 8:11-13)

Praise God, praise God, that we do NOT have to do this thing alone!!

This graphic spoke to me because my Mama always said actions speak louder than words. And it does make sense, doesn't it...

This graphic spoke to me because my Mama always said actions speak louder than words. And it does make sense, doesn't it? Loyalty IS hard to find. And trust IS easy to lose. And sometimes all it takes to convince us of the genuinely HARD truths is to see just an action or two that speaks volumes in a short period of time.

So, what are we left to do when we feel our trust has been ripped out of our hands? I have had situations happen in life that leave me with this question. Sometimes it's something small and I can move on quickly and easily. And sometimes, it's like a weight that threatens to drown me, tied around my neck like a noose with a concrete block on the end of it.

I found that the truest way to meet this situation head-on is with a beloved Scripture from the book of Proverbs: "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

I can trust a ton of people in this life. And I can have that trust stripped away quickly under the right circumstances. But when I trust Jesus I am NEVER left in the dark! Praise His Holy Name, I can stand on His Word and His promises and know, with no shadow of turning, that He is True and right and trustworthy! Hallelujah!!

Have you had trust issues in your life? Do you feel that there's no one you can trust? Or are you surrounded by trustworthy family, friends, church brethren, etc?

If you're not sure where you stand with Jesus, feel free to reach out to me! I'll be happy to pray with and for you and offer Bible studies that can help you see exactly what Jesus wants for you in this life. You don't have to live defeated and untrusting! Reach out today!

If you're looking for a new blog to support, consider my new space on Substack! You can subscribe at https://askfortheol...

If you're looking for a new blog to support, consider my new space on Substack! You can subscribe at https://askfortheoldpaths.substack.com/?r=2tsbs2&utm_campaign=pub-share-checklist to keep up with all the latest posts, follow me for behind-the-scenes media and so much more. I look forward to seeing you there!

A lot of people call us Old-Fashioned, but really, we just love to live a simpler life! There is something to be said for walking this path. The Old Path. Won't you join me? Click to read Speak Sound Doctrine, by Stacey, a Substack publication. Launched 23 days ago.

One of the things I've always tried to teach my children is the verse of Scripture that says, "A good man out of the goo...

One of the things I've always tried to teach my children is the verse of Scripture that says, "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh." (Luke 6:45)

It's so easy to see what's in someone's heart because it comes straight out of their mouth so often. But the good news is that there's an easy way to make sure that what comes out of your mouth is joyful, encouraging, and uplifting for anyone who hears you! How? Read the Word!

Years ago, I used to dread my Bible reading time. There were a lot of reasons for that, which I'll skip sharing for now, but these days, I can't wait to get into the Word! I try to get my chores and work done as fast as I can so I can take the time to sit down and read and take notes and share, at some point, with others. Does that mean that I'll never trip up and make mistakes? NO! We all do!

No, what it means is that you'll feel your heart and mind to overflowing with the good Word of God. And out of that abundance, the mouth will speak. There's no other way it can work (unless you explicitly ignore and refuse Holy Spirit in your life).

If you're in a place where you can't understand why you're saying the things you say or thinking the things you think, try picking up the King James Bible at least twice a day. Once in the morning, at least 10-15 minutes, and again at night, before bed, for about the same amount of time. You'll see and feel a difference in just a short amount of time!

Do you need a Bible study to learn more about how to read and "rightly divide" the Word? If you do, contact me and I'll be happy to help!

Are you carrying the weight of a traumatic past? Have you suffered through things you feel have stolen many years of you...

Are you carrying the weight of a traumatic past? Have you suffered through things you feel have stolen many years of your life? Do you feel like the walls of life are closing in around you?

You're not alone!

Many of us have been through a ton of things we'd rather not talk about. We are former runaways, former drug addicts, former alcoholics, former haters, and former lost souls. But you know what? We didn't all stay that way!

There comes a time when someone crosses your path with the Truth. Yes, it may go against everything you've ever heard or been taught from across a pulpit. But I ask you to stop a moment and consider the study. Take those unbelievable claims, go to the Word of God, and compare what you're being told with the Truth of the Word. You might be surprised at what you find!

If no one has yet crossed your path with the Truth, perhaps I could help. If you'd like a Bible Study or have questions that need answers, feel free to reach out! God may have prepared this sign just for you today!

Time. It never stops, even though it feels like it does sometimes. And you can't get it back once it's gone. When you're...

Time. It never stops, even though it feels like it does sometimes. And you can't get it back once it's gone. When you're young, you think "old" is something that just happens to parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles and...

But then, one day, you turn around, and 20 years have come and gone! I don't listen to worldly music anymore, but one line from a Bob Segar song has always stood out to me...

"20 years now. Where'd they go? 20 years... I don't know."

And there's so much truth in that, ESPECIALLY from a worldly standpoint! If you're lost and undone, still in sin and darkness, it's easy to lose 20 years! "Ask me how I know!"

I wasn't one of the lucky ones who came to the knowledge of the Truth early. I raised my kids while I was yet in my sin. I wasted part of my life and all their childhood. It's been one of the biggest regrets of my life. And if I had it all to do over again, I would run - as fast as my legs would carry me - to the nearest altar where I could fall down and be converted right then and there!

But we CAN'T go back. Instead, we can look ahead, holding our heads high, knowing that if we finish the race in obedience, we'll make the final call!

Are you a lifetime believer or a new convert? Are you still looking for Jesus in YOUR situation? Drop your story in the comment section below and share to find out how we're all more alike than we think!

If you need a Bible study, contact me! If you're not yet a child of God, you CAN be!

The dreaded dry season. No one wants to be there! Oh, that we could always be in the midst of the flowing, living water ...

The dreaded dry season. No one wants to be there! Oh, that we could always be in the midst of the flowing, living water that only Jesus can provide! As much as we want to, could we even stand it if our wishes were granted?

Jesus knows that we're all going to go through seasons of feeling "less than," and He is always right there beside us. Just as close as the whisper of His Name! If you're in that dry place right now, continue to call out to Him. Continue to pray. To read, and fast, and do your due diligence, whatever that may be for you. When you do, you're maintaining the covenant between you and Him, and you'll come out on the other side of the desert, thirst quenched and body strengthened.

Have you ever been in a dry season? Are you going through one now? Let this post be your "sign" that He still has you in the palm of His mighty Hand. He's still walking along beside you, and maybe He's even carried you a good part of the way.

No matter what, hold your head up and continue walking. The only way to get THROUGH a hard place is to just keep walking. And you'll never regret it!

Share your "dry season" story here in the comments. Then share this post to give others an opportunity to share too!

If you're blessed to have older people in your lives, whether parents, aunts, uncles, friends, or acquaintances, then yo...

If you're blessed to have older people in your lives, whether parents, aunts, uncles, friends, or acquaintances, then you've probably heard the term "back in the old days." You'll hear all kinds of stories when that term pops up about lower prices, safer towns, and morality that we may never see the likes of again.

But there's at least ONE thing that remains constant, even when this world goes crazy: God's Word.

It hasn't changed in all these thousands of years. God hasn't added anything to it nor taken anything away from it. He hasn't offered a modern, updated prophecy given by any tongue, and we know this because Paul warned against it in two places!

In Galatians 1:8, he said, "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."

Then he repeated himself immediately in verse 9 to drive home the importance of this commandment: "As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

Right is still right, even if no one is doing it. And wrong is still wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Don't be afraid to stand on the Word and everything that it demands of us. And when people mock and ridicule you for it, remember that Jesus said that would happen. Our job is NOT to mock and ridicule back, but rather to pray that the blinders would be lifted from their eyes and that God would have mercy on them in the midst of their disobedience.

In the meantime, let's keep on doing right every chance we get!

Do you have a "back in the old days" story? If you do, drop it in the comments! And then share this post to see the "back in the old days" stories that everyone else shares!

Prayer. It's the lifeline between we believers and our God. Jesus felt prayer was so important that He not only modeled ...

Prayer. It's the lifeline between we believers and our God. Jesus felt prayer was so important that He not only modeled it for His disciples, but He also took the time to TEACH them to pray.

When we pray, one for another, something spectacular happens. We strengthen our own relationship with Jesus but also stand in the gap for our brothers and sisters and those who haven't yet decided to be obedient to the Scriptures.

Let's take the time today to pray for one another. Do you have a prayer request? Share it here! Then, share this post to keep the requests coming and the prayers rising up to heaven like sweet incense.

Revelation 12:11 says this: "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and the...

Revelation 12:11 says this: "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."

We OVERCOME by the BLOOD of the Lamb and WORD of our TESTIMONY. That means if God has saved you from something, however large or small, you better testify about it! Back in the old days, before churches had padded pews and air conditioning, we had a little something called "testimony time." Those old saints would stand and thank and praise God into the late night hours sometimes.

They knew!

They knew that we overcome when we combine the Blood and our Testimony.

What's YOUR testimony? Share it here for the world to see, and share this post to see how many more want to share THEIR testimony!



Searching for Truth? Watch These Bible Study Videos These Videos are Best Viewed in the Order Listed Video # 1 - The Truth About Salvation Video # 2 - The Truth About Baptism Video # 3 - Faith & Works Video # 4 - The way of Escape For More Information Please Complete the Form Below



Satan has really upped his outreach efforts over the years. Decades ago, the biggest problem in the school room was gum chewing, and these days, it’s trying to teach 30-some children, from kindergarte

A short study on the power of the Name of Jesus...

A short study on the power of the Name of Jesus...


There is a fake unity in the term "Christian."

If you think about it, the truth is that every single one of us is a "blank" Christian. We have specific affiliations that give us the tendency to snub some, look up to some, and seek to make others believe the way we think is the only right way to think.

The problem is that his specific ideology is wrong, and it often stems from the "traditions of men" that Jesus so often spoke out against.

What we should actually be striving for is to be the New Testament church we were meant to be.

Paul reminded his audience that if anyone preached another Gospel or another Jesus, than the one they were preaching, "let him be cursed." Strong words? Absolutely! They had to be!

They were facing great turmoil and risking their lives to preach the good news of the Gospel. To risk losing that original message that Jesus wanted to send forth was to risk the very foundation of the Church and the message of our Lord!

There's a reason the Book of James speaks out about wolves coming in and catching the flock unaware, so to speak. If they had preached the kind of "reckless" and "abandoned" love of God that many churches stand on now, we might not even have a Bible translated into the English language to start with! We likely wouldn't have the freedom to express our faith at all!

There IS a right way, but there is also a wrong way. And while we are certainly not saved by works, a true relationship with Jesus makes you DESIRE to be holy, as He told us to be, as He is holy. It makes us WANT to be in right standing with Him. It is marked by a desire, as my mother used to call it, to be "Christ-like."

And there is a big difference. We must KNOW the Word, as well as how to rightly divide it, in order to live in a way that is pleasing to Him.

Please know that we are never JUST Christian.



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