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Radio Naya Jiwan Australia Australia's First 24/7 Hindi Christian Station


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There is power in prayer - and miracles do happen.. pray, ask, believe, receive and claim everything in Jesus’ Holy name...

There is power in prayer - and miracles do happen.. pray, ask, believe, receive and claim everything in Jesus’ Holy name - Amen

Believe that only Jesus’ can do it and nothing is impossible for Him to do as He is a God of all possibilities.Jesus’ is...

Believe that only Jesus’ can do it and nothing is impossible for Him to do as He is a God of all possibilities.

Jesus’ is our situation changer.

Have faith, trust, confidence, hope and believe that only He can and He will do it, no matter what happens in our life.

Jesus’ is a promise keeper and will never fail us.

Happy Valentines Day to all loving hearts, and to all the love birds.Today Is a special and a spiritual day full of love...

Happy Valentines Day to all loving hearts, and to all the love birds.

Today Is a special and a spiritual day full of love, blessings and happiness.

Valentine's Day did not come to be celebrated as a day of romance until about the 14th century, when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts.

Given the similarities, it has been revealed by researchers that the origins of Valentines Day started in the Roman during the festival of Lupercalia, which was held in mid-February.

The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery.

At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I forbid the celebration of Lupercalia and is sometimes attributed with replacing it with St. Valentine’s Day, but the true origin of the holiday is vague at best.

Valentine’s Day did not come to be celebrated as a day of romance until about the 14th century.

Formal messages, or valentines, appeared in the 1500s, and by the late 1700s commercially printed cards were being used.

The first commercial valentines in the United States were printed in the mid-1800s.

Valentines commonly depict Cupid, the Roman god of love, along with hearts, traditionally the seat of emotion.

Because it was thought that the avian mating season begins in mid-February, birds also became a symbol of the day.

Traditional gifts include candy and flowers, particularly red roses, a symbol of beauty and love were given by a lover to their loved ones as an expression of their love, feelings. emotions, and expressing the languages of love.

Valentines day is popular in the United States as well as in Britain, Canada, and Australia, and it is also celebrated in other countries, including Argentina, France, Mexico, India, Fiji and South Korea.

In the Philippines it is the most common wedding anniversary, and mass weddings of hundreds of couples are not uncommon on that date.

The Valentines day has expanded to expressions of affection among relatives and friends. Many schoolchildren exchange valentines with one another on this day as well.

Some legends state that St Valentine was executed on February 14 as a punishment for performing secret marriages to save the husbands from going to war, as they were banned by Roman emperor Claudius II.

This is the day dedicated to the beauty and power of love In our lives and In the lives of our loved ones.

For every love story Is beautiful, awesome, amazing, colourful, lovely and romantic and has a great ending.

Therefore, believe, trust, with understanding, loyalty, truthfulnesses, sincerity and with all of your heart that with your faith, and hope, you will become victorious In your love story.

You are the author, writer, creator and the story teller of your love-story and off all, trust with all of your heart, soul, mind, spirit and life that you are created as a soul-mate for your lover by the unique and special hands of our creator - The Lord Almighty and all powerful.

“Where there Is love, God Is present, and a heart that has Love has the power of Gid In It.”

For love Is God and God Is love.

If you havnt had the time, resources and energy to tell your loved one, how much you love them, then today Is the day dedicated to and for expressing your hearts feelings, emotions and love for your loved ones.

You could just say the following LInes and express your heart, love and love to your love ones.

“I admire you, I adore you, I cherish you, I treasure you, I remember you and off all I love you from the bottom of my heart.”

“Always smile as you always look beautiful”

“Always love you and miss you from the the bottom of my heart.”

“May this special day bring happiness, great blessings, a life full of miracles and all the beautiful and joyous moments of life, love and always make you smile.”

“Happy Valentines Day my sweetheart.”

“I love you and will always love you.”

Happy Valentines Day to all.

Let’s celebrate World Radio Day today Radio is a powerful medium for celebrating humanity in all its diversity and const...

Let’s celebrate World Radio Day today

Radio is a powerful medium for celebrating humanity in all its diversity and constitutes a platform for democratic discourse.

At the global level, radio remains the most widely consumed medium till todate.

This unique ability to reach out the widest audience means radio can shape a society’s experience of diversity, stand as an arena for all voices to speak out, be represented and heard.

Radio stations should serve diverse communities, offering a wide variety of programs, viewpoints and content, and reflect the diversity of audiences in their organizations and operations.

Radio is a low-cost medium specifically suited to reaching remote communities and vulnerable people, offering a platform to intervene in the public debate, irrespective of people’s educational level.

It also plays a crucial role in emergency communication and disaster relief.

Radio is uniquely positioned to bring communities together and foster positive dialogue for change.

By listening to its audiences and responding to their needs, radio services provide the diversity of views and voices needed to address the challenges we all face.

Proclaimed in 2011 by the Member States of UNESCO and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/67/124) in 2012 as an International Day, February 13 became World Radio Day (WRD).

Celebrating radio's rich past, ongoing relevance, and promising future is the topic chosen by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to mark World Radio Day 2024 on 13 February 2024.

With radio having crossed the 100-year milestone, it is a significant occasion to commemorate the medium's extensive virtues and continuing potency.

However, radio faces challenges to its audience and revenue numbers from digital platforms, social media, digital and generational divides, censorship, consolidations, and economic hardships.

At this special and pivotal point in its century-long journey, UNESCO invites the global radio industry in all its many forms - commercial, public, and non-profit - to join in this global celebration of the medium.

The 2024 observance highlights the history of radio and its powerful impact on news, drama, music, and sports.

It also recognizes the ongoing practical value as a portable public safety net during emergencies and power outages, caused by natural and human-made disasters, such as storms, earthquakes, floods, heat, wildfires, accidents, and warfare.

Furthermore, the continuing democratic value of Radio is to serve as a grassroots catalyst for connectedness within underserved groups, including immigrant, religious, minority, and poverty-stricken populations.

We here at Radio Appna Digital Australia mark and celebrate and remember as well treasure all the great legends of Radio and in particular those that have shaped and created an unique positioning in our hearts and with the community at large.

Let’s mark and celebrate World Radio Day - Today

Live coverage of Presence Hindi Fellowship - Brisbane presents Womens Ministry Seminar 2024 by Sister Rosina Grieg (Form...

Live coverage of Presence Hindi Fellowship - Brisbane presents Womens Ministry Seminar 2024 by Sister Rosina Grieg (Former Womens Ministry, President of Pentecostal Churches Fiji.)

“Women Of Worth”

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Australia's First 24/7 Hindi Christian Radio

Happy Australia Day to all January 26 commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet in Sydney Cove.In fact the first of th...

Happy Australia Day to all

January 26 commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet in Sydney Cove.

In fact the first of the 11 ships actually arrived at Botany Bay more than a week before, on January 18, 1788.

Having found that Botany Bay was not as bountiful in freshwater and fertile soil as explorer Captain James Cook had suggested, the ships decided to move further north to Sydney Cove.

Specifically, January 26 is the day First Fleet commander Captain Arthur Phillip rowed ashore at Sydney Cove, raised the Union Jack and proclaimed British sovereignty over part of the continent in 1788.

However, the naming of Australia Day took almost 150 years and it was not always held on January 26.

One of the biggest early celebrations was in 1818 when Governor Lachlan Macquarie hosted a 30-gun salute to celebrate the 30th anniversary. Later, annual regattas on Sydney Harbour become a popular attraction.

Tasmania held a Regatta Day in early December that jointly acknowledged the landing of Abel Tasman in 1642 and its separation from New South Wales in 1825.

In Western Australia, Foundation Day on June 1 celebrated the arrival of white settlers in 1829. South Australia’s Proclamation Day was held on December 28.

But the popularity of January 26 did grow and by 1888, “Anniversary Day” as it was then known, was a holiday in all capital cities except Adelaide.

Even at this stage, there were reservations about celebrating this day as many thought NSW’s convict origins were better left in the past. The NSW governor Henry Parkes also recognised the day was a reminder to Aborigines of how they had been “robbed”.

So it wasn’t always an obvious choice for Australia’s national day.

After the Commonwealth of Australia was founded in 1901, there was renewed interest in setting a foundational holiday, with the Australian Natives Association trying to find a suitable date.

Empire Day was first introduced on May 24, 1905 to commemorate the late Queen Victoria’s birthday and as recognition of the strength of imperial ties.

The first “Australia Day” was actually held on July 30, 1915 to raise funds for the World War I effort.

It wasn’t until 1935 that all states adopted a common date and name for Australia Day to be held on January 26.

It took until the 1940s for Australia to get its national holiday in place and it wasn’t until 1984 that the National Australia Day Committee was federally funded.

In recent years there has been growing calls for Australia Day to be held on a different date, that did not mark such a contentious occasion.

Nearly 1000 people have received Australia Day honours, with some well-known names receiving the national recognition.

Let’s celebrate and give thanks to the Lord Almighty for Hos mighty blessings upon our life’s and in the lives of our loved opens in making this nation great.

Happy Australia Day to all.

On Behalf of Presence Church HINDI Fellowship - Brisbane, Our Women’s Ministry Coordinator Sister Enjula Narayan likes t...

On Behalf of Presence Church HINDI Fellowship - Brisbane, Our Women’s Ministry Coordinator Sister Enjula Narayan likes to extend you all the ladies of various churches and in the community around Brisbane and Gold Coast to our “ Women’s Ministry Seminar “ Guest Speaker: Sister Rozina Greig, Former Women’s Ministry President of the Pentecostal Churches in Fiji , Topic: “ Woman of Worth” on Saturday the 10th of February 2024 from 5 pm to 7 pm @ Life & Legacy Church Sanctuary located at unit 13 & 14 / 98 Anzac Avenue, Hillcrest-Brisbane. Dinner will be served after the Seminar . For more information Contact: Enjula on 0422916199.

A pray to thank God for fulfilling His promise of making me fly like a eagle.Another great, amazing and beautiful day of...

A pray to thank God for fulfilling His promise of making me fly like a eagle.

Another great, amazing and beautiful day of flying.

The figure of eagles' wings used in the Holy Bible in the Old Testament represents the strength and loving-kindness of the Lord God in delivering His covenant to His people.

In the book of Isaiah 40:31 describes that the Lord will make me fly like a eagle above the same winds of storms and disasters and make me propel above and beyond the clouds.

We will “soar on wings like eagles.”

We begin to do things beyond ourselves.

Eagles use the same winds that are to bring storms, disasters and hurricanes to fly and hardly flap their wings.

This is the picture of how God can work in our lives if we allow Him to do so.

“Run and never grow weary” means the race never stops, but we will not grow weary if we run in His strength.

Isaiah 40:31 further contains a great promise of strength for the weary: “they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

This promises a supernaturally renewed strength—a strength that would compare to mounting

What does an eagle mean spiritually?

I believe it represents God’s eternal Strength, the gift of determination and our courage are just some of the qualities the eagle can share with you as a spirit animal.

Eagles symbolize vitality and power.

With their feathers and large wings, they also represent speed and greatness.

Today the Lord has made me fly like a eagle just as He had promised me when I was fighting all the storms, battles of life, and facing all of the enemy’s arrows.

The Lord has changed my situation and gave me 100% times more than what the enemy had originally taken away from me and the Lord is in total control of my life, my situation, and my circumstances and is restoring my life with the life’s of my loved ones and my relationships.

I pray, ask, believe, receive and claim all of my hearts prayers, prayer requests and prayer petitions and believing that the Lord has answered, completely healed, restored my life with the lives of my loved ones and my relationships and has done the miracles of the impossible into all the possibilities in Jesus’ Holy and Mighty name - Amen

Prayer for Deliverance from our EnemiesDear God Father, I pray for Your divine interference in my life, in the lives of ...

Prayer for Deliverance from our Enemies

Dear God Father, I pray for Your divine interference in my life, in the lives of my loved ones and in my relationships.

I seek deliverance from my enemies, who do not want me to rest.

I surrender completely to you all of my worries, problems, troubles, tribulations, fears, anxiety, depression, stress, pains, sufferings and every burdens and loads believing that you would carry me safely to my destiny, and grant me Your peace, love, presence and protection.

Thank you for loving me so much that You have given me Your one and only loving and begotten son, Lord Jesus’ Christ who came and died for my sins on the Holy Cross.

Lord I trust you, have faith and my strong believe in You and have my confidence and hope in You without a single doubt in my heart.

Lord thank you for saving me and my loved ones and restoring my life, the lives of my loved ones and my relationships.

Lord today I know that when You could change the water into the best wine ever, the you are able to change my situation for the best.

Lord grant me Your strength to conquer my foes, and the guide me to use it with wisdom, knowledge and Your understanding.

God I know that You alone shape our life’s and our purpose and destiny.

God you Shapes the World By our hearts prayers, prayer requests and prayer petitions and answer all of it by blessing, healing, doing the miracles of the impossible into all the possibilities and restoring our life’s with the lives of our loved ones and working and restoring our relationships.

God thank You for Your Comfort in our life’s with the presence of the Holy Spirit who our Lord, Master and Personal Saviour- Lord Jesus’ Christ has given us as a gift of His love.

Lord thank you for Your Peace in Christ through our hearts prayer requests and through Your everlasting love.

Lord I pray, ask, believe, receive and claim every of my hearts prayer requests and prayer petitions believing that You have answered it according to Your will and timing.

Lord I thank You for gracing this session of my life when no one was there for me and You alone stood with me and beside me and with Your presence, I have managed to come so far and in Jesus’ Holy and mighty name, I pray, Amen.

Praise the Lord for the Good News

Praise the Lord for the Good News

An Unbreakable Promise of (Genesis 15:7–21) How do we know someone will keep a promise? Many rituals have been developed...

An Unbreakable Promise of
(Genesis 15:7–21)

How do we know someone will keep a promise? Many rituals have been developed to ensure that people will be faithful to their word. Little children use “pinky swear.” Couples recite marriage vows in a formal ceremony. Banks have borrowers sign legal documents. Even so, many of those promises are eventually broken.

In Genesis 15, God reaffirmed another significant promise to Abram. God declared He would give Abram the land of Canaan (v. 7). Instead of thanking God, Abram asked, “How can I know that I will gain possession of it?” (v. 😎. God instructed Abram to get a collection of animals (v. 9). While this may not make sense to us, it did to Abram.

In the ancient world one of the ceremonies developed to confirm a promise involved cutting animals in half, then arranging each half opposite the other, creating an aisle between the pieces of the animals. Each person making a promise would walk through the aisle reciting an oath. The oath would be something like this: “If I break my promise may my shoulder become like the shoulder of this cow” (compare with Jer. 34:18). It was a way of showing that you would rather die than break your word.

In this scene, God had Abram arrange the animals. Then, God put Abram into a deep, divinely induced sleep (v. 12). In the form of a “smoking firepot,” God Himself walked between the pieces of the animals. Through this action, God communicated to Abram that He would keep His promise no matter what.

As believers, our hope is anchored in God’s commitment to keep His promises (Heb. 6:13–20). Every time we take communion, we remember God’s faithfulness in the death and resurrection of Jesus. We also look forward to the promise of His return (1 Cor. 11:26).

Go Deeper

How does Abram typically respond to God’s promises? Are we anything like Abram? What gets in the way of trusting God’s Word?

Let us all Pray together:
Father God, we come before you this evening and thank You for presence, protection, peace and love inour life’s and in the lives of our loved ones and in our hearts.

Father God we acknowledge You being in total control of our life’s, in the lives of our loved ones and in our relationships.

Father God thank You for Your great mercy, kindness, blessings, healings, miracles of the impossible into all possibilities and the restoration of our life’s with the lives of our loved ones and in our relationships.

Lord we pray, ask, believe, receive and claim all of our hearts prayers and prayer requests and prayer petitions through the precious blood of Lord Jesus’ Christ and through Your holy words of Jeremiah 29:11-15; Psalm 91 and prayer, walk and talk to You,

“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lam. 3:22–23).

I claim complete restoration of my life, with the lives of my loved ones and in my relationships through the mighty name of Jesus Christ. - Amen

Hello Friends,Before we do anything else this morning, let us all  open both our hands and lift them up before the Lord!...

Hello Friends,

Before we do anything else this morning, let us all open both our hands and lift them up before the Lord! Now, begin to see the Lord placing blessings into your hands... The blessing of increase, the blessing of prosperity, the blessing of healing, the blessing of more than enough!

Just begin to see the Lord releasing blessings into every area of our life’s and in the lives of our loved ones and onto our relationships and declare with power and authority, "O' Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus, BLESS ME!"

"The Lord will open to you his good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. And you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow..."
Deuteronomy 28:

Right now dear faithful friends in Lord Jesus’ Christ as we are standing in agreement with the Prophetic Words of the Lord all powerful and all-mighty, I invite you all to stand to Bless our Church Pastor and his family, Church elders and church leaders and let’s all lift their work that the Lord has started in Brisbane through them to greater heights and to make a everlasting and spiritual impact for the glory of our Lord.

Let us pray in faith, in our believe and to trust in Lord Jesus’ Christ and have all of our confidence and hope without having a single doubt in our hearts, minds, spirits, souls, life’s and with all of our strengths let’s all come together in accordance with Deuteronomy 28:12, and bless our Church family with Greater Blessings and by asking the Lord for His Love, presence, protection, peace, intervention and for His Face.

As we all stand together in faith and confidence of our Lord this morning, let us make the work of our Lord in us be known to all in Brisbane, and in Australia and bless others as Jesus’ our Lord, Master and Personal Saviour has blessed us, healed us, has done all of the miracles of the impossible into all possibilities and has done the total and complete restoration of our life’s, with the lives of our loved ones and our relationships.

Let us stand hand in hand with the presence, protection, peace and love of our Lord this morning and Bless each and every one and lift the name of our Lord up and above everything else in our life’s and give all the praise, glory and everything back to the Lord almighty and all-powerful Lord of the lords and the King of the kings in Jesus’ Holy and Mighty name - Amen

A Prayer seeking God to reveal the different types of Angels in the Holy Bible?Angels are a part of the creation of God,...

A Prayer seeking God to reveal the different types of Angels in the Holy Bible?

Angels are a part of the creation of God, created either in the beginning or sometime before the foundation of the earth (Ps. 148:2–5; Neh. 9:6; Col. 1:15–17).

They are of a higher order than humans (Heb. 2:7)

They are greater in power and might (2 Pet. 2:11; cf. 2 Kgs. 19:35).

However, they are not to be worshipped by humans (Col. 2:18; Rev. 22:8–9).

Angels are not omniscient as is God, for they do not know the time of the coming of Christ (Matt. 24:36; cf. 1 Pet. 1:12).

Neither are they omnipresent, for they are said to go from place to place (Dan. 9:21–23).

Angels are spirit beings (Heb. 1:14).

They do not die, nor do they marry (Luke 20:36; Mark 12:25).

While the number of the angels is never definitely given, they are said to be innumerable (Dan. 7:10; Heb. 12:22; Rev. 5:11).

The primary functions of angels as revealed in Scripture are to engage in the worship of God in heaven and carry out his purposes on earth.

God commissions angels to protect his people, deliver them from danger, transmit divine messages, and encourage believers.

We do not know when angels were created. They are created, but as the Scriptures are concerned, they simply are. They are just as much a part of the created order as trees and grass and the sun and the moon. But it also seems that there are different types of angels.

It is possible that an archangel is a subclass of another type of angel.

Michael is mentioned as an archangel in Jude 1:9.

Another named angel is Gabriel, who it says “stands in the presence of God.” This has led some to believe that Gabriel is another archangel. And in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 the “voice of an archangel” is mentioned.

These are the most mentioned types of angels. Perhaps, we have heard of a cherub — a cute little baby angel. That’s a far-cry from their description in the Bible. Ezekiel 10 gives us a physical description of them. They are said to be those guarding the way to the tree of life in Genesis 3:24.

They also make an appearance in image form in Exodus 25:18, 20 where they are guarding the mercy seat. That tells us that their function is likely to guard the places where sinful humanity might defile God’s holy space.

These are only found in Isaiah. In Isaiah 6 the Prophet describes them as covering their face and their feet, and crying out concerning the holiness of God.

They also are the ones who give Isaiah the coal from the altar to place upon his defiled lips. It is possible that the creature in Revelation 4:8 with six wings is a seraph.

The Living Creatures
These are mentioned in Revelation 4. It is possible that these are another class of cherubim (because of Ezekiel 10), but their appearance is different than what we see there.

They seem to function as heavenly worship leaders — constantly surrounding the throne of God with the twenty-four elders (redeemed people.)

Fallen Angels
It’s probably best not to call these a separate class, but rather to say that there are good angels and fallen angels from each classification.

But the Bible does speak of the fall of Satan (Luke 10:18) and a hell reserved for “the devil and his angels in the book of Matthew” (Matt. 25:41).

Some biblical researchers have tied together pieces from Isaiah 14, Revelation 9, and Revelation 12 to teach that when Satan rebelled, 1/3 of the angels went with him.

But Scripture is not entirely clear on this point.

I have tied to undertake research on this area of understanding and knowledge but have been unsuccessful till todate.

Could we now state that in some level of certainty and maybe in our own understanding of the bible in some definitive way, that some of the angels, originally created good, are now part of the demonic realm as they would have been rebellion with God the creator.

If you think about all of the years of history recorded in the Bible, the reality is that angelic appearances are not nearly as common as they might seem.

It’s a bit like plane crashes vs moto vehicle accidents and crashes.

The latter happens far more frequently and claims more human lives per year.

But they don’t make the news.

While plane crashes do.

Angels are similar; when they make an appearance, people do listen.

God is certainly just as active in the world today as the word of the Lord says and on which we all have our faith, believe, trust, confidence and hope.

Why would his servant messengers, angels, not still be active as well.

When we look at the words of the Lord in Hebrews 13:2 then we come to understand that it does mention the need to entertain strangers, “for thereby some have entertained angels unaware.”

Angels are like “ministers who do his will” according to (Psalm 103:20-21).

I We don’t always see their work, but the Bible tells us that they are ministering.

John Piper a great biblical researcher and preacher summarises the activity of the angels in the world today.

He states that:

“So, in heaven and on earth, angels in their magnificence serve to call attention to the grandeur of God and, surprisingly, serve to call attention to the lesser but breathtaking grandeur of the simplest believer. God intends for the role of angels to thrill us with his grace and power and wisdom in the way he created, the way he governs, and the way he is saving his people.”

Therefore I also as a PhD scholar and researcher could to some extend believe, given the fact that the purpose of angels and the Holy word of God is to guide us and remind us to this important point of attention for us to wear the armour of God which is His Word to fight this spiritual warfare with our number one enemy.

Angels are fundamentally pointers.

They point to God’s glory and they serve humanity. They even point to our worth and value according to God plan for our life’s.

I have often been struck by what the word of the Lord states in 1 Peter 1:12 and tells us about them — they long to look into the gospel.

According to 1 Peter 1:12, we are to seek the guidance of the Lord and it means that while we are fascinated by angels, they are fascinated by the gospel.

Grace confounds the angels.

Perhaps, we should spend more time then marveling not at the things which have only been partially revealed, but rather being enamored according to the Word of the Lord.

Let us all pray together:

Father God,

Please give us a heart to listen to Your word and apply it accordingly into our life’s and in the lives of our loved ones and our relationships.

Father, teach us to understand Your word according to Your will and spend more and more time learning and mediating upon it.

Father we pray. ask and believe that there are certain things that You will reveal to us when we come into Your Devine presence and according to Your will and timing.

Father today we pray that You will give us a heart, mind, soul, spirit, life to love you more and more, and to understand You and come to know You more than ever.

Father we pray, ask, believe, receive and claim Your Holy word to the depts of our hearts, minds, spirits, souls, life’s and sink Your Holy Word to the depts of our spirit and apply it in our own individual life’s, in the lives of our loved ones and in our relationships like a valuable treasure chest.

Father we pray, ask, believe, receive and claim within the roots of our hearts and always enquire upon Your presence, love, seek Your protection, peace, blessings, healings, restoration and experience Your mighty and miraculous power and see how You are working in our life’s, in the lives of our loved ones and in our relationships with many countless miracles of the impossible into all possibilities, in Jesus’ Holy and Mighty name - Amen.

A prayer to completely surrender onto the Lord "In pouring this ointment on my body, she has done it to prepare me for b...

A prayer to completely surrender onto the Lord

"In pouring this ointment on my body, she has done it to prepare me for burial," - Matthew 26:12.

Imagine, dear friends and faithful souls in Lord Jesus’ Christ that as you pray and ask anything in prayer, believe that you have received it as a promise of the Lord and it will be yours.

Receive and claim your prayers of your heart today believing that the Lord of the lords and the King of the kings has delivered it to you and made you victorious.

For the Lord is faithful and loving and in all respect He will never fail you under any circumstances and will not let you suffer beyond your capacity to bear the pain and sufferings as the Lord will make a break through and change your situation.

In every situation the Lord provides a means for us to glorify and praise Him for being with us and for rescuing us from the wickedness and from the traps of the evil one.

Let us today know that this battle that we all are fighting is a spiritual battle and a warfare and if we Put the Lord first and allow Him to fight the battles for and on our behalf, the Lord of all hosts will go before you and prepare a way out for you.

For when the Lord is with you, then who could be against you.

What the Lord has join together let no men separate.

As we pray from the depts of our hearts and from the roots of our soul, each of our prayer and it’s supplications is etched onto parchment and laid upon the very stone where the body of Christ found its repose.

For the Lord hears our hearts cries and sees all of our pains and sufferings and will always makes us victorious and a winner.

As we prepare to lay our hearts prayers to this ancient relic and to the Devine presence of the Lord, believe that the Lord possesses a divine aura, a powerful righteous right hand which blesses us, heals us, restores us and does bring the miracles of the impossible into all possibilities.

The Lord’s presence through His Holy Spirit guides us, protects us, keeps us safe from the arrows of the enemy and provides us with permanent protection from any harms in our life’s and in the lives of our loved ones and in our relationships.

The Lord is moved by the permeated cries of our hearts and the presentation of the collective prayers requests and prayer petitions of our hearts and opens the windows of heaven to shower rains of blessings and brings beautiful smiles and joyous smiles on our life’s and in the lives of our loved ones.

For many generations past and for those who have drawn near to the Lord has experience His presence, protection, love, peace and blessings which have borne witness to the ineffable blessings bestowed upon them, and their loved ones including blessings that emanate from the profound connection to the earthly remnants of our Savior, Master and Lord, - Lord Jesus’ Christ.

In the annals of time, the presence, protection, peace, love and blessings of the Lord has been a Stone of Anointing which holds a biblical history deeply rooted in the narrative of our faith in Lord Jesus’ Christ.

It is upon this sacred and our hearts prayers, prayer requests and prayer petitions that the Spirit of the Lord moves in our life’s and in the lives of our loved ones and in our relationships.

I have realised that why things don’t get going even when I put my heart’s prayer and prayer requests and prayer petitions before the Devine presence of the Almighty and the most powerful Lord.

The Lord wants us to completely surrender onto Him every burden and every load of ours and not leaving behind anything behind on us.

The word complete surrender means to completely surrender everything on the Lord and only wanting only “His will” to be done in our life.

It means asking for nothing but Himself.

He is enough.

Every Sunday in my church I have heard my pastor and many other leaders and preachers have talked on this subject and often state to completely surrender onto the Lord.

Surrendering our lives to Jesus’ is not a trivial decision.

It means leaving behind everything we have known and to place our trust in the hands of a God we’ve never seen.

It is through our Faith, Believe, Trust, Confidence and Hope on to the mighty name and all powerful name of our Lord Jesus’ Christ and through His presence, protection, love, peace and His righteous right hand that we find that Lord is at work in our life’s, in the lives of our loved ones and in our relationships.

While “Surrendering your life to Christ” is a common phrase we hear in churches, I believe we do an insufficient job of explaining what such surrender means.

Most church leaders don’t go further then explaining what the word complete surrender means.

Because surrender is a commonly misunderstood word, I think we neglect to explain the ramifications of such a decision.

Complete surrender is not conditional.

There are no areas of our lives we get to keep for ourselves.

There are no aspects of our personality over which we maintain control.

Complete surrender is the only acceptable way by which we can be called true disciples of Jesus’.
�I want to say up front, complete surrender does not mean perfect surrender.

I am thankful to God who sees our heart and our commitment to Him. If we were to be judged based on the ex*****on of our commitment, we’d all be in very deep trouble.

Nothing in this post should be construed as me saying you must live in complete surrender every moment of your life or find yourself disqualified from an eternity with Jesus’.

It is the race that we all ran on our daily walk and talk with the Lord and many at times we will fall and fail, but it is with our hearts attitude and our life’s challenges that we raise up again and ran the battle of this race to win the crown of glory with our Lord Jesus’ Christ.

On the flip side, I am also not saying we all could profess to surrender completely on the presence of our Lord as we all often do with our lips and go on living as if nothing has changed.

It is the moment we have decided to walk in to the direction of the Lord which matters beyond anything and everything of our life.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb. 12:1).

Again, God knows your heart.

He recognizes our true desires and sees through any façade we attempt to construct.

Complete surrender is more work than any of us assumed when we made our commitment to Christ in the first place.

It’s more than changing a few of our habits and associations. Have you ever taken the time to contemplate what complete surrender means?

Have you considered all the implications it has for your life?

Outward habits and activities are obvious and easy targets.

But surrendering your internal thoughts and attitudes is where the demanding work begins.

It is deem as our minds are the playground of the enemy and where we generate all ideas and thoughts including our own very powerful intellectual abilities and intelligences that is put to tests.

Once we walk and talk on the path of complete surrender to the Lord, we are encouraged and engage in a spiritual relationship with the Lord who then provides us spiritual resources to fight the enemy in the spiritual battles.

The amount of battles that I fight every moment of my life, the storms that surround me with waves higher than what I could see, and the challenges that the enemy projects onto my life and uses my own loved ones against me and for I can see how the enemy is destroying the lives of my loved ones and my relationship with them.

For I know one thing, that at the end the Lord will make me victorious and a winner over the enemy and restore my life with the lives of my loved ones and my relationships.

Having complete faith and complete trust on the Lord is a part of this surrender process.

Having absolute faith and confidence on the Lord’s abilities and powerful blessings is what drives me to the next level of this spiritual warfare with my enemy.

Some days I win the level of play Of this spiritual warfare and some days the enemy changes the tricks of the game and prepares many dangerous traps before me and lifts the spiritual game of war to the next level.

It is here that we are to find and explore that all things are possible with the Lord and in a blink of an eye, the Lord is able to change our situations, our life’s, the lives of our loved ones and our relationships.

No matter how many traps, tricks and failures that the enemy displays upon the journey of our life’s, and in the lives of our loved ones, and within our relationships, we are to continue to trust, believe with our total faith, hope and confidence without having a single doubt in our hearts that the Lord will do everything for us and answer all of our hearts prayers, prayer requests and prayer petitions according to His will and timing.

Living a life in complete surrender to Jesus’ means our thoughts must become like His.

Everything we see must be seen through His eyes.

It means we take no action He would not take.

All our preconceived notions about people, places, and things, are thrown out of the window.

Every second of our lives becomes about Christ and only Jesus’ matters for us.

When you are all alone, what do you think about?

Is it honoring to God?

Have you actually surrendered your thoughts to Christ?

How about when you encounter someone or something different from yourself?

What is your initial reaction?

Is it one Jesus’ would have?

Are you surrendered to Christ in this area?

Complete surrender is impossible except for the grace of God. We could never do it on our own.

It is a process that we will never complete, but one we must always be pursuing it with all of our hearts, minds, souls, spirits and life with all of our strengths.

We must be ready for whatever He gives us to do – and pray we will be ready!

We must accept all that comes into our lives – and pray we will accept it!

Complete surrender means wanting only “His will” to be done in our life.

It means asking for nothing but Himself.

Jesus’ is enough for us and He alone means that we have already won the battle of our life’s.

Are you willing to live in complete surrender?

The lifeless body of Lord Jesus’ Christ on that Holy Cross of Calvary was tenderly placed after his ultimate sacrifice, as recounted in the Gospel.

The many stones, that touched by His divine presence and it’s significance, became a vessel for the preparation of our Savior for burial.

Are we prepared to bury our life’s and place ourselves onto the mighty and powerful hands of the Lord trusting Him that He will raise us up into a new life and a new future and a new hope in Lord Jesus’ Christ.

Now, as you stand at the precipice of this sacred and Devine presence of our Lord, this is your opportunity to trust and completely surrender everything upon the Lord.

I encourage you to stand in faith and believe forth that your hearts prayers, prayer requests and prayer petitions including your earnest hearts cries have been heard, answered and that the Lord has moved into your life, in the lives of your loved ones and in your relationships and is in the process of restoring everything with hundred folds more than what the enemy had taken away from you in the first place.

The Lord’s Devine presence and His mighty and powerful righteous and anointing hand awaits you right now.

Are you ready to to cradle your supplications and channel the divine energy that dwells within its ancient, hallowed core of your space and completely surrender yourself to the Devine feet of the Lord right now.

May your hearts prayers, prayer requests and prayer petitions ascend to the heavens and may you, dear faithful believer in Lord Jesus’ Christ be enveloped in the profound peace that comes from communion with the sacred presence, peace, protection, love and blessings of the Lord.

Let us all pray together;

Dear Lord, on this day, I completely surrender my life, my burdens, my loads, my worries, my troubles, my fears, my concerns, my issues of life, my problems, my thoughts, my hopes, my desires, my finances and my every situation, tribulations and every area of my life to you.

Dear Lord, Your take control, of my life, my family’s lives, the lives of my loved ones and my relationships.

Lord, today in acknowledging that You are the ultimate source of wealth and all provisions and everything of my life.

Lord today I stand in agreement with Proverbs 3:9-10, which states

'Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.'"

Lord today I use the mighty power of Your word believing in the words of 2 Timothy 4:7-8,

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

And through the power of Your words in Philippians 3:14 which says,

“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Lord today I pray that You give me a heart that faithfully, honestly, sincerity, in truth and in all loyalty seek You and only You first in my life.

Lord today I declare that I will only Love you first with all of my heart, soul, spirit, mind, life and with all of my strength and will never fail you under any circumstances and in situations of life.

Lord, I thank you for saving me and restoring my life and the lives of my loved ones and my relationships.

Lord thank you for preparing my heart and making me stronger and bold enough through Your love, presence, peace, protection and blessings.

Lord thank you for answering all of my heart’s prayers, prayer requests and prayer petitions and making me victorious, a winner and delivering all of my blessings, healings and doing the miracles of the impossible into all the possibilities and restoring my life with the lives of my loved ones and my relationships in Jesus’ Holy and mighty name. - Amen


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