Since my serious weightloss journey started 4+ years ago a lot has changed about how I eat, what I eat and even when I eat; some things will never change!
Due to surgery portion sizes have decreased by over 50%.
I eat more frequently to get in my daily macros that are best for my personal body (working with medical staff to come up with the right numbers is a chore)
My diet is protien and fat heavy… yes fat! Due to having less intestine now my body needs more fat to help push everything through and help me absorb more nutrients from what I am eating.
My body no longer absorbs nutrients like it once did so I take several fat soluble vitamins a day to keep me alive (yup it’s that serious).
I’m always on the hunt for protien… I need a lot of it so I’m always looking for new options for protein.
I’m more adventurous in trying new things, I cook a lot more.
I still love most of the foods I did before and I still eat them but differently. I will admit this meal had a few more carbs than I prefer, it would have been fine if there was more protien to balance it.
But this is representative of a lunch I love and I still eat from time to time..
Half a Turkey Sammy on rye with stone ground mustard and a thick slice of tomato
1/3 cup full fat cottage cheese
Real Doritos just about 8-10 chips
All the “health influencers” and even the drs and nutritionist would say… you were doing great till you added those chips. They aren’t wrong either but this is what I have learned. When you deprive yourself of cravings you typically will find yourself in a weak spot and over indulge… I like Doritos, I now have them quite literally once a month if that, but I like them, so I’m going to occasionally eat them, in moderation, combined with a generally healthy diet.
Let’s real quick talk about chip alternatives that are created to get rid of the craving and then add protein… most of them taste like crap. Quest chips just as an example taste like straight up p**p I don’t enjoy them. It does not make me feel like I’m eating Doritos I mean I guess they’re fine for what they are. But they are not for me, so on occasion, I will eat the regular Doritos
food in and of itself holds no moral value… work with what’s available to you and do your best! Sure there are healthier foods and some unhealthy foods but a medium pizza at dominos is cheaper than me making baked chicken breast and a salad for two, and for some people money or the lack of it determines what they eat, or in some areas they don’t have access to fresh produce or good cuts of meat, if they are feeding themselves and their families they are still doing well.
My relationship with food has never been great and I’m working on changing that. My current mindset is, will this food give me the outcome I need, if the answer is yes I will eat it… mostly the outcome I need is sustainable energy, good macros, help the progress; but sometimes the outcome is I want to taste some Doritos