🌽 timing is key for optimal flavor, too soon and it won’t be sweet enough, too late and it will be starchy! #corn#grafting000
Will I get a baby #artichoke or will this fail?#grafting000
When to use #fertilizer for your #seedlings #grafting001
When to use #fertilizer for your #seedlings #grafting000
🌽 Corn might not be the most space effective plant in the garden bit it sure is fun! #corn#grafting000
When and how to harvest and cure your #onion to ensure long storage! #garden #harvest #grafting000
What a day in the garden looks like! A lot of little tasks that add up to keep the garden happy!#grafting001
What a day in the garden looks like! A lot of little tasks that add up to keep the garden happy!#grafting000
Tomato pruning 101, my approaches for growing healthy #tomatoes! #grafting000
Tomato hornworms can be devasting but they are a beneficial in the end. #tomato #hornworm#grafting000
This “Shopska” salad is my favorite #garden
This one wasn’t perfect but that was the plants fault which is actually my fault 🥲 #watermelon#grafting001
This one wasn’t perfect but that was the plants fault which is actually my fault 🥲 #watermelon#grafting000
This apllies to most winter squash but the ribbing is kore kabocha centric! #kabocha #wintersquash#grafting000
Thinning your plants is really important because the closer they are together without being thinned the smaller they’ll become as they compete for the same water and resources
There is no best way to prune tomatoes since everyone’s climate and garden is different but this is how I do it. #tomato #garden#grafting000
The single string tomato trellis is the best for faster and earlier tomatoes while being able to fit more plants in a tight space. #tomato
The perfect #seedling #transplant does exist!#grafting000
The fastest and easiest way to grow rooted #sweetpotato slips! #gardeninghacks #gardening101 #grafting000
The #olla has become my favorite irrigation method!#grafting000