Sylvia Novelette

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My daughter,you are now a wife and soon you’ll be become a mother too. God bear me witness that I taught you how to cook and do other house chores. I taught you to respect men and to explain your anger when necessary but if you do
otherwise,i know you,not as a daughter but as my fellow woman.
My daughter,you see this your husband? He is a gentleman but don’t take advantage of that. Don’t bring out the beast in him. My daughter,you see this mark on my forehead?
Your father gave it to me.He tolerated me everytime but on that day,He came unexpectedly.It wasn’t his intention but i dared him and he hit me just once
My daughter,Men hate it when you use the word “YOU CAN’T DO IT”.He sure can do more than but he’s just protecting you from harm. My daughter, whenever there is an arguement or misunderstanding, try drinking water.You can’t talk when you have water in your mouth.
Now,you have two families.You are very lucky.Tolerate and appreciate them just as you
did here. Learn to welcome other people’s kids and soon, children will sorround your table with love.
You see that my big pot? I bought it when i still had no child but i always cooked with it to feed those children who had nothing to eat.
Learn to show hospitality. Welcome a visitor and at least,offer a glass of water.Don’t discriminate.
Don’t shatter your husband’s family. instead, bring them together. Learn to appreciate little efforts and soon,they’ll
learn to do more.
Today,you are wearing a wedding gown and you look so beautiful in it but there is still another gown you need to wear.That is the MATERNITY gown. I wore it and you shall wear your’s too.
When you have a misundertanding, don’t come back here.Sort things out and build a happy home.I built mine and your father enjoyed me.
Men like food.They like both the kITCHEN food and the BEDROOM food.Don’t deny him any of the food all because you had an arguement. If the ones i taught you are not enough, l



1. Cryptic pregnancy
2. Ectopic pregnancy
3. Normal pregnancy

A cryptic pregnancy is also called stealth pregnancy. Is a pregnancy that testing methods may fail to detect, both urine and blood test will give a negative result. even ultrasound can not be detected. They are uncommon and most women are unaware that they are pregnant.
Until when a woman have cramps and feel like pushing something out, that is when she noticed that she is in labor and delivery the baby

Symptoms of cryptic pregnancy

👉Period like bleeding that resembles a regular menstrual cycle
👉Nausea and vomiting that is mistaken for another condition
👉 Fetal movement in the uterus mistaken for gas or indigestion

2. Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is one that is fertilised egg out side of the uterus. If left to grow, it may damage nearby organs and cause life threatening loss of blood. It can not be survive for a 3 months and it can not move to the uterus to grow and most never survive until birth.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy
👉 Vaginal bleeding
👉Pain in the pelvic
👉Abdomen pain
👉Shoulder and neck pain
👉Weak of the body
👉Serious backache

3. Normal pregnancy:

The normal pregnancy is that unborn baby spends around 38 weeks in the uterus, but the average length of pregnancy, or gestation, is counted at 40 weeks. Pregnancy is counted from the first day of the woman's last period, not the date of conception.

Symptoms of Normal pregnancy:
👉A missed period
👉Light bleeding spotting
👉Low abdominal cramps
👉Nausea with or without vomiting
👉Breast tenderness
👉Urinating alot
👉Mood swings
👉Fatigue and sleepiness
👉Food cravings or aversion
👉Bloating and constipation

If you have any Questions or need more Guidance you can inbox me📌

Wishing safe delivery to all the preganant moms 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Breeched Presentation part 1

This simply means that baby is lying feet or bottom first instead of the usual head first in the womb.

Before 36 weeks of pregnancy most babies would have turned head down ready to be born.

Types of breeched:

Frank breeched: bottom is down,legs are up towards the ears

Flexed breeched:bottom down and knees are bent

Footling breeched: one or both feet are below the bottom (feet first)

Why some babies do not turn head down?

-baby just did not turn
-more than one baby
-position of placenta
Amniotic fluid is too much or too little

What can be done if baby does not turn naturally?


Preterm birth

Any baby born before the 37 week is termed 'preterm'

Babies are born preterm for 2 reasons:
- unplanned labour
-planned labour

According to WHO, over 80% of babies from low-income countries who were born before the 28 weeks do not survive more than the first few days of life.

Types of preterm babies:

Late preterm: from 34- end of 36th week

Moderately preterm: 32-34weeks

Very preterm: 28-32 weeks

Extremely preterm: before 28 weeks

Causes of preterm labour?



My Mènstrual cycle and me

Did you know that when a newborn girl is born she has over 1 million ova (eggs), and by puberty ( growing of bóób and me**es) she will have just about 400,000 left in the ovaries!

When your body release an egg but oga's spèrm does not fertilise it, your body will flush it together with the inside lining of the womb (endometrium).

This is called period/me**es/ mènstrual blood

As this happens your body will still begin to prepare for another egg 🥚 hoping that it will get fertilized.

During ovulation you will see more V discharge.

This entire phase is called the Mènstrual cycle.



Do you know that the Avocado pear is the best fruit for pregnant women and those trying to conceive?

The shape of Avocado is like a pregnant uterus with a baby inside.

It's complete with essential fatty acids and vitamin E.
Great at reducing blood sugar levels and prevents pregnancy induced diabetes.

It lowers cholesterol and fights anemia. Thus preventing eclamsia ( pregnancy induced hypertension).

It is rich in vitamin B6 which helps to prevent cramps and miscarriages.

Contains powerful antioxidants which fights against cancer.

It's contains natural fiber which helps to prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

It relieves nervous disorders and many more.
Turn it upside down and see how it looks like a pregnant womb.


My wife and I had an issue this morning before we left for work. It was a small misunderstanding between me and her.

We were both angry with each other. From my facial expression, my wife knew I was very prepared to keep malice with her that morning. She was also angry and didn't mind playing along.

I stepped out of the house and she locked the doors and followed me behind. Since we don't have a car, we always board the same bus to work every morning and ensure we sit together- side by side on the bus.

I was to drop at Manda hill and she was to drop at zesco.

But today, I didn't want to sit close to her. So I sat at the back seat and she sat in front, just beside a good-looking Police officer.

The man glanced at my wife. I saw the way he looked at her hair and face with so much admiration. Then he told her she looked beautiful. My wife smiled and told him thank you.

He asked my wife where she was going and she told him she was heading to work.

All this while, I was sitting behind and listening to their conversation.

"My name is Mwansa Mweemba. I am a police officer as you can see from my uniform. I was just posted to Lusaka a month ago. Right now I am heading to my place of assignment."

My wife nodded her head. When the conductor requested for my wife to pay her transport fare, the officer offered to pay. He pulled out a K50 and Said Two.

My wife thanked him and smiled.

Then the officer continued.

"So I will be dropping soon at Munali I am accommodated at Chelston Police Camp. I don't know if you can drop by someday to say hello to me. Can I have your number?"

I didn't waste any more time. I tapped my wife on her shoulders immediately.

She turned.

And then I asked her.

"Hope you remembered to put a spoon inside Kasubas lunch box? You know you always forget."

My was puzzled. She was probably wondering who Kasuba is, and why I had chosen to talk to her. Before she could ask any further questions I added.

"Try to pick her up from school earl


Protein in your urine can be a sign of a condition called preeclampsia, which is a pregnancy complication that causes high blood pressure and protein in the urine. Preeclampsia can be serious, but it's treatable if caught early.

It's normal for some protein to be present in urine, but if the amount is higher than normal, it can be a sign that something is wrong. Your nurse will probably do more tests to confirm if you have preeclampsia and, if so, to develop a treatment plan to manage it.


Please mothers, take this warning seriously.

If you just gave birth, or you are still waiting on God...

Do not, I repeat do not go to treat any ińfectiôn (such as typhoid or malaria) without first checking if you are pregnant especially if you are yet to see your mênsês.

Remember that you can become pregnant just after 2 weeks of delivery.

Some women would be treating infêctîon not knowing that it's pregnancy symptoms.

The consêquencês of taking medicines in first trimester without your doctor's approval especially without carrying out pregnancy test is not what you will wish for your enemies.

Be careful!


The aim of creating this group is to teach health and pass out informed and scientific based information.

To unlearn the wrong ideology or myth we have about some health issues, so as to have parents with the right knowledge about their health and that of their children.

You are welcome to give a reply to other member's question if the information you will give is medically based. I may not be able to give answers to all questions especially if I don't see them.

However, it would be a ûselêss mission if we still continue the cycle of fâlsehôôd here.

I noticed some unfollowed me, please you are welcome to unfollow. Even if all I have is a small group of people with the right mind, that is enough. Thank you.


For the first 1 week after birth your breast will produce a creamy/yellowish coloured milk called colostrum.

This milk is called "liquid gold" because it is very rich and protects baby.

Put baby to breast within 1 hour after delivery!

After this, you will produce another type of milk called 'transitional milk'. This will last for about 2 week. It contains more calorie.

Finally, from the 4th week you will produce another type of milk called the 'matured milk'.
This is what baby will continue to take until you stop breastfeeding.


My husband and I were having a fight.. So we were not talking.. He was giving me the silent treatment.. I also ignored him and we went on like that for the whole day..
After work that day.. I returned home.. Made dinner and we ate.. He went in to sleep while I stayed to watch my programs.. Later I joined him i n bed.. I couldn't sleep.. I kept turning and tossing.. I was restless.. I went to drink cold water and returned.. He was fast asleep already.. I was so h***y but we were fighting so.. I had to suppress my urges..
Early morning I got up to p*e. When I returned he was still sleeping but he had a strong er****on. This made me even more h***y.. I looked at it for a while and wondered but this thing is mine nau.. Why am I making shakara.. That's how I slowly took it out and grabbed it in my mouth oo.. Someone that was sleeping suddenly woke up and said wat are you doing.. I didn't even answer him.. He said stoppppppp.. He said stoooooooooopppppp... I stopped sucking, shifted pants and sat on it jeje... I was still beefing him of course but the beef did not reach that side please.. I started rolling and whining and flipping and thrusting..
Someone that was mad at me suddenly started moaning.. Baby stop this.. Stop*eeeet.. Stooop ahh stoop... I was just giving him side eye.. That's how we both came crumbling and collapsing with so much passion..
After that I went to shower and dress up for work.. He said where are you going.. I said work of course.. He said do you realise you just used and dumped me??? And that was how we burst out laughing..
We had breakfast and both left for work.. Then he sent me sweet messages later.. Baby i want us to fight more often. This our cute little fight was so adorable and you totally knocked me off this morning.. Because you hardly initiate s*x.. So keep it up.. Love you and have a nice day... Since I received this text I've been smiling..
Love is beautiful.. Marriage is wonderful thing
Let's get married



1. Women are naturally intuitive while men are rational. Everything has to make logical sense to men. Intuition may not always be right, your wife may not be able to logically explain why she is recommending or suggesting certain things to you, but do not discard what she says. So learn to LISTEN to your wife.

2. You have to protect your territory as a man. Men are territorial in nature and in this context, your territory is your wife. Protect her, don't leave her unguarded and tend to her needs.

3. If you are a lady, your husband is not "another lady". If you are a man, your wife is not "another man". Don't relate with your spouse like you are talking with your fellow gender. Your wife is not "your guy".

4. When your wife is speaking, sometimes she's not asking for your solution. She just wants to talk. So don't cut her off while she's conversing with you, just enjoy the conversation.

5. If you are a man and you are not spiritual, you are in a dangerous place. Don't leave all the praying and 'spirituality' to your wives alone. You would make more progress in your family when both of you prioritize the precepts of God in your home.

Stay blessed ❣️


💃🏼 LAUGH WITH Novelette 😆

1. When your partner is bathïng, just shöut “baby you thought I don’t know your passwörd, so what’s all this nönsense in your phone”...🙄

My Brother, you will make someone to stay in the bathroom the whole day thinking of answers to give you 🤭😂😂😂
2. Welcome to Kenya, where Only blaçk people will mute the TV to smëll what’s bürning 🤭😂😂😂
3. I decided to gist with this my stübborn girlfriënd today...🙄
Me: “What is your Favourite colour? 🥰
Favour: “Stop asking me stüpid question, ask me something logical and mature instead...🙄
Me: “How many moles of Sodium Bicarbonate (III) are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of Sulphuric açid at S.T.P? 😒
Shade: “My favourite colour is Pink... 🙄🤭😂😂
Abeg wetin dey happen???😂😂
4. The strength we use to stand up from our chairs and shöut GOAL when watching a football match is different from the one we use when shouting AMEN in the church. This guys ehn🙄😒😂😂
5. If you don’t want to visit me, then tell me straight forward...😒
Favour, Which one is “I don’t know if I can come again oo, my father is ängry with my mother” 😳🙄😂😂
6. If you see the way your girlfriënd is busy telling another guy she doesn’t have a boyfriend🙄, you’ll know it’s only God who loves you. 🥲🤭😂😂
7. I stöpped reciting Nigeria pledgë since a cup of rice became .🥲
Serve Nigeria with which strength🚶. Me that have not eaten since 😒😂😂
8. You bought a freezer of 15Ok for only 12k and you are now complaining the freezer is shockïng you, My Brother the time you are buying it the price no shoçk you? 🙄🤭😂😂
9. If nobody cares to talk to you, Just know that you have Me🙈, just appreciate your Favourite, by liking His Post🙏 and adding me as your Friend, Love you All 💖

Hope I have Made your Blessed Söul Brightened🥺😢😥

You wanna be My Best Friend right?🙈😢😥

Cutie, Can I get a Friend request from you, please I’m begging, just a Friend réquest🙏😢😭
Please🙏Open My Profile and Add😥🙏
☞ Sylvia Novelette

As we celebrate this festive season, let's prioritize responsibility. Enjoy the festivities mindfully, be considerate of...

As we celebrate this festive season, let's prioritize responsibility. Enjoy the festivities mindfully, be considerate of others, and make choices that promote safety and well-being for everyone.

Be that man who can GROOM his wife, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and otherwise. Not DOOM her...✍️Be that man wh...

Be that man who can GROOM his wife, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and otherwise. Not DOOM her...✍️

Be that man who will wipe away the tears from his wife's face, not the man who puts the tears there.

Be there to give her a shoulder to lean on
Be there to be her friend, lover, husband, father, partner and priest.

Be that man who pays attention to his wife.
Who knows and understands his wife.

Be that Man who pays attention to the tiniest details about the woman he married.

Be that Man who knows the colors of his wife's eyes, the shape of her lips, the number of pimples on her face, even to the length of the stretch marks on her thighs.

A Man who knows the minutest detail about his wife, physically, emotionally, and otherwise.

Be that Man who knows his wife's favorite
Color, shoe size, pant size, bra size, cloth size

Be that Man who baths his Wife.

Be that Man who offers to give his wife a full body massage so she can sleep well rested when she comes from work tired.

Be that Man who buys clothes for his Wife.

Be that Man who carries his wife along in everything he does, no secrets.

Be that Man who will fight anyone who wants to fight his wife,

Be that Man who PRAYS and PLAYS with his wife. Don't be a Prayer Man who doesn't Play and don't be a Player Man who cannot Pray.

Be that Man who makes marriage a fulfilling journey for the Woman he marries. Be that Man.




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