INTO THE WILDS- a unique wildlife series by AAKINCHAN LIFE,is an attempt to take you close to the amazing natural world and let you feel the magic of wilderness.
Episode-1 takes you to Manas National park of Assam and let you experience the incredible wildlife stories of the park which is also a Tiger Reserve, an Elephant reserve, a Biosphere Reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its a heaven for some extraordinary, rare flora and fauna and one of the most popular bio-diverse ecosystems around the world.
So, just jump into the video and experience the thrill of wild safari, and get familiar with some amazing facts about wildlife and nature.
For more interesting and amazing videos, please subscribe to our channel AAKINCHAN LIFE and stay tuned for the upcoming episodes.
Also here's the link of one of our most popular documentary on BIHU festival of Assam. Do watch and share your views
MAGURIBEEL-The paradise facing death
এইখন মাগুৰীবিল আমি আকৌ ঘূৰাই পামনে ?
With over 1 million species facing extinction, we are witnessing the worst biodiversity crisis
#world_environment_day_2020 #biodiversity #6thmass_extinction
Chayanika Boruah
আকিঞ্চন লাইফত আজি উপস্থিত আছে চয়নিকা বৰুৱা।
#Aakinchan life
Chayanika Boruah Kalita
Poem/ Dharitri Gogoi/Jayanta Aakash Barman
অনুভৱৰ চোতালত:
Aakinchan life ৰ মজিয়ালৈ স্বাগতম জনাইছো।সময়বোৰ যদিও সলনি হৈছে, ভাল লগা কামবোৰে আমাক জীৱনটো সৰৱ হৈ জীবলৈ উৎসাহ দিয়ে। আমি কভিদ১৯ ক এদিন নিশ্চয় পৰাস্ত কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হ'ম। তেতিয়ালৈকে মাথোঁ সকলো সাৱধানে থাকক আৰু সচেতন থাকক।
আজি আমাৰ মাজত আছে আকিঞ্চন লাইফৰ সদস্যা: ধৰিত্ৰী গগৈ
আৰু তেওঁ আগবঢ়োৱা কবিতাটোৰ কবি: জয়ন্ত আকাশ বৰ্মন
এনেদৰে আপোনালোকো আকিঞ্চন লাইফৰ আলহী হ'বলৈ আহিলে আমি আনন্দিত হ'ম।
A unique wildlife series which takes you to venture the amazing world of wilderness and exprience the pleasure and excititment of life in the laps of our serene nature.