The passion for the various styles that, with the term of "electronic music", currently surround the globe, has caused us to create a brand that embraces four different typologies of lines and styles that, undeniably absorb this term, inherited from our forerunners. Besides, this term should be attributed, inter alia, to the concatenation and succession of merely sounds, free from any vertical and
, least of all, horizontal form of musical nomenclature but that, nowadays, with great delight, we find that it has evolved into a variety of dimensions and musical realities consolidated in our generation. We might say that it is a sort of pleasant metamorphosis of the sound. A team comprising a very limited number of persons sees to graphics, media production, web development, marketing and distribution. For the time being, the Italian registered office is located in Rome. Polomusic has recently decided to include within its brand the most widespread realities of the current scene. We are convinced that the best way to get to our public is through the variety of labels included in our brand, as specified below. Polomusic White Label:
It has and must not have any musical restrictions or market constraints. First of all, we are an independent label! Just like its name, it will remain neutral. Polomusic Steel Label:
It has been created for Electronic, Experimental, Techno Old Style and Ambient music. Polomusic Yellow Label:
Created for the club house, Trance and Progressive sonorities, it is unquestionably
the least extreme but, nonetheless, the coolest. Polomusic Blue Label
The fate of the blue label arises from the need to please the spirit of some within our team. It is a project that still deserves to be looked after. Polomusic Blue Label for Score Film.