Spry Publishing is a premier publisher of health books and media, offering valuable content on a wide range of medical subjects. With an extensive list of accredited authors, Spry Publishing specializes in educating both patients and healthcare professionals by delivering timely, relevant wellness information across an array of platforms. Spry Publishing operates within the Edwards Brothers Malloy
family of businesses, a century-old printing and publishing tradition that is currently the sixth largest book and journal manufacturer in North America. OUR VISION
Engage, educate, and empower the world to live longer, healthier active lives. OUR MISSION
Positively and directly impact individual’s health and wellbeing. We fulfill this mission by publishing exceptional content with respected medical thought leaders. WE SET THE STANDARD FOR
- Collaborating with respected medical thought leaders
- Publishing patient-centered content in all traditional and new media outlets
- Expert outreach and distribution to patients, caregivers, support groups, and healthcare personnel
- Augmenting existing disease state and brand awareness campaigns
- Respect and collaboration
- Directness and reliability
- Individuality and creativity
- The integrity of our content
- Our staff, our authors, and our customers
Spry Publishing.