Hokey dokey. Here's the plan... now pay attention 'cause I may ramble a bit here. John F will be picking up the books from the printers during the week for it's grand unveiling next weekend at Edinburgh Comic Con. It's in colour (the book, not the comic con. 'though the Con is a beacon of comic book brightness in itself) so try ignore all those greyscale images that have been posted below. Unfortunately there are NO Motorhawk Tshirts for sale (TsU dropped the ball on that one) but hopefully they'll be in the pipeline in the future so feel free to noise up John F at the Vital Publishing stand this year (He likes to be noised up so he does) Alternatively have a word with TsU at the Deadhead Comics booth. Give us your details and sizes and we'll get that into production (I want one myself so it WILL happen at some point this year) I have also had confirmation that the Guest Artist in the book, Molly T, will be on site on the Sunday, 'cause her mum's working Saturday. I know it's Mothersday tomorrow, but THHPPPT! to mums. (I don't mean that really). And the writers and directors of the Electricman Movie are going to be there too. so feel free to badger TsU into signing the cover seeing as it's a proper picture and not the sillyness he does for John F or the Monkey King stuff. I think that's about it. yup. See you kids next weekend at Comic Con. and if you can't make it let us know and we'll think of you on the day