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Spirit Cafe Podcast The page of the Spirit Cafe Podcast, where spirituality is discussed without the guilt of re

"Basically," I said with a smile, "I change people's lives." This is what I told a new friend after describing a little ...

"Basically," I said with a smile, "I change people's lives."

This is what I told a new friend after describing a little bit of what I do and how my coaching works.

Fast forward a few hours. I walked into a salon where I gave a talk to the team a couple of years ago. One of the women who had attended, after we chatted for a few minutes, straight up told me, "You changed my life."

She had been in a significantly painful and challenging period in her life when we met, but she listened to what I said, participated and played along in the practices that I taught them, and put it to work like a damn champion. I LOVE people who are willing to do the work that it takes to be happy, content, and peaceful within, manage their stress, and become healthier body, mind, and spirit.

I love what I do and it shows in the results of my clients. My work is deep, powerful, and effective for anyone willing to do the work. I won't drag anyone kicking and screaming. You have to be sick of your own stories, ready to get out of your own way, and willing to take an hour a week and 5 or 10 minutes a day to actively practice the skills and tools of creating a life you love.

Here are a few things my clients tell me after working with me:

"I've never been this happy in my life."

"I like who I see in the mirror more and more everyday."

"I know I deserve better now and I'm not willing to settle for less."

"I didn't think I'd ever be happy again, but I am."

"I'm having fun again!"

"I didn't realize how negative my thinking was and now I'm so much kinder to myself."

"I didn't know this (level of joy) was possible before."

And so much more.

Are you ready for that? It's ok to be scared and do it anyway.

Your life could begin to shift and open into a more positive, peaceful experience TODAY. Join me tonight at 5pm EST to move From Struggle to Serenity - Strategies to Manage Stress, Regain Balance, & Nourish Your Soul

One time when we were kids, my dad came into the room my sister and I shared and he was ticked about our messy closet. L...

One time when we were kids, my dad came into the room my sister and I shared and he was ticked about our messy closet. Like seriously angry. He took every shelf out of our closet (there were 8 or 10 between us) and dumped them in the middle of our bedroom floor. It made a huge, gigantic pile of mess. We weren't allowed to leave the room until it was all cleaned up and in order.

Damn, right? But, guess what happened? We moved through that mess item by item, deciding what was worth keeping and what could be tossed. One thing at a time.

It took a little while because no positive change is instantaneous. It hurt a little because saying goodbye to things we've held onto for so long can stir up some grief, but in the end... it was glorious.

We put what we kept back on the shelves all neat and organized like. So much so that we were able to make an entire apartment community for our Barbies. Our closet became a playland that turned into hours of fun for us. And it never would have happened if not for that big, giant mess of our closet's contents in the middle of the floor.

Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and beautiful at the end.

Our minds are just like that closet and at this point in life, they are often pretty darn messy. My sister and I did not want to clean up that mess, but we did it together, had fun along the way, and were so happy and grateful for the result.

Working with me is like cleaning out a closet that you've avoided for years. I'm right there with you, helping you decide what to keep and what to release and we even have some fun along the way. Plus, the results? So, so good. You feel clearer, lighter, and excited about life again.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for my masterclass already. ;) It's free and you're going to learn something that opens you, expands you, and may even have life-changing impact.

And I know that might be the very reason you haven't signed up. Because change is hard. Change is scary. Most human beings hate change and avoid change and there are biological and neurological reasons why, some of which I'll share during the From Struggle to Serenity - Strategies to Manage Stress, Regain Balance, & Nourish Your Soul

I'll say it again, though: change is hard at first. Messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end.

And you can do hard things. ❤


Happy Love Day! Whether you celebrate V-day or not, love it or hate it, take some time to show yourself some love!!! ❤

Happiness is NOT a choice.There. I said it. For all of you toxic positivity haters (🙋🏻‍♀️), or people who deal with bona...

Happiness is NOT a choice.

There. I said it. For all of you toxic positivity haters (🙋🏻‍♀️), or people who deal with bonafide brain chemistry challenges, you have been right all along. Happiness isn’t just a decision that we can make with words in our minds and then suddenly life becomes easy and we go on our merry way skipping through fields of sunflowers.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the term “Toxic Positivity," it’s where people completely invalidate their own experience of life, ignore anything negative or that might challenge their concept of what it means to be living a good, happy life, and the skip straight over their actual feelings and find the “reason” that everything happens. Something like that, anyway. And yes, this topic gets me fired up because it is NOT happiness.

The truth is that not one person having this human experience is happy all of the time. In fact, if they seem like it, there’s likely some serious rage smoldering in there just building to volcanic eruption proportions.

It’s beautiful and important to look for the lesson and the gift of our experiences, especially the painful ones, but not in lieu of feeling our feelings. Our emotions, the sensations in our bodies… those are all messages that we’re meant to pay attention to and feel. Every feeling happens for a reason. That’s the truth. It’s so that you pay attention to it!!!

Happiness isn’t a choice, but the behaviors that support it are a choice. Yes, you get to choose whether you marinate in anger, rage, self-pity. You get to choose if you drink it away, netflix it away, eat your feelings, etc. Those behaviors will not support you in your happiness, but they will totally support you in your misery.

The average person makes around 35,000 decisions every day!!!! Are you choosing to move your body or be a slug? Are you choosing to nourish your body and brain, or going for that bag of oreos or the quick fast food fix? Are you choosing to watch hours of Fox news morning, noon, and night, or are you reading an inspirational text that motivates your mind and uplifts your heart? Are you choosing to cling to negative thoughts or are you retraining your brain with tools like a gratitude practice (or working with a coach like me!).

You have so many choices. You are always at choice. Happiness may not be a choice, but how you take care of yourself, or not, certainly is.

If you are sick of your own s**t, if you’re ready to get out of your way, or if you’re tired of the same old story replaying over and over, it is time to choose new behaviors and I can show you where to start.

Join me Friday. 5pm EST. Register now and make the choice toward happiness. From Struggle to Serenity - Strategies to Manage Stress, Regain Balance, & Nourish Your Soul

Because who can be happy all of the time, really? The answer is no one. No one is happy “all of the time.” Not even me, ...

Because who can be happy all of the time, really? The answer is no one. No one is happy “all of the time.” Not even me, duh. Not even, probably, the Dalai Lama!

So, it surprised me when, after a few sessions together, a former client told me, “I just don’t sense your authenticity,” explaining why she was choosing not to work with me any longer. After I managed to bring my jaw back up from the floor, I said, “Ok.” And then I got to work. What was she seeing in me that caused her to say that?

Because I know that I walk my talk. I’ve spent 10 years aligning and realigning my own words and actions to make sure that I am, because life was miserable when I was out of integrity and hating myself for it.

But, if I’m not willing to check in with myself, I wouldn’t be authentic, and she’d be right. So, I did some Byron Katie’s The Work and ultimately, she was projecting. She thought she was doing the inner work… she was showing up for herself and taking pretty good care of herself, but she wasn’t pulling the rug back where all of the dirt and debris of life was collecting. It was the old story of “fake it ‘til you make it.”

But I don’t believe in that crap. That’s toxic. That’s fake. That’s inauthentic.

You might know my favorite personal quote by now: “If you feel it, you heal it, but if you ignore it, you store it.” Life is full of hard things, challenging moments, loss, frustration, and grief. If we just ignore it because it’s not ”positive” or worse, because it’s uncomfortable, it just gets swept under the rug of our own bodies, causing dis-ease, which can lead to disease.

Even, and especially, when it’s uncomfortable, to live an authentically happy life (mentally, emotionally, and physically happy and healthy life), we have to be willing to feel the full range of this human experience. Happy people do that. I do that. Yes, I’m that damn happy AND I get sad. I get down. I get frustrated. I get angry… I used to avoid that one because it was scary for me, but now I just let it run its course. Because life isn’t perfect!! Not for any human being alive!

I AM that damn happy BECAUSE I’m willing to feel it all. Because I sit with the s**t. And because of my consistent practice with the tools of happiness (Nature’s Guidance System, exercise, yoga, meditation, The Work, Self-Compassion, Inner Critic work, etc…), I move through the lower energy states of emotion more quickly and easily than someone who doesn’t allow themselves to feel the “unwanted” stuff. So I return to my baseline happy, contented, inner sense of peace and well-being relatively easily. In other words, the s**t doesn’t stick and I can access and experience the joys of life, too. And that feels damn good. :)

It doesn’t have to stick to you either. Wouldn’t you love to learn some strategies, tools, and techniques to help you authentically move through the myriad emotions of this human experience?

Good news, then! I have another FREE Masterclass for you THIS Friday at 5pm EST. Yes, that means there will be a couple of extra emails this week to inspire you and encourage you to attend. No one has ever regretted attending one of my events, I swear! So, come. Have some fun with me. We do hard things, but we have fun, too. Because life is all of those things. And you can handle it.
Click here to learn more and register: From Struggle to Serenity - Strategies to Manage Stress, Regain Balance, & Nourish Your Soul

After 30-years of being an at-home yogi, I've been converted. Today, I went to a class and I saw a friend, made a friend...

After 30-years of being an at-home yogi, I've been converted. Today, I went to a class and I saw a friend, made a friend, and left feeling so freaking happy and inspired.

Some people drag their as$es to yoga because they feel like💩 and they know from experience that they'll feel better afterwards.

Some people bounce their way there because they already love it.

Some people go to show off their adorable yoga leggings. (Maybe... I don't really know about that one... most people are just wearing black ones 😄)

I have stepped onto my mat consistently 4-5 days a week for the past 4 years; less consistently than that, but frequently, for the past 12; and much less often for the past 30 years. It was the first exercise that I ever loved. It's the one that I turn to for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. I love it. And now, I love it even more.

Because as much as I love that deeper connection with myself and Source (or whatever you call it), I thrive on a connection with others. We all do. We have an innate drive to connect with one another and I am a community builder - I've always been the one to create the community that I wanted and then to invite others into it. It feels really good this time to walk right in the door of a place and feel the community. It's something really special and I'm so grateful.

Life can be really freaking hard. And no one is happy all of the time, not even me. Not even the happiest people in the world. Because we're having a human experience and with it comes turmoil, grief, loss, change, fear, wars, doubts, and more. This is why it is so vital to learn and practice skills that can support you. To use the tools that shift you back into neutral when you've been in overdrive or completely stalled. Yoga is one tool, but there are so many more.

If you're ready to learn a few, and to walk right in the doors of the community that I've already built, that waits with open arms and hearts to witness and support you, we're here for you. I'm here for you. DM me. Let's chat.


What song makes you happy?!
Bonus points: Play it now and have a dance party!!! 🎼

It feels so much better to blame someone else, anything else for our problems than to take any kind of responsibility. S...

It feels so much better to blame someone else, anything else for our problems than to take any kind of responsibility. So, we complain about the government, the weather, Taylor Swift, and anything else that causes us the least little bit of stress or annoyance. It's their fault.

I thought for so long that if my husband would just change... stop drinking, be nicer, parent my way... then, I'd be happier.

What took me years to realize is that I was giving away all of my power. As I blamed him and placed the responsibility outside of myself, I removed the possibility of happiness. When he was in charge of my happiness or unhappiness, I took away my own ability of making the inner changes that can create peace and wellbeing no matter what is going on in the world around me.

I don't do that anymore. I take all of the responsibility for my life and my happiness because then I also have all of the solutions to my problems. We can't always change the circumstances of life, but we can always change the way we think about and respond to them and that feels really damn good.

If you're ready to be more empowered, exercise your agency, clear the overwhelm, build better boundaries, and just be happier... then make the action you take is joining me and a few other courageous souls in the Radiant Happiness Rebirthed 9-month group coaching program. The doors are still open, but they are closing soon! We meet at 5:30pm EST tonight!
DM me. Let's do this... Together. ❤

Our brains are tricky little buggers. Consciously, we can desire change, but what many people don't realize is that the ...

Our brains are tricky little buggers. Consciously, we can desire change, but what many people don't realize is that the subconscious mind is working against us. It's job is to work FOR us, but it's idea of what works FOR us can be very different from the 5-ish% of the conscious mind that says, "Eat healthier! Get more exercise! Stop dating jerks! Think more positive! Stop calling yourself names!" And so on, and so forth.

While the conscious mind is over there thinking of all the ways you can support a happier, healthier life, the subconscious is sabotaging all of your efforts.

The healthier relationship feels boring, so you dump it.
The exercise hurts! Who wants to be sore?! So you stop it.
Just one (or two, or five) cookies won't hurt!
That plan to drink less alcohol ends with just one more glass of wine.
Staying off social media ends with an hour-long scroll and you've missed your window of time to be productive.
And so on, and so forth.

And then what happens? You beat yourself up for not doing what you said you would do or for doing that same old thing again!

That's the subconscious mind doing it's job, folks. Yep, it's whole reason for being is to keep you safe. And "safe" means the same. The same. The same. Dating the same jerk in different skin suits, not bothering with healthier behaviors, because that's changing what you know. The unknown is a no-no to the subconscious. Stay where you are. Do the same things again. Repeat the old patterns.

Is that what you want? Or do you want something different?

The good news is, with support and accountability, you can get that subconscious mind on board and slowly, but surely, make sustainable change. It took me years to move from miserable and stuck to radiantly happy because I thought I had to do it all on my own. It went much, much faster when I finally sought mentorship and my own clients move from low levels of peace and wellbeing to high levels within mere months.

Imagine, in just a few months, you could be feeling the positive effects of a practice of happiness - you could be sleeping better, feeling more patient, relating better with the most important people in your life, and feeling an inner sense of peace and wellbeing like you've never experienced before. You laugh more, you smile more. You feel real joy and hope that life really can be anything you want it to be.

It's still possible for you. The doors to my 9-monht group experience, Radiant Happiness Rebirthed are still open!!! You can still walk right through them toward lasting happiness, plus, I'm offering an extended payment plan to make it an easy yes. Ready? DM me. Let's do this!!!

What are you telling yourself that keeps holding you back? Are they solid reasons or really good excuses to stay small, ...

What are you telling yourself that keeps holding you back?

Are they solid reasons or really good excuses to stay small, the same, in your uncomfortable comfort zone?

We have tens of thousands of thoughts each day and they are primarily negative and repeated. Yep, you're thinking the same shi!ty thoughts over and over every single day. No wonder you're exhausted.

No wonder you feel stuck. You've started to believe all of those reasons that you "can't" be happy, be loved, be healthy, invest in yourself, find a new career or job... the list goes on and life stays the same until you decide to change your mind.

Are you tired of constantly questioning your worth and second-guessing every decision? Are you tired of being sick and t...

Are you tired of constantly questioning your worth and second-guessing every decision?

Are you tired of being sick and tired of the same s**t happening over and over in your life?

Are you exhausted from the endless loop of worry, stress, and negative thinking?

Do you feel painfully alone and just wish you had someone to turn to for support without feeling like you're a burden?

💖It can all begin to change today. 💖

I felt stuck and miserable for years and it only began to change when I invested in myself and learned new tools, new skills, and new ways of thinking and being. Sustainable change and a deep sense of inner peace and wellbeing requires support. We can't do it alone.

✨My 9-month Group Program, Radiant Happiness Rebirthed kicks off tonight at 5:30pm EST and it's not too late for you to join! ✨

Imagine a life where self-assurance replaces self-doubt, where your confidence soars, and you embrace your uniqueness with pride.

If your own inner turmoil is keeping you up at night, you'll learn skills and tools to release the cyclical loop of negative thinking, calm yourself, and sleep better, waking up refreshed, ready to face each day with renewed vigor.

Human Connection is the #1 need for all of us. You don't have to walk the path alone. In this program you'll connect with others going through similar things and you'll unearth the richness of deep, authentic connections—with yourself and others. Say goodbye to feeling alone and begin to enjoy the warmth of a supportive community that understands and uplifts you.

Happiness is your birthright and getting back in touch with it empowers you to discover true contentment and satisfaction, making every day a step towards a more fulfilling life.

Let this be the year you create a life you love, with a deeper, kinder connection with yourself and others. DM me today to join us tonight and let's do this! You deserve more peace, more fulfillment, and more joy. ❤

❤ Did you know that I'm hosting a free class tonight? It begins at 5:30pm and you still have time to register! Why shoul...

❤ Did you know that I'm hosting a free class tonight?

It begins at 5:30pm and you still have time to register!

Why should you attend? Because the biggest difference between happy people and unhappy people is simply that they have different habits! Tonight, we'll cover:

👉 The 7 habits of the happiest people in the world
👉 The True definition of "Happiness"
👉 The Myth that prevents so many of us from experiencing it to our fullest potential, and
👉 The #1 Secret that guarantees a happier, more fulfilling life!

How would it feel to wake up tomorrow just a little bit happier?
How would it feel to have a quieter, kinder mind?}
How would it feel to get along better with your kids or teens?
How would it feel to have closer relationshps, in general? Especially with yourself?
How would it feel to genuinely like who you are?

All of that and more is possible for you when you learn and practice the skills and habits of happiness.

The sooner you start, the sooner you get there (or discover that you already are). ❤ DM me for the registration link or head to my website (deconstructed b/c FB doesn't like links): www. alifeyoulovenow .com and click on the "7 Secrets Masterclass" tab. You'll be happy you did!

❤ "Mistakes" are just Missed-Takes. You just do a Take 2!!! And learn. And grow.

❤ "Mistakes" are just Missed-Takes. You just do a Take 2!!! And learn. And grow.

Today I'm celebrating 10 years as a Certified Passion Test Facilitator!!! The very tool that helped me to transform my l...

Today I'm celebrating 10 years as a Certified Passion Test Facilitator!!! The very tool that helped me to transform my life from one of emotional pain and misery to being one of the happiest people I know is one that I still use today with every single client.

I am so incredibly grateful for all of the doors of my heart, mind, and life that it has opened for me. Like creating a fun, fulfilling, and flexible business that allows me to prioritize my self-care when a tsumani of a cold hits and knocks me down all week. 🤧😷🤧

I'm so grateful for the life I've created. I have love in a healthy relationship, a beautiful home, amazing teenagers, I get to do what I love, and rest when I need it. And when I do, I have these adorable kitties keeping me company while I keep my germs away from other humans.

What are you grateful for today?

*** Emotional states of love, appreciation, and gratitude boost the immune system, so I'm dwelling in that energy as much as possible today!! ❤


One more client saying yes to Radiant Happiness in 2024!! Are you ready for your best year yet? DM me!

Think you're "happy enough?" I hear this so often and you might be surprised at the hidden ways your unmanaged stress, n...

Think you're "happy enough?" I hear this so often and you might be surprised at the hidden ways your unmanaged stress, negative thinking, and complaining might be impacting your overall health and wellness.

Join me at Noon EST all week long in my group (Create) A Life You Love, Now! to help uncover what habits of thoughts and behavior might be hurting you more than you realize and, of course, what you can do in bite-size, manageable chunks to support you in raising your happiness set-point! In just a few minutes a day, you could be improving your physical, mental, and emotional health in ways that, with practice, will last a lifetime and create cascades of positive benefits!

See you soon! ❤


I'm celebrating another client IN for my Radiant Happiness Rebirthed Group Program AND Retreat!!!! Lives are changing in 2024! 🎉

I am such a proud coach!!! All of my clients have had their happiness scores go up at least 22 points from the time they...

I am such a proud coach!!! All of my clients have had their happiness scores go up at least 22 points from the time they started with me! One increased her score by a whopping 34 points in a year!!!! That's moving from having "little experience of being happy..." to having a "good measure" of happiness!!!

One of my favorite quotes is: What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life.

Most people are walking around putting their attention on all of the things that they don't want, instead of what they DO want!!! it's a hard(wired) habit to overcome and these clients prove that it's possible!!!

Wouldn't it be so cool to make 2024 your best year yet? Your happiest, your most peaceful, and most connected? Yeah, I promise that it would be. And it's awfully hard to do alone. My group program launches this month. Let's chat. DM me right now to start your journey to authentic, radiant happiness. ❤


Woooo!!! 🎉🎉🎉 My Radiant Happiness Retreat is happening in May and one courageous woman just put down her deposit and told me, "I want this, I need this, and I deserve this!" YES, YOU DO!!! Bold action is the way to create a life you love, my friends!!! I LOVE courageous clients. ❤❤❤

Doors are open NOW!!! 😍 And this is the kind of goofy thing that you, too, can create when you're radiantly happy, compl...

Doors are open NOW!!! 😍 And this is the kind of goofy thing that you, too, can create when you're radiantly happy, completely at home within yourself, and free of worry over the judgment of others!

Message me with Qs or visit my website www. alifeyoulovenow. com ❤ You deserve radiant happiness, more peace, and greater ease in your life!

Doors aren't even officially open and I'm celebrating another beautiful soul into my group program ready for Radiant Hap...

Doors aren't even officially open and I'm celebrating another beautiful soul into my group program ready for Radiant Happiness in 2024! 🥳💝🎉 Woo Hoo!!! 💃😍🎊

I don't have all the answers. Life isn't perfect. I'm not happy all of the time. Everything doesn't always go my way. Wh...

I don't have all the answers. Life isn't perfect. I'm not happy all of the time. Everything doesn't always go my way.

What I do know, however, is that I use my damn tools. I like to say life is like the ocean and we're all surfing. Sometimes the waves get big and not even the most zen of us can keep our balance. We fall off. I fall off sometimes. And it doesn't matter that you fall off and go under once in a while. What matters is that we've taken care to clip one of those tethers between us and our surfboard so we don't get lost at sea. That tether is like the tools and practices of happiness that we use to care for our mental, emotional, and physical health.

So, we fall off and go under the crashing waves now and then, but we don't stay there. We come up for air, grab our board, and when we're ready we climb back on and surf again. Sometimes, we keep our balance beautifully, sometimes we wobble, and sometimes we fall. All of it is ok.

It is ok not to feel happy. It is human of you to get sad, angry, joyful, overwhelmed, content, curious, shut-down, excited, disappointed... all the things.

What's not ok, what's not healthy, is to get stuck in any emotional state. We're meant to flow. We're meant to move through the waters of life.

Where are you today? On the board, upright or on your belly? Wobbly, treading water, totally under? Wherever you are, it's OK. Share it in the comments if you want to and maybe notice and note if you'd like encouragement or if you just want to get it out there off of your heart and mind and onto the screen. We're in this together. ❤

May your first night of celebration be filled with light!! 🕎💙

May your first night of celebration be filled with light!! 🕎💙

Ever wonder why it's so hard to break old habits of behavior that hurt? Why you continue to provoke the very person you ...

Ever wonder why it's so hard to break old habits of behavior that hurt? Why you continue to provoke the very person you want out of your life? Why you don't exercise, even when you feel awful in your body and think you want to get healthy? Why, why, why...

"The body becomes addicted to guilt or any emotion in the same way that it would get addicted to drugs. At first, you only need a little of the emotion/drug in order to feel it; then your body becomes desensitized, and your cells require more and more of it just to feel the same again." - Dr. Joe Dispanza

You wouldn't try to break a drug addiction alone, would you? Actually, you might, if you're stuck in a pattern born from trauma - little "t" or big "T" trauma, which can have us thinking that we are the only ones that we can trust. We have to do it alone because we can't count on anyone else. Sound familiar?

It isn't true. You don't have to do it alone and, in fact, you probably can't. You don't know what you don't know. You have patterns because they are what you learned. They are what you do know.

I was clueless about this until a friend in recovery pointed out to me that the reason that it hurt so much even considering leaving my abusive marriage was because I was addicted to that kind of treatment and the rush that it gave my brain.

🤯 Holy s**t was that a wake-up call! When I began to see our interactions through the lens of addiction, I found that it really was true... and OMG. Me, a person who has been so consciously careful about not becoming addicted to anything (thanks to a close family member with a drug problem when I was young) was addicted to being insulted, demeaned, manipulated...

And in that awareness, with support, I was able to slowly, but surely, break the addiction, choose new patterns of thought and behavior, and heal.

In my 3-day event, 3 Keys to Cultivate Healthier Relationships, we worked to bring our awareness to our negative patterns of bad boundaries and negative self-talk. Today, we tuned into possibility. What we believe, we become, If you missed it, you can still watch it in my private FB group, (Create) A Life You Love, Now!

You don't have to do it alone. We can do this together. ❤


“The only thing that stands between you and your wellbeing is a simple fact: you have allowed your thoughts and emotions to take instruction from the outside rather than the inside.”

― Sadhguru, Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy


If you feel like no one is listening and you’re just talking to yourself, maybe you’re the one who needs to hear the message most. ♥️

I just did a short, preview version of this week's 3-day event for   and it was so lovely!!! ❤ I can't see people intera...

I just did a short, preview version of this week's 3-day event for and it was so lovely!!! ❤ I can't see people interacting on this platform, but the hearts and comments are beautiful to receive!! 🥰

Our lives can get so beautiful when we believe that we're worthy of a good one. What beliefs about yourself are holding you back? Would you be willing to explore them? If so, I invite you to join us starting tomorrow FREE MASTERCLASS: 3 Keys to Cultivate Healthier Relationships Over the Holidays!

We're learning how to create guilt-free boundaries, be kinder to ourselves, and how the mind works to support or sabotage us and how we can get it working for us! DM me if you have Qs!!!



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